《Please Love Me (Shy! Yandere! Male x Reader)》Chapter 23 - Do You Love Me?
Uh... what was Lizzy's last name again? I forgot Gabriel's as well. I don't think I've given Melody a last name either. Gah, I should've written in down.
f/s = favourite snack
"- a body was found in a forest near an abandoned warehouse, where the police speculate the murder took place. The victim was Lizzy Sanders, Instagram star and heiress to Sanders Co., a well known teenage clothing company. We'll spare you from the gruesome details, but it's said that her limbs were detached from her body! The police are still investigating this case, but they believe this to be the work of rival companies who wanted the heiress dead. However, they aren't too sure. That's all the news we have so far, stick-"
"Hmmm..." Alec laid back on his bed. Hands behind his head and staring at the blank ceiling. This was definitely not the work of rival companies, but in fact someone infatuated with you. If the body was mutilated, the murderer was more likely trying to seek revenge, not benefits to a company. Looking back on all the small hints...
He had an inkling on who it might be. How rude of him, to steal Alec's kill.
"Did you hear the news?" Leon was stirring the milk in his mug to cool it down when Lea started to discussed the recent piece of news with him and Vince.
"You mean the murder of that girl?" Vince responded naturally as he flipped to the next page of his newspaper. It was definitely all over the news."
"Right! I heard she was in your school, Leon. You should be careful alright?" Lea turned towards Leon. She gripped his hands. "Don't talk to any strangers or follow them anywhere."
In Leon's mind, he was quite amused. But of course, he didn't show it. For now, he'll be that good boy everyone sees him as. "Y-Yes, mom."
"And try going home straight away, okay? Just for the time being. I know the police thinks that our school is not relevant to this case, but I'm still a bit wary." Lea frowned.
Vince, who had put his newspaper on the table, patted Leon's shoulder with his meaty hands. "I'm sure he's capable of taking care of himself. I'm going to go to work now." He took the lunch his wife made for him and left without a word.
The two said their goodbyes at him before returning to their daily tasks. Lea had already prepared lunch for Vince and Leon so now, she would usually watch a bit of television, kiss Leon goodbye when he leaves, and go back to sleep. Leon, got lost in his thoughts.
After Lizzy's death, Leon carried the dismembered corpse out in the forest for the animals to eat and disposed of all the evidence like the gloves, his clothes, and other weapons he had used to torture your bully. He kept the knife because of its sentimental meaning and made sure to clean it with hydrogen peroxide. There were no cameras in the warehouse, nor the path he took that led him to it. The excruciating pain on Lizzy's face was absolutely delightful.
Who should he get rid of next? Alec was one of his top choices, but the sadness his death would cause you would break Leon's fragile heart. When you cried, he cried. When you were happy, he was happy. His emotions all heavily depend on your mood.
Before he knew it, he had already finished his piece of toast breakfast and checking that everything was in place. Leon can already see the familiar morning van that was picked you and him up. When he got in you and Alec were already giggling about things in the morning. The two of you were awfully chummy.
"Morning," Leon softly greeted you. You smiled and kissed his cheek.
While you did, your boyfriend noticed that you and Alec had matching nail polish. "Y/N... Did you go out with Alec yesterday?"
You gave Leon an dense smile. "Did the nails give it away? We went to his house yesterday and did tons of fun things."
Leon slowly looked up at Alec. How dare to take away your valuable time! Someone as worthless as him doesn't deserve to be spending time with you after school as well. Nobody was as dedicated as him. In fact, nobody deserves to see you except him. Nobody...
"O-Oh. I see."
"Anyways, did you hear about Lizzy's death yesterday?" Alec rudely butted in. It seems like it's all everyone can talk about in the morning. Even when she's dead.
"Wait. Lizzy died?" You widened your eyes in shock, your voice raising. You only watched the news when your parents are occupying the TV and you didn't check social media yesterday. When you went back home, you simply finished to do your homework, showered, and went to bed.
"You need to be more up-to-date with the news, honey." Alec clicked his tongue. Leon's focus, though, was not on the murder, but the fact Alec called you honey! Although it was a term of endearment that could be used as a friend, his dad called his mom honey! That meant that in Leon's own mind, the nickname 'honey' was meant to be used only by a lover.
"D-Don't call her honey!" Leon squeaked angrily. "She's MY honey!"
