《Tears of Blood ✔》XXI - Rumours
Everyone's eyes were on me. I simply raised an eyebrow, as if I was worlds above every single wolf in this room.
I walked over to the opposite wall where there was a spare seat, sitting down and delicately crossing one leg over the other, crossing my arms.
No one spoke for at least another minute before finally, branches of conversation began, the attention from me slowly shifting into perhaps a few glances every now and again. And while I didn't show it, I let out a sigh of relief.
A pair of feet suddenly entered my vision, and so I looked up, noticing the man now standing in front of me. "Cassandra Verano from Bloodlust?"
I raised my brow, "Who's it to you?"
He chuckled, smoothing down his chestnut brown hair. "Ugh... Keagen Royse? From Black River?"
A small huff of air left my mouth, "I have no clue who you are."
His face furrowed, "Well, obviously, I don't know you either. But Black River is one of Bloodlusts closest allies. You know, we usually stick together in these sort of things."
"I didn't know, actually." I deadpanned, I had never even heard of Black River, let alone heard its name from Alexander.
The tension between us suddenly became unbearably awkward. "I wonder if Alana... Right, well-"
The door on the other side of the room swung open, revealing a lady, who's office attire and tight hairstyle made me realise straight away that the time for the introduction had come.
"Everyone in a line." She snapped, "We're to head into the main foyer for your introduction."
As if everyone had been rehearsing this very moment for weeks, they all rose from their seats and formed one, orderly line in less than a second. Hastily, I slid myself in between Keagen and another stranger, the slow march of us all from one room to the back area of a stage scarily reminding me of the processes of getting the injection.
I shuddered away from the thought. The same lady came up to the front of the line, staring at her watch-clad wrist with her ear pointed towards the man standing on the stage.
The man, presumably Alpha Montgomery, was standing behind a pedestal, animatedly talking about something I just couldn't hear. I watched the woman lips move as if conducting her own personal countdown before, out of the blue, she started yelling under the coarse of a breath.
"Everyone on the stage!" She went, "Stage, now!"
Again, clockwork. We all moved onto the stage, remaining in the line as we did so. The lights blared in my eyes, causing me to blink away as I situated myself in a confident position. I couldn't see anyone in the crowd but outlines of blurry figures. Though I didn't let myself search, knowing full well that this was all being televised.
"As I mentioned at the beginning of this segment, the Desert Rose Pack is thrilled to be able to hold this year's Games. Gathered here on the stage is a Representative from all 50 packs, but as you know, only one will be chosen to represent all wolves in the Games themselves." A round of respectful cheers from the audience. Alpha Montgomery continued, "Now, the trials themselves shall take place tomorrow, meaning we shall have our representative by tomorrow afternoon. However, not everyone on this stage will be competing." My blood ran cold, yet no one, either on the stage or in the crowd seemed surprised by this. "When the name of your pack is called, please take a few steps forward."
The Alpha brought out a long piece of paper, with the light focused on it, all I could see was thin black lines.
"The Ambersky Pack, The Scarlet Shadow Pack, The Woodland Pack..." He rattled on, each time a different warrior, each one as stocky and built as the last stepped forward. Finally, he called the last pack, and yet there I was, still standing in the line behind them. Bloodlust hadn't been called, and I wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not.
"If your pack has been called, please exit the stage." Alpha Montgomery said, causing a few groans and looks of shock from the men standing in front of me. "This decision was made simply on whether or not we were impressed by the skills you displayed during your Pack Trials. Unfortunately, none of you stood out."
Slowly, as if in a dream state, they all started to walk off and into the darkness below. I allowed myself to stand a little taller, a little stronger. I was still in, meaning that at some point, I had impressed them during my trials.
That was a good start.
"Now, to introduce our competing representatives!" This time, a round of excited, rambunctious cheers.
The names were non stop, one after the other as ever remaining representative was announced. A small break was left after each, allowing the crowd to display their feelings for each competition, but also so that the broadcasters could have a moment to speak about the contestant on the television. Finally,
"Cassandra Verano, The Representative from the Bloodlust Pack!" More cheers, the loudest sounding distinctly like Vance as his voice and cheers overpowered everyone in the crowd. I bit back a smile.
The intro's continued, running through everyone still standing. I tried to listen in, see if I recognised any names at all, maybe if I could work that into my mind, give myself an advantage.
Regardless, I didn't end up recognising any of them, excluding, of course, Keagen Royse from Black River, who was still standing up on stage.
