《Under the Radar》Happy Birthday Mia


Packing was a pain in the butt, but unpacking was way worse. Especially since it was raining... and gloomy... and my birthday...

I drive from home was around five days. I got to California last night and had trouble finding the new apartment but made it there by 12:30 am. I was exhausted by then and ended up just sleeping in the car seeing how the moving truck wasn't there yet. I expected to wake up to a warm, sunny, day. Instead I was woken up my the moving guy tapping on the car window, with rain and fog everywhere.

But the moving company was actually a big help with the furniture. They helped me out with everything so by the time they left, I had a bed, a couch, a table, a few dressers, and my tv was set up. I didn't know that they did that sort of thing but it was totally nice of them to help. By 5:30, I was on the couch eating Chinese food and watching Magic Mike.

I jumped out of my seat when my phone rang. I grabbed it and answered without looking at the caller I. D. "Hello?"

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Mia, happy birthday to you!" The group sang.

I laughed, "Thanks guys. It means a lot!"

"How's the new apartment, Hun?" Tanner asked.

I sighed and chuckled, "It's alright. The moving guys helped me with the big things, that would of sucked if I had to set them up myself, so I've only got a few little things left. But it's so different being on my own rather than with you guys or even with my dog. And I-"

"Oh my god! Stop complaining and open the damn door!" Charlie yelled, causing my eyes to widen and making me run to the door.

Once I opened it, I screamed excitedly. Charlie and Molly were screaming too. "You guys are here?!" I grabbed them all in a group hug and squeezed for dear life.

"Hell yeah we are! Why would we miss your birthday?" Andrew ruffled my hair. "Besides, we wanted to see your new apartment."

"Now let us in, my hair is getting soaked," Jax grumbled.

They all walked in and made themselves at home. Mia gave the girls a tour while the guys finished my Chinese food and and flipped through the channels.



Daniel's POV

Five days earlier...

I ran. I ran all the way to her house. I was late. What if I missed her? What if she already left!?

I recognized my friends along with Mia's standing outside her house. "G-guys! Where- where's Mia?"

The girls were crying, I noticed Mia's parents were too. Andrew and Jax glared at me and the other guys just shook their head. "She's gone. Isn't she?" I ran a hand down my face. Vinnie nodded. "Shit!"

Andrew got red in the face. "Screwing things up like always, Storm. Not once since graduation have you spoken to Mia. You told her that you loved her, and blew her off like she was noth-"

"I didn't blow her off, alright! And if I did, it wasn't intentional! I've been sorting things out for a while... Gramm... She sold the house. She didn't say anything, just said 'Here, take this. You'll need it for college.' She told me to pack up and that whatever I couldn't bring, she would save in a storage unit." I said sadly.

"Wait, what?" Jax gasped.

"Yeah," I scratched the back of my head. "She and her boyfriend are moving into a gated community for the elderly."

"A nursing home?" Tanner chimed in.

"No, jackass! It's gated community; everyone has an individual house and everyone must be 55 years and older to live there or something."

"So, like a nursing home... but minus the nurses." Tanner rolled his eyes.

I glared. Jax fixed his hair to the side and said, "Wait, so you're telling me that Gramm sold the house to pay for your college and the whole time Mia thought you were ignoring her, you were packing up?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

Ronnie laughed. "Bro, you are one idiotic dude." We all just turned to look at him as if to say, you're one to talk.

"Where were you accepted anyways?" Jax asked.

"Uh..." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the crumpled letter, "California. I was accepted to California."

Andrew shook his head mumbling profanities. Molly squealed and leapt onto the guy standing next to her... who looked oddly familiar. I raised an eyebrow at her. Charlie cleared her throat, "Well we should get going. I'll text ya'll later with the details."


"Details for what?" I asked.

Andrew snapped, "For something that doesn't involve you. Mind your own business, Storm." As they left, my friends gave me a sad-pat on the back while the others just left.

I was left standing there, staring down the road, with Mia's parents. I sighed and turned to leave, but Mia's mother called out.

"Wait!" I turned around and faced her. "I'm sorry about their attitudes. Andrew has always been protective over Mia. They were planning on surprising her for her birthday in a few days. They were going to meet her as a surprise."

Mia's father walked up to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Son, if I've learned anything over the past couple of years, it's that once you truly love someone, you never give up fighting for them. Do you love Mia?"

I blushed. Yes. I actually blushed. "I-yes, sir. I do."

He smiled with a proud look in his eyes, "Then go after her. She's headed to California. Here," He held out an invitation with an address on it, "This is what the others were planning. It's a surprise birthday sort of thing for Mia. We won't be able to make it, but I think you should go."

I stared at the invitation in my hand. After everything I've caused for his daughter, he wanted me to go after her. "Sir, I don't know what to say. I-uh... thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled.

"Now if you want to make it to California by her birthday, you better get moving! Make the right decision. Please, don't hurt my baby." The mother pleaded.

I gave a sad smile and hugged them both, catching them by surprise. And with that, I ran. I ran all the way back to the old house. I loaded my car and I gathered Happy and his belongings. I called Gramm; we wished each other luck and promised to visit one another.

And with a final glance at what I was leaving behind, I chased after the girl I loved.


Mia's POV

Thunder cracked and lightning struck as my friends and I sat in the living room watching a movie. I was happy, I really was. But my mind couldn't help but wander back to him. Not one phone call. Not one text. Sure, I was upset. I was angry. But I figured, there's either a logical explanation, or I should just get over him.

I wandered over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

Ding dong!

My eyebrows bunched up in confusion as I walked over to the front door. "Do you want me to get it?" Charlie called out from the living room.

I laughed, already beginning to open the door. "No, Charlie! I got-" my eyes widened, "Daniel?"

There he stood, soaked from standing out in the rain with wide eyes as if he was surprised to see me. I gaped like a fish out of water, not knowing what to say. Daniel snapped out of his trance and caught me by surprise. He grabbed my hand, pulled me to him, and kissed me. And I kissed back.


We broke apart from the kiss and looked over to where the sound came from. There stood our friends with smirks and surprised looks on their faces, while Molly held the Polaroid camera they gave me and Charlie was fanning the photo with a smirk. "Guys lets give them some privacy." Tanner shoved them back into the living room.

Daniel and I turned back to each other. He rested his forehead onto mine and stared into my eyes, smiling. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for that."

I looked away, frowning. "You never-"

He sighed, "I know and I'm sorry. It was unintentional. I was busy packing and helping Gramm move in with her boyfriend." I gasped and he laughed at my expression. "Yeah, I know long story."

"But packing? Where are you going?" I asked.

"Wherever you go. That's where I'm going."

I giggled, "That was corny."

He shrugged with a smile, "I know." He looked lost in thought for a moment with a boyish grin on his face. "I love you, Mia."

My heart bust for the millionth time this year. But this time, it was with happiness. "I love you too, Daniel."

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