《Please Love Me (Shy! Yandere! Male x Reader)》Chapter 25 - Phone Calls
I like the eyes around him as well, very creative :D
I'm glad that so many people like Alec. I thought that most of you didn't really like Alec because he just inserted himself into my mind and the plot.
Alec: *laughs evilly* I have invaded into the author's brain. Now I will take Y/N for myself! *dashes off to find Y/N*
Leon: Wait! C-Come back here y-you intruder! SHE'S MINE. *chases Alec with a knife*
"Another death?" You exclaimed in disbelief. You, Melody and Grace were in the bathroom and just chatting while Grace touched up her makeup. Melody nodded solemnly, pulling out her phone to show a news article of the recent piece of news. You skimmed through its content, enabling yourself to get the gist of the situation. Another body was found in the same place of Lizzy's murder and her body was mutilated as well. It must be the same murderer, right?
"The police are coming here to investigate eventually, I think." Melody added.
"Monika, huh? It was a shame for her to die..." You mumbled. Even if she was quite mean to you, that didn't mean she deserved to die. Fortunately, now there's no pest in your life.
'Wait! Don't think things like that! That just makes you a horrible human being.' You scolded yourself.
Grace smacked you before reapplying her lip gloss. "You don't really sound genuine. If people heard about your reaction, they're gonna suspect you're the murderer!"
You rolled your eyes. "Me? Of course. I'm totally strong enough to carry a body and cut people up when I can't even look at someone chopping another person's arm off in an anime."
Grace snickered and whispered 'pussy', so you bumped into her making her smudge her the lip gloss she was applying.
"Still. Murder and death is a serious subject so we shouldn't mess around with it, especially in school." Melody was always that mature one. Out of your friends, she is definitely the mom of the group while Gabriel is the dad. You nodded in agreement at what Melody said. It shouldn't be taken lightly, but at the same time, what could you do about it? You didn't even know her that well.
"Anyways, that raises a concern - it's highly likely that the murderer is currently in the school right now, considering we've already had two deaths here." Grace had finished touching up and instead was thinking deeply into this situation.
"But what if the killer only targeted Lizzy and her connection?" You interjected, "Because Monika's family was quite influential was well. What did they do again?"
"Her family owned a cosmetics company." Melody responded. "Lizzy would frequently advertise their products even though she only had a few hundred thousand followers. Though that's still quite a lot as a high school student."
"Maybe the killer was targeting the cosmetics company then?" You suggested. Your two friends nodded, trying to let the information sink in. "Anyways, let's get out of the restroom. I feel like we've already been here for half an hour!"
Leon, Gabriel and Alec were all sitting outside on the nearest bench, doing their own things and chatting occasionally while you and your girl friends talked. You laughed hard when Grace had joked about random students looking pitifully at the sad male trio waiting outside the girls toilet because half of the group was in there. You should really stop hanging out in there.
"Did you guys miss me?" Grace winked flirtatiously at everyone. They all responded with the same dull 'no'.
"I swear, you guys take an eternity in there." Alec complained. Too much time was wasted not with you. Plus, there wasn't really socialising unless everyone was around. There would be a few conversations here and there but everyone would go back to their own things. Leon was currently reading books about math theories, something he did not enjoy very much while Gabriel was reading another mystery novel at which Alec forgot the title.
Alec himself, however, played fun games on his fun while he waited. Leon would sometimes peek over his shoulder and ask him about the games and Alec would offer for him to try it. Just because Leon was a rival doesn't mean he had to be rude to him. That will only worsen your image of him. But still, Alec would always have his guard up just in case.
When all six of you started to talk, the subject somehow went back to the deaths of Lizzy and Monika.
"Speaking of Lizzy, are you going to her funeral?" Gabriel inquired. It was one of the few things he's been wondering considering your rocky relationship with her.
You smiled embarrassingly and scratched your head. "The funeral is only exclusive to close friends and family who got an invitation. I didn't get one, which made sense, because we weren't really on speaking terms anymore. Sometimes I wonder if our friendship was even real at all."
"Knowing Lizzy, and from my e-experience, people are willing to fake friendships just to feel g-good of themselves," Leon shrugged. "It probably wasn't g-genuine at all."
You frowned. "I guess if you put it that way..."
Leon hugged you, gently rubbing your arm comfortingly. "It's f-fine. You have m- us now."
'You don't need her anyway - she's dead. Remember her in a bad light.' Thoughts coursed through your boyfriend's mind, though he kept a neutral face, one he had learned over the past few weeks.
There was slight pause before Alec spoke up. "Changing the subject, some parents are contemplating on whether or not to pull their children out and switch them to another school. But because there's no proof that the the killer had relations to the school, nobody has done so yet."