"Representatives, please head back down of the stage and join your Alpha's for the dinner and from the bottom of my heart, I hope you enjoy both your meal and the rest of your time here, no matter of the result." Alpha Montgomery said kindly, this time turning to face us as he gestured his arm to the staircase that would lead us of the stage and onto the floor where I already knew the tables were placed.
Still in the organised, straight line, we all moved off the stage to the slow sound of applause. The moment the light was out of my face, I felt like I could finally see again, catching Harmony's flying hand immediately. It seemed our table was seated fairly in the middle of the room, at least another two packs worth of people also seated.
I wasted no time, making my way to the table while also doing my best to avoid any of the stares, not only from the other representatives but the other packs as well.
A chair next to Alexander had been left empty, so I quickly slid myself into the space, resting my hands on the table.
"Thank the goddess that's over," Vance sighed, "I love these things, but honestly Alpha Montgomery really knows how to talk."
"Oh, I agree," A voice chuckled. "I'd much rather just get straight to the eating."
I didn't recognise the owner of the voice, so I sent a small glance of confusion to Xander.
Xander cleared his throat, "Cassandra, may I introduce Alpha Magnus Carson and Luna Phyliss Carson of the Black River Pack, and then Alpha Cullen Usoro and Luna Wanda Usoro of the Dawnfall Pack. Of course, their Representatives, Keagan Royse and Alana Ield. Of course, Black River and Dawnfall are probably our closest allies."
Inwardly, I cursed him, had it not occurred to him that maybe I should be briefed on these sort of things? I smiled, "Lovely to meet you."
"As are we," Wanda said, "Alexander has been telling us all about you and your fantastic abilities."
"Of course, and we all saw the recordings of your tryouts. We were all very impressed," Phyliss backed up.
I didn't know my tryouts had been recorded? Nevertheless, I could barely bring myself to care. "Thank you."
I made eye contact with Keagen and I was suddenly overwhelmed with the need to apologise. I then looked at Alana, who I barely recognised. In the end, they were Bloodlusts allies, but they were also my competition. Maybe it hadn't started out this way, but I was determined to win. And there was no way I was going to let anyone get in my way.
Dinner was served not too long after we had sat down, a range of steaks, sides, salads and more to choose from. I was drooling as I piled up my plate with as much food as I could physically stomach.
We were practically silent as we ate. I slowly slipped on the water as I ate, washing down any food still in my throat. The meal was spectacular, each bite seemingly better than the last. I tried to focus on the other tables louder then we were.
"Yes of course I've watched all the recordings," A representative two tables over complained to his Alpha. "My only concern is Bloodlust, but it seemed like she was more putting on a show than competing. I'm not too worried."
I tuned out and tilted my head to the other side, "We'd be better off to pull out now. We haven't even got a chance."
"You pull out of this competition and you can find yourself a new pack to live in."
I stood up straighter again, pulling myself out of the conversation and tuning back into our table, where idle chatter had now begun.
"Of course we're hoping, and Alana definitely has the potential. I guess it just all comes down to the day and when you're in the moment." Alpha Cullen boasted, "Though, I doubt anyone thinks that their representatives don't have the ability and potential to win."
"Regardless of the fact that Cassandra is our own, I would still be betting on her." Vance said proudly, "She outshone every one at our trials by a longshot, and has been training for this only for a few days before the actual event, compared to some who have been training for years."
"It's impressive for sure, We'll be looking forward to the actual tryouts to see just how extensive your abilities are." Luna Wanda said warmly, "Now-"
I was starting to get uncomfortable, I hadn't been showing off in my trials, more so trying to make a statement or complete the task on time. Was this all the dinner was? An opportunity for gossip? I looked over to Alexander, while his face was like stone, looked utterly bored and miserable.
Our plates were clean when the woman from before moved herself onto the stage. Clearing her throat, she began to speak, "As the dinner is slowly coming to a close, we request that all representatives move so they can be moved into their dormitories and we can begin for a few preliminary medical checks. Fellow leaders, you should all be aware of the main hotel that has graciously offered to house you all and may leave for there at your leisure. Now, if you please."
She raised her hands, signalling that this wasn't up for discussion. As I stood I gave a respectful nod to Xander, Vance and Harmony. My Alpha, Beta and Beta Female. At least, that's who they were while we are here.
Alana and Keagen stood as well, the three of us walking between and through the tables as we made our way to the back entrance. I had been expecting to stay in the same room as the others, but I suppose not. Guessing from the surprised looks on their faces, I would say that Xander was expecting me to stay with him too.
