《His Baby-momma》Chapter 26
My eyes snapped open when I felt pain in my left abdomen. My hands instinctively moved to caress my tummy and I could feel my little champion kicking.
I sat up on the bed and lifted my shirt and rubbed my belly.
"Someone's a little feisty today." I cooed as baby continued kicking my abdomen and then suddenly stopped. I felt baby move then the kicking continued but now on my ribs. "Owww, have some mercy on mommy. Mommy is going to an event with daddy tonight. Is that why you're so hyper right now? " I giggled. " I bet if daddy was here, you wouldn't be kicking me so hard." I sometimes get jealous of the bond that Ethan has with baby, if the baby's a girl, I swear she's gonna be a daddy's girl. "I think I should call Daddy, I haven't heard from him all day and I think we're both missing him."
I reach for my phone that was under my pillow and dialed Ethan's number.
"Babe." Was the first thing he said after three rings. Just that one word alone was enough to increase my heart rate and create a damn zoo in my tummy.
"Ethan." I whined
"What's wrong? Is everything okay? Are you in pain? Are you and baby alright? " He bombarded me with questions.
"I miss you. I miss you so much! Even baby misses you, so much that baby woke me up from my nap with the constant kicking. And you're not here to talk to baby so I can continue with my nap." I nearly cried out.
"I'm so sorry baby. I just had a lot of meetings lined up today, and...and I'm sorry that I wasn't with you at all today- You know what? Cut the call and I'll video call you. I have to see your beautiful face right now." He rushed through.
I cut the call and answered the video call on the first ring.
He smiled at me, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. His hair looked messy, I bet he ran his fingers through it a million times. He seemed to be in a hall that was being decorated, as I could see people moving in the background with flowers and curtains.
He started moving away from the hall and got into a room then locked the door. He was in the washroom.
"How's my darling doing?" He smiled
"I'm tired. And when I finally got to nap, baby started kicking. Please talk to your child." I whined and moved the phone down to my tummy.
Even from the video call, one could clearly see how my left side was moving in a slight in-out motion because of how I was being kicked. Baby must really be excited and hyper today, and I didn't have any sugary stuff.
"How's my little baby doing today? I can see that you're very awake and are trying to make your presence known, but don't be like mommy. You know we always give you attention, and are always aware of your presence. So decrease the kick boxing in your mommy's tummy, she's my partner at the gala tonight and I need my partner on her two feet. Please be a good daddy's girl and listen to me. Daddy loves you sky size." He finished off while blowing kisses.
It's like baby could understand what Ethan said. The constant kicking on my left side softly stopped.
"Why doesn't baby listen to me?" I pouted
"Because you're not daddy." He smiled again. I bet if he was here he would've flicked my nose.
"I wish you were here. I would really appreciate a human pillow and a cuddle buddy right now." I pulled his pillows to my sides because it wouldn't come to chest because I have the phone resting ontop of my tummy and my thighs. "I miss you..." I whined
"You'll see me in a bit love. Then you'll have me for the rest of the night, and eternity." He said, running his fingers through his hair. That move!
"I want you now" I complained
"Good things take time babe, so you'll have to be patient." I just stared at him. " Why don't you start getting ready. The earlier you finish, the earlier you get to see me." He suggested.
"Alright, but can you stay on the phone?" I asked.
"I have to make sure that all preparations for the gala are going accordingly, then I'll have to get ready." He pouted
"Why are you doing this and not your assistant?" I questioned while rubbing my tummy.
"My assistant is busy babysitting the mother of my future kids." He smirked
I folded my arms and pouted.
"Don't do such adorable things when I'm not around."
"Why not?"
"Who's gonna pull your cheeks since I'm not there?" He raised an eyebrow
"I will!"
I looked up startled, when I heard Sean's voice.
"Get out!" Ethan irritatedly shouted.
"Do you wanna kill me today? How many times do I have to tell you that you can't just barge into people's rooms like that?" I freaked out.
"So you're telling me that this isn't the first time he's doing such, around you?" Ethan asked
"He barged into my office when I was about to nap. Talk about a near death experience." I complained. " And tell Ethan what you said when I scolded you?" I looked at Sean.
"Uhm, I, I have to get back to something in the lounge." I scurried out the room.
"I'll deal with him when I see him." Ethan said in a stern voice.
"Oh please, give him a break. Sean is my baby."
"Then who am I?"
"Judging as you're not here right now. I don't know, who are you Ethan?" I feigned forgetfulness.
"Don't worry about that, just get ready and I'll tell you who I am when you get here. Oh, and I've got a chocolate buffet for you." He grinned with a wink.
"Why do you like to torture me?" I whined as I got out bed.
"Its not torture babe, motivation for you to get ready quickly." He chuckled.
"I hate you."
"I love you too sweetheart. See you when you get here. I'll be sending a car for you guys." He blew a kiss.
"I love you." I blew a kiss and waved at him.
"Come to think of it, I don't mind staying on the line while you get ready." He smirked.
"You're such a perv" I laughed and cut the call on him laughing.
I did light make up, consisting of foundation to enhance my dark skin, eyeliner and mascara. Dark maroon lipstick so it could balance out the black from the dress. I undid the twist I did on my hair and ran my fingers through it. I smiled at my reflection, pleased with the way I look. I have to go looking good, I am representing Ethan after all and he's the CEO.