"I mean, it does make sense. We should really think about who we interact with now." Gabriel's statement made you think carefully.
"If the killer was a student, who would want to hurt both Lizzy and Monika?" You said your thoughts out loud for your friends to hear.
Alec was quick to respond to your query. "Lizzy and Monika did have a lot of common enemies now that I think of it... but I'm still stuck on who hated the two girls so much, since they were dismembered and all."
"M-Maybe we should leave this to the professionals. We don't have any evidence and it's n-none of our business anyways." Leon fiddled with his fingers. As much as he was proud of his accomplishment, he was sick and tired of hearing about someone who was already dead.
However what was more concerning was that Monika wasn't killed by Leon... Was there someone trying to copy him? He clearly remembered of a manga you were reading a few months back - a guy who comes across a notebook that allowed him to kill people with a pen, face and name. Kira. He used it to kill criminals? At least that's how he remembered it. Leon also recalled that there was a second person with another notebook, but this person - that's name starts with an M - was obsessed with Kira and killed innocent people in the beginning to get his attention.
So there were multiple possibilities but the top two was that the second killer was either obsessed with Leon or with his dear Y/N. But then again, he shouldn't be basing a murder off a fictional story. Comparing his situation to the manga, both victims - Lizzy and Monika - were 'guilty' unlike M who killed innocent victims on TV to make a statement.
If another person obsessed with Y/N is the killer, then the main suspect would be Alec. It was quite obvious that he had feelings for you. But Leon lacked the confidence to tell you to stay away from him because it would make you unhappy. Maybe Leon really should just kill Alec instead. It would be much easier. Alec had student council on the day of the murder but it was highly possible because he could've just hired others to kill for him since he's quite well off.
In addition to that-
"Leon! What's with you and daydreaming?" You snapped your fingers in front of your boyfriend for the third time.
"O-Oh. S-Sorry, the deaths have really taken a toll on my mind..." Leon crossed his arms vulnerably to get his point across. If he didn't have stage fright and anxiety, he'd totally sign up for drama club.
You placed both hands on his shoulders and grinned at him. "Don't worry. If that bad guy tries to kill you, I'll be there to beat him up with my big muscles!" You showed him your biceps which were lacking the 'big muscles' that you claimed to have.
"And I'll also call the police." Melody piped in. Grace snorted. You didn't look like you could handle a murderer for shit. But the things people did for love; who knows?
Leon shyly kissed your cheek in affection. What you said was a bit ironic, really, but he was willing to take whatever you gave him. "T-Thank you."
"I'm scared too, Y/N! Comfort me!" Alec pouted and opened his arms wide. Before he could engulf you in an embrace, Leon interjected.
"N-No! Leave my g-girlfriend along, i-incubus!" Leon pulled you away from Alec, causing Grace and Melody to laugh. Everyday with Alec and Leon seemed to be like two boys fighting over a girl in kindergarten, one more rambunctious than the other.
Gabriel whacked his friend on the head. "Ask that to someone who doesn't have a girlfriend, dumbass."
Your best friend slowly turned to Gabriel and started to wiggle his eyebrows. "Gabby~"
"No. Just no."
"C'mon! I thought you were single~!" Alec started yammering on and on until your poor friend finally lost his shit and gave into his devil of a friend.
"Fine! Do whatever you want. Just leave me out of it." Gabriel muttered grumpily, walking away from Alec and next to Melody. At least he could find some peace and quiet next to her.
"Drop me off at the library today, please." You requested to Alec's driver.
"Why do you wanna go there?" Alec asked, fiddling with the games on his phone. There was a library at school already, why do you need to go to another library?
"Well, there's this book that the school doesn't have. They have the first and second book but didn't have the third one! I thought that it was a shame because it was such a good book so I checked online to see if the public library did. And they did! So I'm heading over to borrow it."
"D-Do you want us to c-come with you?" Leon asked. There were just so many people there... what if one of them approaches you? "How will you go back home?"
"Nope, it's fine. I got this. I can just walk back home."
"Hmm... do you want me to send a car?" Alec opened a messaging app, ready to send a text to one of his staff members.
"No! Seriously, don't fret over it. It's only a ten to fifteen minute walk." You waved your hand.
Since the library was the closest destination, you were dropped off first, leaving the two males behind.
Alec frowned. "I feel like it's not safe for her to be out there when there's only a few more hours until it gets dark."
Leon wholeheartedly agreed. Just because you only spend around one hour in the library does not mean a guy won't go up to you and start a conversation with you. Just imagining that - how dare they? Those lowlifes don't deserve even a fraction of your attention. However, Alec's probably going to send someone over to check on you, something Leon didn't want him to do.
