《Under the Radar》Andrew's POV


"They're letting James out. He's coming back."

After one last whimper, Mia fainted into my arms. Molly went to comfort the crying Ms. Summers and Charlie was blank. She was frozen, staring into space with a hard, emotionless, face. Ever since the incident, Charlie has been overprotective of Mia. I mean, so have I but, Charlie went a little overboard. I guess she got a little traumatized, I mean I kind of did too, knowing what Mia was living with. All the things that prick has done to her. Charlie went all out, she joined special classes on self defense and other fighting skills. If anyone, male or female, were to lay a hand on Mia, Charlie went after them. Although she usually acts tough, I knew, at this very moment she was terrified.

"Molly, you take Charlie home. Just stay there and I'll pick you up later. Just take her car though, I think she's too deep in shock to drive." She nodded, let go of Mia's mom, took Charlie's hand, and led her out the door. "Mama Summers, I'm gonna take Mia up to her room. Then I'll be back down." She said nothing and moved to the living room couch.

As I laid Mia down on her bed, I looked down at her face. Usually, when people sleep, they are at peace. Mia was not at peace, she was at war. She looked like she was in trouble and needed help. But while she was in dream world, I was not. I couldn't help her.

I turned and headed back downstairs to her mother. "Ms. Summers, are you okay?"

"She's not ready, you know? She can't even talk to guys now, she doesn't trust them. You're lucky she talks to you. She won't even talk to her own father anymore."


"I wouldn't blame her after what he did to you."

She ignored my comment. "She won't go therapy, she refuses. She's not ready for James to come back. Especially not now." I nodded understanding what she meant. "Today, I honestly thought she got over everything. I saw her with a boy, besides you that is. By the looks of it, I thought they were together." My head snapped up in shock. Mia...with a guy?! Who was he?! "But when I asked, she looked so shocked. She said he was just some boy from school. I had hope, you know? I thought there was finally going to be someone to protect her and open her up to the world. Once again, besides you. You're always there for her. I trust you. You'll always protect her, right?" She looked at me with tears in her hopeful eyes.

Just as I was about to answer, an ear splitting scream came from Mia's room. Without hesitation, I jumped up and ran to her. She was crying in her sleep, sobbing even. I lifted her in my arms and softly shook her.

"Mia! Mia wake up!" I pleaded as I cradled her in my arms. I looked down at her tear stained face and wiped away the tears.

"How'd we get here?" She whimpered.

"You fainted after your mom told us the news. I brought you up here and went back down to talk with your mom. Charlie brought May home for me. But while I was talking with your mom, you started screaming so I ran up here and woke you up." I brushed hair out of her face. "Was it the nightmare again?" She nodded into my chest. I sighed. "Don't worry, Mia. I won't let that happen again. I'll protect you." I meant it. I wouldn't leave her, ever.


I soothingly rubbed circles into her back. "Promise?" She pouted.

I gave a weak, sad, chuckle. "I promise, Mia."

Soon she fell asleep. She wasn't at war this time. She had a smile on her face while she cuddled into my arms. I gently put her onto the bed and placed the blanket over her. "I'll take that as a yes, then?"

I jumped, spooked by the fact Mia's mom appeared behind me. "Huh?"

She chuckled. "You answered my question from before. You will protect her. He'll be out in a month. You saved her before, I think you'll save her again."

But my main question was... What if I can't.

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