It was no easy to see just who my competition was as we moved through the hallways and back out of the glass building. Unlike when we had entered, the sky was now an inky black, casting our moves with shadows as we walked.
Keagen and Alana each stood next to me as we walked in a three, suddenly making me feel both very guilty towards Keagen and very aware of my surroundings.
"I'm sorry," I said, turning to Keagen, "For being so rude when you came to speak to me. Quite frankly, I'm new to the pack and hadn't even heard of Black river, let alone them being our allies."
Keagen shrugged, "Hey, it's no biggie. If your Alpha didn't say anything then how could you have known? You know now and look, all three of us are moving into the proper trials."
"Besides, If this lug came up to me claiming that we're practically besties, I wouldn't be too keen on him either." Alana joked, leaning her hand over and ruffling Keagen's hair. "So much my luck that I've always had the misfortune of knowing him."
My mouth lifted into a half-smile, "How unfortunate."
We ended up moving towards a small, one-level building right next to a giant stadium, where I could only guess that the Trials and eventually the games themselves would be held. The woman opened up the door and led us all in, to which there was another door in the left, which I could only suppose was a bathroom, and then rows of beds, some pressed against the wall and some right in the centre of the room.
"This is where you shall all be staying tonight." She began sharply. "There are multiple reasons for this. Desert Rose has a reputation, and especially after the events of last year's Games, we want to be as careful as possible. This room is under surveillance, so if anyone is planning to take any drugs or perform illegally obtained magic, we shall know, and you shall be disqualified. The reasons for you all staying in this room is to ensure that none of what I previously mentioned occurred. Within the hour, doctors will be coming in not only to check if you have taken any overnight drugs or magic in preparation for tomorrow. They will also be coming to check for any injuries that may need to be treated or that they need to be aware of for tomorrow. Is that clear?"
A chorus of yes before she humphed, running her beady eyes over each of us, and walked out the room.
It was like everyone took a collective breath.
"Thank god that's over," I scoffed, "Who is she anyway?"
Alana raised an eyebrow, "Luna Montgomery?"
I choked on my spit. "What?"
Keagen chuckled, "That's Luna Montgomery from what I've heard she's very much the organised type. Practically keeps the whole pack in order. Seems like the Alpha is just the socialite."
I blinked, "Forget I said anything."
Our bags had already been moved here, placed on top of random beds across the room. I immediately spotted mine, which had been placed in the far corner, a relief to say the least. However, by pure coincidence or not, Both Keagen and Alana had been set up right next to me.
It didn't take everyone long to get comfortable. The room wasn't overly large, so there was someone on every bed, and though there was clear tension in the air, slow chatter was beginning to pop up.
"I'm surprised that we even managed to get here." Someone admitted, a stocky brunette who was leaning against the wall. "I don't know, my Alpha has been paranoid about the Nightstalker. He's biding his time."
Another snorted, a man from Springbridge. "Please, maybe that Organisation finally put him to rest. Or maybe," His gaze slid to me, "Bloodlust killed him and want to keep it on the down-low."
I snorted, "You're crazy."
"Think about it, last time we heard about Nightstalker, he was making attacks on Bloodlust. Haven't heard anything since." He taunted, "Anything you want to tell us?"
"I think," Keagen interrupted, "That we should be on guard, yes, but you can't plan these sort of attacks, especially not with a thief like Nightstalker, especially not with a killer like Nightstalker. I think you would be a lot smarter if you kept to yourself when it comes to them."
Another person, "You wouldn't be saying that if Nightstalker took advantage of one of the biggest werewolf meetups this year and decided that maybe, a certain representative of the Black River pack seemed like the perfect victim."
I raised an eyebrow, "What's the big deal anyway? You can't tell me you guys are genuinely worried about Nightstalker?"
The whole room went quiet, everyone's eyes on me in a look of bewilderment.
"What the fuck do you mean, of course, we're worried!" Springridge said, "He's the best of the best, never failed. You know, and he focuses on us, he targets wolves. It's the bedtime story I tell my five-year-old brother to make sure he doesn't wander out in the woods alone. And you're telling me you aren't scared?"
I leaned back against the wall. "I think that whoever the Nightstalker is, they aren't nearly as good as they think they are."
A scoff, "You're crazy."
I hardened my gaze, "I joined Bloodlust after the whole Nightstalker debacle, so I never got the details, but the one thing I do know? They think Nightstalker is a girl."
Springbridge rolled his eyes. "You're crazy, as if a woman could ever be that bloodthirsty."
I'm glad I never bothered learning his name.
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