In a petty manner, you boyfriend pulled you towards him and away from Alec. You melted at the sight of Leon's jealousy and adorableness. He was so cute!
However, you were still a bit shocked from Lizzy's death. It was all so sudden. Although her death didn't faze your best friend and boyfriend, you had been with her for quite a long time. But after revealing her true colors, you couldn't help but think if all the 'good' memories were fake. Now all you could do is stare at nothing.
As Leon ranted over why Alec shouldn't call you nicknames, your best friend was still contemplating over the murderer. Leon really felt like a harmless puppy. Could Leon really be the murderer? He'll have to observe closely. Maybe he'll hire a private investigator as well. Next time, if there was someone bothering you, he'd make sure that HE got rid of your bullies first.
Leon had been clinging on to you all day.
"Because I miss you," He insisted.
'And you've been spending more time with Alec than me.' But he didn't mention it.
You thought nothing of this, and accepted his affection with open arms. He was just so cute! After each class, he was always waiting outside to escort you to your next one and glaring at all the people who dare look in your direction behind your back.
Then at lunch, he isolated you from your friends and spent the whole break hugging you while eating lunch on the field. Your other friends were already on the roof and had been notified of the reason to your absence. You were sat snugly on Leon's warm lap and resting against his arms.
Your friends decided not to interfere - much to Alec's dismay - especially when Leon had been acting jumpy and weird this morning. He almost lashed out on Grace who jokingly called him a neglectful boyfriend because you were spending more time with Alec rather than him because he was busy. If only she knew what he had been doing. It was all for you!
"I'm n-not n-neglectful! H-hah, I've been the most a-attentive, supporting and d-dedicated b-boyfriend anyone can ask for! You don't know how much trouble I make just for her. It's all for her! My dear Y/n..." Leon touched his lips, a faint red blossoming on his cheeks. "I love her more than you can ever imagine."
Everyone was stunned by his outburst. Who knew Leon could be this forward? After what he had said, Leon's whole face turned red.
"I-I mean... I really love Y-Y/N," Your boyfriend then continued to blabber all about you, your cute flaws, and how great you are, making everyone except Alec groan. Your best friend, on the other hand, was nodding in agreement and adding in little details as well. Soon it became a competition to who knew you better. Who won? They never knew because
So now you were on the rooftop, peering down at your lively school while relaxing in Leon's lap as you ate the f/s that Leon had bought for you on a rare occasion. The boy practically melted at your touch. Every once in a while, he would sigh, making you turn back at him to ask what's wrong.
"It's a sigh of happiness," Leon gave you a cute smile, "I'm just so happy you're mine."
You pecked his lips. "Me too."
There was a peaceful pause while the gently wind blew on your face. Out of nowhere, Leon suddenly asked, "Do you love me?"
You paused. Of course you did. You pretty much think about it everyday. Wanting to humor yourself, you replied with a no. You were curious to see what his reaction would be as well.
"W-What?" Poor Leon didn't understand. He's done so much for you, but you can't even return his feelings? All this time, he thought that his passionate feelings for you were mutual.
"Sorry, Leon," You continued to play along with your little joke, "I don't think I love you."
Leon was still. "Y-You don't l-love me?"
Desperately, he gripped the sides of your shirt tightly, pulling you closer to him in a slight hysteric manner.
"H-Haha. Am I not good enough? Is it because I don't spend enough time with you? I-Is it A-Alec? Am I," dare he say, "a bad boyfriend? I can change, I promise! " His eyes showed different things - insanity, sadness, obsession, eagerness - and you could see them tearing up. His arms wrapped tighter around your body, as if you'd leave at any moment.
You panicked a little bit, not expecting him to react that way. It scared you a little. You tried to wiggle free out of his grasp, but it was no use. His hugs were tighter than a snake's grip on its prey. His hands were digging into your skin too deeply. It hurts.
"Please love me." Leon gazed at you with such intensity. "I don't know what I'd do without you. I-I'd probably snap or something. You wouldn't want that, would you?"
Snap? What does that mean?
The way he held you and looked at you, it was as if you were the light of his darkness. As an attempt to soothe your boyfriend, you thought the best thing to do was give him lots of hugs and kisses to make sure he knows he's loved and calm him down. Maybe you did take the joke too far.
"Of course I love you, silly. I love you with all my heart!" You peppered kisses all around his face, wiping the tears off with your sleeves. "Don't cry, it makes me sad."
