《Under the Radar》Daniel Shows Up


Recap: I jumped on top of my bed and groaned. I'm moving in with my father...that's something I never thought I would say. I rolled over and found my phone lighting up with unread messages.



- hey, where've u been? You left pretty fast the other day :/


- hey hun, how you feelin?


- Mia, we love you. Please talk to us :(


- babydoll it's been a week, you okay?


- Hey, if your reading this, we are on our way over. Andrew says he's sorry but he can't come. Tonight is an away game and won't make it back until eleven.


- Heyy, wanna hang sometime?


- We're coming over later


- do you know anything about the new kid James...? I heard he keeps asking about you...


- Mia, it's been a week and a few days. You're freaking me out, you won't answer my texts and every time I ask your friend she gets scared and runs away :/


- >:( that's it. I'm on my way to your house

I gasped and showed Charlie the text. It was only sent a few minutes ago. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into my bathroom. "Mia, take a shower. You reek." She held her nose. "Seriously though. And I'll lay out some clothes for when you're finished." She closed the door on the way out.

When I finished I ignored the jeans and flannel shirt Charlie laid out, and put on sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I slipped on some fluffy monkey-socks (they had a monkey face on each foot), and trudged down stairs. Charlie and Andrew were sitting on the couch playing games on their phones.

A few seconds later, the front door slammed open and Daniel stormed inside (a/n: get it? Stormed? Daniel STORM... nah...okay).


He stomped right up to me and.... hugged me. Surprised, I hesitantly hugged back. "Mia, where were you? What happened?" He rubbed my back comfortingly as if he knew what was going on. "People keep talking about whatever's going on but whenever I ask, they won't tell me! On top of that, the new kid won't shut up and I have no patience for him what so ever!" I tensed up and my hands dug into his shirt so hard, I'm sure there would be holes.

Daniel noticed and placed his chin on the top of my head. He whispered, "Does this have anything to do with that new kid, James?" I didn't answer and and buried my head deeper into his chest. "Do you know him?" I nodded my head. He played with my hair as he interrogated me. "Were you ever friends?" I didn't know how to answer.

Thankfully, Charlie saved me. "Storm! That's enough questions for one day, alright?! I'm sure she'll tell you when she's ready!" He dropped it from there on. Charlie and Andrew left soon after, Charlie warning Daniel not to bring James up anymore. He didn't understand why, but he got the point by the way she looked at him. We sat around, watching movies and eating pizza. It was in silence, but I felt safe. It pulled me back into reality, because I knew...

Daniel would never hurt me.

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