《His Elixir | 18 + | COMPLETED》C A P I T O L O D U E



This means 'Twilight' which is good to describe the golden or blue hour.

Waking up to the sound of birds singing their melodious songs, Shira woke up to the embrace of the morning sun as she peeled the curtains away from her graceful Romanesque windows.

Overlooking the front of her house, she gazed at the water fountain that stood in the middle as cars would surround it. The ongoing water flowing from the top and landing in the basin looked so satisfying that she could remain staring at it. Hypnotised.

After freshening herself and walking into her walk-in closet with a white towel wrapped around her she picked out a summery dress with a pair of flats. Entering the dining room again the scene from yesterday's event replayed in her head again.

Theo was seated on the end of the table as always with his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Shira greeted her papa and they began their casual talk. The smell of her mama's signature pancakes wafted through the air, causing her empty stomach to rumble.

Shira entered the kitchen where she saw her mum flipping the pancakes carefully while Abella was cutting up fresh peaches and Ace was busy stuffing his face with pancakes. "Bonjour, ma poupée. Comment ça va?" Her mama said while kissing her cheek.

(Translation: Good morning, my doll, how are you?)

"How come Shira gets a kiss on the cheek and I get a slap on the head first thing in the morning" Ace questions while pouting. Melanie gave an apathetic look and Ace scrunched his eyebrows together while squinting his green orbs.

"That's because you were troubling your sister by giving her foot cream instead of face cream, idiot" She bluntly spoke. Ace then huffed and continued to stuff his face angrily while entering the dining room. Shira giggled and Abella looked at her, giving her a serious look which caused her to stop and smile.

"Do you need help Mama?" Shira asked while putting her chin on her mother's shoulder. Her mum then rubbed the side of her face and shook her head "Just take the bowls and the plates and put them on the table that's all, chérie" She tapped the side of her face and Shira left.

(Translation: darling)

Everyone was present at the table and were eating their food that decorated the white ceramic plates. "Papa, where are you going for the business trip?" Shira asked as that was the first thing that popped into her mind. Alexandre looked bewildered.

"Business trip? What's this about, you didn't tell me?"Alexandre questioned. Theo and Melanie looked at each other and smiled nervously. Melanie let out a breath of air and slapped her forehead.


"Well...Uh, there's a business trip that your mother and I and the Santis's are going to..." Theo stammered while looking at Melanie and everyone on the table. Ace, Louis and Abella began laughing while holding their stomachs.

"Dad you could just say you are going on a holiday to get some action within the bedsheets since you can't do it here," Ace said, laughing in between. Everyone was silent to hear what Ace had to say and Abella and Louis couldn't hold the laughter. Shira and Alexandre joined in struggling to contain their laughter too.

"Ace Lamoureaux, watch your language, young man!" Melanie shouted, causing Ace to fall off his chair and laugh even more."You should have seen Papa's face. It was like this..." Abella recreated the image of Theo's face which made him go bright red just like a tomato.

"You're terrible at making excuses, Papa" Shira spoke while looking at her father's embarrassed face. "I agree" Alexandre joined in. Melanie shook her head while Theo coughed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Anyway, when does Shira leave to go to Santis's place," Louis asked while staring at Shira sadly. Louis was a sweet brother to Shira and vice versa. Louis wasn't the overprotective brother in the family, he was understanding and a great person to talk to if you were down in the dumps. However, he was very intimidating as he was built, but not as built as Ace since he was addicted to working out.

Louis was the sniper in the family and he was the best no one could deny. Ace was the person in charge when Alexandre, the new head of the French Mafia, wasn't there. Abella was in charge of organising shipments of guns since the French Mafia don't work with drugs and as for Shira she just trains way harder than Ace making her the best in the family.

"Monday in the morning as our flight is in the afternoon," Theo replied while looking at Shira for approval. Shira nodded and smiled.

"Oooh, can I come I really want to see whether Valerius is as the rumours say he looks like, you know like fully ripped, muscles popping everywhere, eyes that can instantly kill you and send you to hell type," She began, "Oh, not to mention that thick long pepper grinder he has kept in his pants." Abella mumbled but it left grimaced looks on everyone's faces.

"Ew, Abella, go bathe yourself with holy water," Ace said, disgusted by his sister's horny habits. "I'm starting to have second thoughts about how on earth you are my twin sister" Louis added while emphasising the word 'twin'. "Or how she is any of us's sisters" Alexandre sighed.