"Y-You'd never leave me, right?" You kissed his lips softly as a response.
"Yep." You hooked your pinkie around his.
Steadily, Leon stopped sniffling. Instead, he started to mumble angrily at you. "You scared me there! If you d-do that again, I don't know what I w-would've done!"
"It was a joke. I was just wondering how you would react. I promise I won't do it ever again."
You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him again. This time, Leon kissed you back, sliding both his hands down to your ass and squeezing it, making you gasp. Taking advantage of your action, he slipped his tongue into your mouth with a passionate desire. This continued for a few minutes before the two of you were gasping for breath. But Leon still wasn't satisfied.
He lowered his lips to your jaw and slowly made his way down your neck in a sensual manner, nibbling and licking on the way. As he did so, you were tempted to move back because it was a bit ticklish, but soon, you got used to it. Finally, he reached a part of you on your neck that was particularly pleasurable, making you moan a little. Leon noticed, and began to focus more on that area, delicately sucking on one spot and occasionally giving you small nibbles.
While doing so, your legs wrapped around Leon's torso tightly and pressed against his body in pleasure. Who knew a little joke would turn into a heated make out session? When Leon finally lifted his face from your neck, he proudly looked at the reddish-purple love bite.
Now for the next one.
Shortly after, your neck was decorated with love bites to which Leon stared at with pride. Now everyone would know that you had a boyfriend. Although you couldn't see the hickeys because they were on your neck, you knew there was a lot due to Leon's happy expression and a slight ache in one region of your neck.
"Hehe~ Now everyone will know you're mine. You're all mine~!" This time, he peppered you with light kisses which you giggled at. Sometimes, you forgot how that Leon could be childish too. You decided to ignore Leon's previous sudden change of personality because that was the first time it happened.
Your friends knew what happened just from looking at your neck - it was quite obvious. Grace and Melody smirked at each other and started nudging you, wiggling their eyebrows. Gabriel acted disinterested but you had seen him peek at your mark a few times. Alec was quite again. Then, he excused himself to go to the bathroom but he never came back. You assumed he was going to his next class, so you did too.
Because Alec had extra-curricular activities and Leon needed to go to the public library to return a book, you sat in the limousine alone today. It was uneventful and you spent your time listening to your favourite music. Honestly, it felt nice to be alone once in a while without two people suffocating you with attention.
You were so into your thoughts, you didn't notice the car stop. The chauffeur called out to you and you thanked him gratefully for driving you even though it was Alec's car. He tipped his cap with a smile and drove off. Just in time, you received a text from Leon.
Leon <3: Just finished returning and borrowing the textbooks.
Leon <3: Are you free this Friday?
You: yep! what about it?
Leon <3: Was wondering if I could come over to your house and watch a movie or something :P
You: hehe, ofc you can
Leon <3: How about the weekends?
You: sorry, ive decided that i want to be alone this weekends
You: cuz sometimes, you just want to be alone, ya know?
You entered your house and greeted your mom, heading upstairs to unpack your bags and wash your hands. In your pocket, you felt multiple vibrations but chose to read them after you settled down. When you finally did, you found out they were all from your boyfriend.
Leon <3: What?
Leon <3: Did I do something wrong?
Leon <3: Are you mad?
Leon <3: Wait, is this about Alec? Are you secretly meeting up with him?
Leon <3: Y/N, are you ignoring me?
Leon <3: Hello?
Leon <3: I'm coming over.
You got a bit agitated by how he reacted. You simply wanted alone time and it wasn't relevant to Alec whatsoever. Still, you texted him back to clarify what you had told him before.
You: of course i'm not mad! you didn't do anything wrong
Leon <3: Oh... then why were you ignoring me?
You: i wasn't. i just came back home so i wanted to settle down before opening my phone and texting
You: btw, my alone time has no relations to Alec in anyway, ok? you don't have to get so jealous >o<
Leon <3: But, aren't I your boyfriend? I can get jealous, right?
You: too much jealousy is unhealthy for you and me
You: and you don't need to come over
Leon <3: ...
Leon <3: Okay...
Leon <3: I miss you already
Leon <3: I love you
You used to find that text sweet but...
You: missing and loving you too
...it felt a little off.
I felt EXTREMELY awkward writing the kissing scene and I thought about what I was doing with my life.
Do you guys want multiple endings? I was thinking of Leon's, Alec's, and a polygamous one. I was originally only going to do the last option.
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