《Tears of Blood ✔》I - The Beginning
I ran my knife over their throat, the action easy, quick and not-so-painless.
I watched the body of the fellow wolf drop to the floor, a slow stream of red ooze sliding down their chest.
He'd been difficult.
I wiped the blade of my knife over my jeans, the smear accompanying the many other shades of red and dark browns that had never been cleaned. As I started to walk away, I cracked my neck, feeling no remorse as I left the body in my wake. The sun was slowly starting to rise over the horizon, meaning that I was finally done. Usually, my missions sent me right into the heart of werewolf packs in the south, but thankfully, not this one. This mission hadn't even been an important one, just a slithering rogue trying their best to find refuge in our base. Who knows when someone would come across the body, with its mottled grey skin and bleeding neck, but I certainly wouldn't be around to find out.
The leaves crackled underneath my boots, a bothersome noise that made me wish I was back on clear grounds. Suddenly, my phone began to ring, breaking up the harsh silence of the forest. I groaned as I looked at the caller,
"Is it done?" They asked harshly.
I rolled my eyes, "Dead as can be, lying on the forest floor. It's a twenty-minute walk, I'll be back at base soon to present my brief."
"Watch your tongue when speaking to your superiors," They growled, "And make it ten."
The phone hung up abruptly. Annoyed, I shoved it into my pocket. I always hated when Madame Beaudeline called to make reminders. Master Skotos always took the time to thank me for my work, a violent enthusiast. And Mistress Hemlock... well, she was kind. And in a world like mine, kindness never went unnoticed.
As Madame Beaudeline had instructed, I made it ten. Ignoring the ache of my legs and running the rest of the way as fast as I physically could. The moment that I reached the side of a rocky cliff, I let myself stop, placing my hands on my knees to regain my breath. I straightened my back and walked to a jagged outing. I let my fingers run over the surface before finding the solid stone keypad, I typed in my identification number. The retina scan peeked out, running over my eye before the wall began to move, opening up to a metal door. I pushed it forward, slipping into the dimly lit hallway. The walls were made of the same material as the door, a dark, charcoal metal that seemed to absorb every drop of light that entered the room.
I could hear the echo of footsteps, almost like a march, drilling on and consistent. A shiver ran down my spine and I looked at the clock.
How could I have forgotten?
As I turned the corner to come in where the footsteps were coming from, I felt two hands on my shoulders, yanking me into line with the rest of them.
"Took you a while Cassandra," Coraline teased from behind me, tugging on my plaits. "Losing your touch?"
I sent my elbow backwards, hitting her in the chest with a laugh, "You wish I was, forgive me for taking a minute longer than usual and worrying you."
"Please take your time Cas, if you want to miss injection and face the consequences, be our guest. Be thankful we dragged you into the line before the guards could beat you into it." Tatiana said, casting a glance at the guards running along beside us, eyeing the weapons in their hands.
"Yeah no thanks, I'll take you guys' man hands pulling my arms out of their sockets any day."
We received a pointed glance, causing the three of us to go into silence and standing straight in the line. Back to the pristine and perfect march that they liked.
Cora and Ti were my best friends. And had been my best friends since we had first arrived.
I guess it was helpful that the three of us were also the best.
Cora was a siren, with skin so black it seemed to disappear into the shadows. She would make a fantastic thief like me if it wasn't for her bright blue hair and aquamarine eyes, making her stand out like a beacon. Her voice was like magic, twisting her words into law and causing even the strongest will powers to break. And that's why she was a Seducer, bringing in money, information and even humans who unknowingly agreed to be the Vampire's next meals.
Ti, on the other hand, was fae. With long brown hair and eyes that could never decide what colour they wanted to be. Her magic was strong, dripping out of every crevice and washing over you like ice-cold water. Because of that, she worked directly with Mistress Hemlock. She was younger, a mere nineteen to Cora and I's twenty-three. Though it made no dampen on our friendship.
And then there was me, Cassandra Verano, The Nightstalker, and the best damn thief anyone in this building has ever seen.
