《My Bodyguard.》Chapter 14- Date Gone Wrong


Marshall fixed up his shirt. It was the night he was to bring her out . Her parents said that, now that she had a bodyguard, she could now go out without them present, but Marshall had to be present. His plan was to take her out on a date to a restaurant. But it definitely wouldn't be one of those restaurants that she was used to.

He checked his clothes once again. He was wearing this black polo with a bright red tie, black jeans and worn out sneakers. Did he look okay? Would her father make her wear that goddamned suit that made him feel like Scarlette was simply an asset to be taken care of, and not a person?

He took a deep breath and marched straight to her parents' room, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Her father's booming voice commanded. He clenched his fists and went in. Her father looked up from his laptop. "Marshall. Hello. I know that you shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself, and I like that you're in casual clothes, but... Please... Bring your gun..." He said, worry lines covering his forehead. "You know, that my daughter is the only child I have..."

"Yes sir." He replied automatically.

"And if anything were to happen to her..." He paused dramatically. Hope filled Marshall. Was he, Richard Reeves, the CEO of Reeves Exporting, finally going to admit that he loved and cared for his only daughter?

"I'd lose my one and only heir. And this company would go to the Foresterr's. And that spineless shit Millard would piss away this company's money until there's nothing left. So my daughter better be in one piece and just as intelligent as when she left, kapisce?" He said, in a dangerously low tone.


"Y-yes. I understand sir." He said, fists tight by his side. "She'll be safe and sound."

In arms. He thought to himself quietly.

He bowed his head and walked out. He grit his teeth and bit down, giving the appearance of an underbite.

Selfish bastards. He thought. Can't even appreciate their own daughter.

Marshall sighed. Somethings will just... Never change. He shook his bangs from his eyes and knocked softly on Scarlette's door. "Babygirl?" He said softly. "Can I come in? We gotta leave soon."

A thud resonated from behind the door. "Y-yeah! Come in!" A small mewl came from the room "My shoe!"

Marshall chuckled and opened the door. The room was strwen with clothes, and in the middle, was Scarlette, trying on a pair of calf high Converse.

"O-oh, h-hi baby!" She said, pulling her shoes up. "W-we'll be able to go, as soon as I tie my shoe." She added, tying her shoe up, and stomping down on it, making sure it was in place. "Okay. Let's go."

Marshall smiled his crooked grin and slung an arm around Scarlette. "Babe, that's fine! Your shoe is fine, you're fine. You look amazing. Stop worrying so much!" He encouraged, kissing her cheek. She giggled and playfully smacked his chest.

"Okay, okay, fine! Just... Let's go!" She said, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers. "Where are we going anyway?"

He gave her a secretive girn. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

She scrunched up her face and stuck her tongue out, and proceeded to playfully lick his cheek. Marshall's eyes widened in surprise.

"EW. SCARLETTE! GROSS!" He shrieked, and Scarlette giggled. Marshall suddenly grinned, then picked her up. "Babe! We gotta GO!" He said, lauhing as Scarlette tried to wriggle out of his grasp.


"Ahh! Fine just put me down!" She squealed cutely.

He chuckled. He kissed her hip before setting her down. She smiled and interlocked their fingers as she slowly tugged him along. "Now let's gooo! "


In the car, which her father allowed him to drive, Scarlette was pestering him about the place they were going to eat at.

"Is it tasty there? Where is it? Do I know the name of the restaurant? Oh, do they have like-" Marshall cut her off.

"Babygirl, patience!" He scolded. "We're almost there. And you'll love it. I'm sure of it."

She pouted, but said nothing. She fidgeted around in her seat, bursting at the seams with excitement. Where was Marshall taking her?

The car soon came to a halt and Scarlette looked up to see a 60's style diner. Her eyes went wide with wonder.

"Marshall..." He held in his breath... Did she not like it? "It looks so cool! C'mon let's get in I wanna try the food here!" She squealed as she tugged his hand, moving towards the retro styled double doors.

He smiled as he let her tug him along. "I was afraid you wouldn't like it here..." He said, chuckling as they sat down in a curved booth in the corner of the diner.

"What? Babe, how can I NOT like it?! This place is amazing!" She exclaimed, gesturing her hand for him to look around the diner. It was an authentic place with stools for the counters and vinyl seats in the booths, and there was a jukebox at one end if the room. Soon though, a waitress came up to them to take their orders.

Scarlette immediately froze up and looked to Marshall to order for them.

"Uh... Well... We'd like... One chicken burger, and a bacon burger, an order of large curly fries and... Two lemon iced teas. Yeah? Thanks." He said, smiling as he secretly rubbed his leg against Scarlette. She blushed. The waitress boredly nodded and went back to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry... It's just that whenever I have to order something at a restaurant, I freeze up and get cold feet and-" Marshall silenced her with a finger to her lips.

"Baby girl I understand! It's okay, honestly. I get it. Don't worry about it! I don't mind ordering for you. I find it cute." He assured her, with his hand covering hers. She smiled. They spent at least fifteen minutes gazing into each other's eyes until their food came. Marshall took a bite out of his burger, waiting for Scarlette to try her bacon burger.

"Are you okay, honey? You don't like it?" He asked, concerned. She shrugged.

"I... I just never had a burger before..." She mumbled quietly. His eyes shone with amusement.

"Babe, just grab it with your hands and eat it!" He said, encouragingly motioning to her burger.

She nodded and did so... And as soon as the burger hit her tastebuds, she was delighted. Marshall laughed as she started to dig in.

"Like it babe?" He asked. She nodded and made a sound of affirmation. He laughed.

"I knew you would." She looked up and smiled, eyes shining. He did the same and both started to eat.

Suddenly, the doors slammed open.

"Everybody hands up and on the ground! This is a hold up!"


CLIFFHANGERRRR! I'm sowwy don't kill me. :3 I'm too cute to die XD


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