"Only you could say such a thing" Shira rubbed her forehead while laughing. "Wait until you see him Shira then I won't be the only one drooling and Ace you're probably jealous that he's bigger than you or any of you," Abella said, narrowing her eyes into slits.

"Abella seriously!! Quit with the horniness we don't need!" Shira said while looking at Abella disgusted and ashamed. "Yeah, but you have to let me know how long his d-"

"Abella! Jesus, sometimes I wonder if I really carried a child in my stomach or a sack of horniness for nine months. Bon Dieu." Melanie shouted, shutting Abella's mouth. Theo shook his head and smirked.

(Translation: good God.)

"She gets it from her mother" Theo mumbled and Melanie turned and slapped his head while Ace laughed and received one too. "Hey, mama that the second time today, stop with the slapping. You're going to ruin my hair" He whined while styling his slightly dishevelled curly hair.

"Well shut up then if you don't want to get another one and come help me clean, now!" Melanie shouted at him while turning to Theo, giving him a death stare that made Abella and Louis giggle.


As each hour passed Shira felt torn away from her family as if despite being so close. Abella knocked on Shira's door with her signature knock she always did."Come in" Shira spoke with a soothing touch to it. Abella stood there smiling sadly at her sister packing her clothes for her departure for tomorrow.

Abella's heart saddens once again at the thought of her leaving again as she just arrived but at least she wasn't 9 hours away from her family anymore."What's wrong, do you need something?" Shira noticed her disheartened look and questioned her behaviour.

"Nothing is wrong apart from the fact that you're leaving, even though you just came last week. But we have set up the tent outside like we did when we were young" Abella said with a smile, recalling the good times.

Shira remembers them very well when she and her siblings would sleep outside during the hot summer nights and stay up late talking, playing and laughing until their stomachs hurt."Oh god, I hope Ace lets us sleep in peace since he's snoring like a pig all the time" Shira scoffed, causing Abella to agree and laugh.

As they both walked on the soft grass, a gentle breeze of cool air enwreathed Shira's warm body, making the hair on the back of her neck stand tall.

The sight in front of Shira felt like she was living her childhood once again as everything was the same from fairy lights that coiled themselves on the poles of the pavilion to the rose bush that always helped her sleep at night. Everyone was in their own pavilion that always faced the east side, where the morning sun would rise and shine down on them.

"Hurry and move your asses, the movie is about to start!" Ace impatiently waited for Abella and Shira to sit down."What film are we watching anyway?" Shira questioned, grabbing a candy and popping it in her mouth.

"Baywatch" Ace smirked and winked. Shira and Abella instantly knew the reason why and Louis and Alexandre cheered."Anything with a bunch of girls showing their tits and ass off, you boys will come running" Abella huffed while putting a sour patch in her mouth.

"Like you won't enjoy watching the shirtless boys in there, especially that High School Musical kid" Alexandre replied while snatching the sour patch off of her.

"Ay he's literally the definition of fit and besides don't you have a fiancée?" Abella's devilish smile played on her lips. Alexandre opened his mouth to say something but then didn't say anything but take another sour patch in his mouth.

Everyone apart from the grumpy little Alexandre laughed. They all laughed and talked about their childhood tales from how Ace used to run around the garden naked and got stung by a bee on his butt to how Alexandre and Louis both ate dandelions and thought they were candyfloss.

"Shira, you know how you're going tomorrow, please be careful. I know Valerius will be there to help you but still if anything happens b-" Alexandre being the overprotective brother lectured.

"Yes I know Alexandre, I have all I need, packed with me don't worry." Shira got up from her pavilion and walked to her brother and hugged him tightly. "Group hug!" Louis shouted while he sprinted and bundled on top of Shira and Alexandre then Abella and Ace joined.

"Abella! Watch your knee, you could make me not have any kids in the future, Mon Dieu.'' Ace groaned and grunted in pain. While everyone laughed at Abella's meek apology. Everyone dispersed to their own pavilion. Shira slipped into the bed covers, replaying what her brother said 'Valerius will be there'. Shira couldn't deny the nervousness of meeting .

(Translation: my god.)

Hello, my loves, hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have, let me know your thoughts. Anyways, have a lovely day or a good night's sleep.

What's your favourite movie?

I have to say The Proposal

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