The Injection was a daily ritual. Every morning, the entirety of the building would receive their injection, excluding, of course, the Madame, Master and Mistress. When you first arrive, they tell you it's to keep your vitamins up since many works only from the building. That it's to keep you energised, and that it keeps you calm.
But I've been here for 17 years, and I knew better than that.
It was almost like a drug, keeping you under the control of the Leaders, and open to every single little thing they say. It was addicting, and I remember as a pre-teen I used to crave it, count down the hours until I could get it again. Most my age and even those that have been here longer still feel like that. But not me, not Cora, and not Ti. For some reason, we were different, our abilities and powers making us see past it.
Well, not completely.
In the back of my mind, I always felt the urge, the itch under my skin and the desperation for a rush. And I knew the others felt it too. Truly, there was no escaping it.
When I was fifteen, the three of us had gotten rebellious, resulting in us receiving three-day isolation. No food, no light, and dirty water that all ended up coming out anyway. You would be completely alone, your doors locked that are only opened at the end of the three days.
The only good thing?
You couldn't get your injection.
I remember the time too clearly, my fingernails digging into my skin as I made a desperate grasp for reality, the tears down my face. My mind was a blur, the actions of my past running over like a broken record. Every cut, every stab, every item I stole, how was it ok? How did I ever think it was ok? Remorse and guilt bubbling in my throat, suffocating me as I clawed at the wall.
But that was so long ago, and it was different now.
We had a cause, a good cause. Nothing I did was bad, the people I killed were worse and I never stole anything that didn't originally belong to us. At least, I didn't think I did.
The Injection didn't keep us healthy,
It kept us loyal, and it kept us from escaping.
It was almost clockwork now, sitting me down in the chair as one of the medical staff slowly lowered the needle into the container. As they pulled it out, the dark red liquid swirled, it was almost mesmerising to watch. It was blood, pure blood from each of the leaders, bewitched by Mistress Hemlock. Their blood kept us connected to them, and the magic was, I suppose, responsible for all the nasty little after-effects. I looked away, focusing on a point on the wall. I was completely used to it now, barely even feeling the pinch, but that didn't mean that I liked it.
One, Two, Three and it was over. My head tipped back as they removed it.
"You're all done," She said, wiping a linen cloth over my arm before nudging me up.
I gave a smile in thanks before sending Cora and Ti a look, "I'll see you in a bit," I whispered before following the line of the procession out of the room and back into the maze of hallways. My steps were out of sync with everyone else, and as we reached the cutoff where it started to separate into the private rooms, I turned, stepping out of the line and turning in the complete other direction.
The further I walked, the more the footsteps started to fade. Soon enough, the only thing I could hear was the whiz of camera's whirring around the room.
Finally, I reached the door to the office. I rasped my fist against it before the sultry voice of Madame Beaudeline came slinking through the door, beckoning me to enter.
I pushed open the door, placing myself in the centre of the room, and the centre of their scrutinising gaze.
Madame Avarise Beaudeline was a tall, dark-haired woman, with skin the colour of snow and eyes the colour of coal. The blood-red tint of her lips showing off her yellow fangs. It was almost as if her skin was melted over her bones, the entirety of her body looking like a skeleton. Madame Beaudeline was cruel, but she was smart, and no one could deny that.
Landon Skotos was a dragon shifter. An evil, battle-craving man with a dark complexion and even darker teeth, stained from countless blows of fire that he exhales whilst in his dragon form. He had power in that form, and you could see it. Dragon scales poked out from his skin, the same colour as his skin with a green tinge, shimmering in the light. It was common knowledge that he was powerful, bringing entire cities to a pile of ash with one breath. That's why his scales showed up on his skin, so much power that it couldn't even be contained. I looked down at my nails, long and agile with pointed tips as I felt the serrated blade of my teeth against my lip. I suppose the two of us were similar like that.