"I-I think she can manage on her own. There's still a few hours before d-dark and she probably won't take that long."
"Hm... I guess so." Alec thought that as your boyfriend, Leon would be more invested into these things. Your best friend is kind of disappointed that you're dating someone who barely cares about you. Was he really the murderer then? Alec is clearly the better choice, considering how Leon doesn't even care when you leave his sight for more than an hour outside.
The rest of the ride was awkward.
"W-Well... this is my s-stop. S-See you tomorrow." Leon stammered. Actually, he hoped that Alec never came back. He was a nuisance and pain in the butt.
"Hm. You too."
After Leon left, Alec made a few calls. Maybe it was time to confirm who Leon really is.
"Is this...?"
Your phone was vibrating again.
Who could it be? All you wanted to just was find a few books to borrow in peace. Rummaging through your bag, you finally found your phone and checked the annoying person that kept calling you.
Leon <3 is calling...
Oh, so it was your boyfriend. Instantly, your anger melted, but the feeling was soon replaced by worry. What's wrong? Why's he calling you so many times?
"Hello?" You whispered. You wanted to leave the library but you already had a number of books in your basket that you didn't want others to take away. "Is something wrong?"
"Y/N!" Leon happily said you name. "Nothing is wrong. I wanted to ask you something."
"Okay. Make it quick, I'm in a bit of a hurry."
"Why?" His voice became curious, "Are you with someone right now?"
"No, but you're meant to be quiet in the library and I'm almost done. I'm probably going to check out my books in a few minutes."
"Did anyone approach you in the library?"
"No. Why?"
"Never mind then. Love you."
"Love you too." You quickly hung up and continued to look through the book shelves. Upon finding a good pick, you tiptoed and reached the book, only to have someone snatch it away from you at the very last moment. You turned around to see Lucas who had to book you were looking for.
"Excuse me," You whisper-yelled. "I was going to get that."
He rolled his eyes, pointing the middle finger at you. "That's what you get for being too slow." With that, he sauntered out with the book you wanted.
You were fuming. 'I will remember your face and stab it in my fucking sleep.'
By the time you got home, Leon had called you four times. You were only in the library for 45 minutes! It was a bit frustrating, to be honest. During your time in the library and the way back, you had felt your phone vibrate so many times to the point you contemplated on muting him.
After settling down, you called Leon back. He had called two more times before you did so.
Almost immediately after you dialed his phone number, he picked up.
"Y/N! Why weren't you picking up!" Leon sounded a bit agitated and demanding.
"Hi babe. What did you call for?" You decided to keep your cool so the both of you won't end up lashing out on each other or crying.
"W-were you with someone else? Did someone talk to you? Was it a guy?" His voice kept getting louder and louder with each question asked. Although it was cute that he was jealous, you thought that he was taking it too far.
"Honey? I didn't talk to anyone in the library." Except for the rude guy that stole the book. Luckily, it wasn't the third book that I wanted.
"T-Then why weren't you answering my phone call?"
"Leon, you can't expect me to answer every single phone call you make. I already answered the first one but you called me a few times after that as well. Next time, you should text me. I'll probably respond in less than 30 minutes."
"That's too long! Plus, I did send messages. But you didn't read them. As your boyfriend, shouldn't you pick up every call I make?" Leon sniffled, like he was on the verge of crying.
You tried to put it in the sweetest way possible without sounding a bit annoyed. "Babe, as your girlfriend, you can't expect me to do that. Even though I love you and wish to be with you, I won't always be on my phone 24/7."
"...B-But a good girlfriend should r-respond to her boyfriend in case there's an emergency."
Being a bit fed up with your boyfriend's persistence, you tried your best to sound hurt. "...Oh. I thought I was a good girlfriend. I guess I wasn't as good as you wanted me to be." Cue the dramatic pause and sounds of incoming tears.
"N-No! You're the most perfect girlfriend I could ask for. I'm so s-sorry I ever made you think you weren't," He cried, "I just wanted to check up on you because I was w-worried for you!" Worried for what?
"I understand but... next time, though, can you call me less? If I don't respond in like, three hours, without telling you where I went, then you can bombard me with calls."
"Okay," Leon mumbled. " Y/N... you love me and only me right?"
"Of course I only love you. Who else is there to love other than you?" You giggled.
He sighed a breath of content. "Me too. Be careful of the murderer."
"Goodbye then." You gave him a kiss through the phone and hung up.
Is anyone confused on what happened in this chapter? or in any chapters in general? If there's a big hole in the plot, please tell me because I'm not good at finding them. To be honest, I sometimes even forget details of my own story.
Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! Please vote if you did :3
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