Circe Hemlock. The most talented and powerful Spirit within the last century. When Fae died, they turned into spirits, wandering the earth and casting out their powers until they had lived an equal amount of years as they did when they were fae. I had no idea who Circe Hemlock was before she was a spirit. Rumours say that she was the last Fae Queen, a reincarnation of their Goddess, even the evil witch who had cursed the land at the beginning of time. Counteracting that was of course the rumour that she removed the curse. But no one knew only the fae who remembered her, yet they were forbidden to say. They weren't even allowed to tell Circe herself. White messy hair that complemented her translucent skin. Whilst her clothes were white too, with mountains of lace and trains of materials, her woeful eyes were purple, analysing my every move into the room.
"Is he dead?" Madame Beaudeline snapped, bringing my gaze back to her.
I nodded, "Yes Madame Beaudeline."
Master Skotus leaned forward, "How did you do it?"
"A straight cut to his neck. Quick, simple and untraceable."
He leaned back with a gleeful smile. "Good, very good Nightstalker. A rogue such as him does not deserve an extravagant death."
I bowed my head, "Agreed, Master Skotus."
"Well congratulations Ms Verano," Mistress Hemlock whispered, "On what sounds like a very successful mission."
I let my face twist into a small smile, and I bowed my head again, clasping my hands even harder behind my back, "Thank you Mistress Hemlock, as always your kindness is appreciated."
I always thought it was strange that I was only ever called Ms Verano. When I was younger, they all called me that, though once my new name had been assigned, it was almost as if my real name had disappeared. If I didn't have my friends, I would assume that I would have forgotten my name by now.
Madame Beaudeline snapped her fingers. "Nightstalker, you should know we have no time for such frivolous wordings, especially at a time like this. I must be honest, I do not care about this mission, a seven-year-old could have performed it to the same degree. We have a new task for you, an important one."
My breath hitched, "Of course Leaders."
Madame Beaudeline curled upwards. "We need you to go to the Bloodlust pack, I'm sure you're familiar?"
My stomach curdled. Of course, I knew the Bloodlust pack. It was huge, making up the majority of the werewolf population. And yet, their name lived up to their reputation. Led by a ruthless Alpha with each member ready to fight at any time, just the thought of going near them made me want to cry.
"Nightstalker, should we find someone else to do this mission?"
I sobered myself up. "Of course not, Madame Beaudeline, I'm honoured that I've been chosen. I am familair with the pack."
"Good. We have a range of exploitations planned for the Bloodlust Pack, so this is a mere test, to see whether or not you are able to carry it out."
I raised my eyebrow, "Madame Beaudeline, with all due respect, I'm the best. You needn't even consider anyone else."
"Nightstalker I agree, you are the best, most violent little thief I've ever had the delight of training." Master Skotus said, his eyes glinting in madness. "Though still, due to the reputation of the pack, we must check. Of course, that's why you've been chosen first. And I will be honest, it's not like we had a list that could even come close to your bloodthirsty-"
"Landon, please, have some decency." Madame Beaudeline ordered, shutting him up immediately. "Within the pack is a jewellery store, and I certainly could use a new necklace." She dragged her bony finger over her collarbone. "Bring me a ruby pendant, Master Skotus a solid gold ring, and what was it Circe? Yes, Amethyst earrings. Feel free to pick up anything for yourself, if you can manage it. You have three days, starting tomorrow morning. You're to leave after the injection and recommended to spend the rest of the day planning. If you would please come up to the desk."
I stepped forward as Madame Beaudeline pushed forward three bags, inside each was a full needle of blood.
She smiled wickedly, "You know how to inject them yourself, do so at the regular time."
As I reached over and placed my hand on the bag, Mistress Hemlock placed her hand on top of my mind.
"Ms Verano, do be sure to inject yourself at the regular time across the course of your mission."
Her words sent me into a daze, my head lolling to the side, "Of course Mistress Hemlock, I will be sure to inject myself at the regular time across the course of my mission."
Her hands slipped away and I blinked, the foggy feeling in my head disappearing.
"Remember Nightstalker, three days."
I bowed my head. "Of course leaders. Trust me, you'll regret even thinking that you'll need someone else to carry out this task."
I pulled away, eager to exit the room. As I closed the door behind me, I felt a breath of relief leave my mouth and a series of pricks stab at my neck.
The Bloodlust pack.
I felt my face twist into a smirk. I've always been a fan of challenges.
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