I slipped my dress on and called out for Sean to help with my heels.
"What? We're not on talking terms." He snarled when he entered the room.
" Why is that?" I batted my eyelashes at him
"You snitched on me." He pouted
"Stop being a big baby Sean. It's not like you'll get into trouble with Ethan " I waved off
"How can you be so sure?"
"I live with him and I'm pregnant with his child. Soo... how much more assurance you need?"
"You're the best. Now what did you call me for?"
" Help me put these on please." I pointed to my heels
He shook his head and knelt down.
As Sean buckled the next heel I heard a car hoot.
"Hurry. Ethan sent the car for us." I impatiently said
"Yeah, yeah. I'm done" he stood back up with his hands in the air.
"Come on" I dragged him along.
Sean opened the door and I shrieked when I saw the car.
"Is that a Royce? Or am I seeing things?" I excitedly shouted.
"It is, and you're not. Now let's go." Sean rolled his eyes while chuckling.
"What is the gala for?" I asked Sean once we were settled in the backseat of the Royce.
"He signed this big deal with an investor so they're celebrating with a gala." Sean shrugged and scrolled through his phone.
"I was told to give this to you." The driver said with a paper bag in his hand.
I reached forward and took the bag. "Thank you. Did Ethan send this?"
"Yes ma'am." He smiled back and revealed his wrinkles. He must be in his late thirties and early forties.
"Please, call me Elena."
He nodded and smiled then started the car.
I eagerly opened the bag and my mouth instantly watered when I saw sour worms, my favorite dark chocolate and grapes! It also came with a card.
To my heart
A little something for my favorite girls ; )
I smiled as I read the card. This guy and his obsession for a girl.
"Let's see what it says." Sean squealed
"For my eyes only." I smacked his hands away.
"That is so gross. Who sexts over cards? You guys are nasty." Sean shook his head and reached for the bag with my goodies inside. I double smacked his hands and pulled my bag to my chest.
"Owwwww! What was that for?" He rubbed his hand.
"Don't touch what's not yours. How do you know that the stuff inside aren't for sexting over cards?" I looked at him.
"If there's food in there, then I don't care if that thing was produced while you guys dry humped. Food is food."
"We'll continue this conversation when you have your own."
"You're such a meanie." He pouted and pulled out his phone.
I smiled and pulled out the sour worms. Sean shot me a dirty glare and looked back at his phone.
I let out a loud hiss when I felt a kick on my bladder.
"What?" Sean turned and looked at me startled.
"Nothing, the baby's just kicking me. Real hard." I strained out and shifted uncomfortably.
"Oh. Please don't tell me that your waters gonna break now?" Sean looked startled.
"No, the baby kicking has nothing to do with my water breaking, and I'm not even nine months yet. " I laughed out. I whined when I felt another kick.
"Thank God." He breathed out.
"Feel." I took his hand and placed it on my tummy.
"It feels weird." He pulled his hand back and shivered.
I giggled at his reaction. The rest of the car ride was in silence.
My heartbeat increased when I noticed that we were approaching a place that was littered with paparazzi.
"Why are all these people here?" I panicked
"You're forgetting that Ethan is a billionaire babe." Sean shook his head and put his phone away as the car came to a stop right in front of a red carpet and the paparazzi.
"We're here." Said the driver who's name I still am not aware of.
I gave him a nervous smile as Sean exited the car.
It's just my luck that my seat is directly facing the red carpet and the gossip hungry paparazzi.
My door opened and looked at the open door expecting to Sean, but instead saw a very hot Ethan. His wide broad shoulders were covered by a black turtleneck, that was tucked into grey slacks, with a grey blazer on top. His hair was gelled back, jaw looking as sharp as ever and I swear I drooled on the spot.
His hand lifted mines from my side and I was pulled out of my thoughts.
"I'm guessing you love the way I look?" He smirked with a wink.
"You have no idea." I dreamily said.
"Let's get inside." He chuckled.
I slid out the car with much difficulty and as soon as my feet touched the ground Ethan's lips were on mine.
I was taken by surprise, but I kissed him back with just as much passion when I regained my senses. He pulled away and smiled down at me.
"Been wanting to do that since the day began." He smiled down at me. "We're gonna go in now, please keep your head down and don't answer any of their questions." Ethan said.
I looked around and only then did I remember that paparazzi was around. I just kissed Ethan infront the paparazzi. My face warmed up and I immediately buried it in Ethan's chest. His hand circled my waist and we started making into the venue.
"Who's the woman that's with you Ethan?"
" Is she pregnant with your child?"
" Are you two in a relationship?" ...
Questions were coming from all sides. Ethan and I finally entered and the I couldn't help but gawk at how beautifully done the place was.
There were tables set all around the place and an empty space that seemed to be the dance floor, there was a darkish theme around the place and it looked more like a club than a business event. There were also beautiful lanterns hanging from the ceiling.
"This place looks wow." I stared in awe.
"Not as wow as you look." He took my hand in his.
"Didn't know you were the cliche type." I smirked at him.
"Not my fault you make me." He kissed my neck.
"Okay. Thank you for the PDA but I think we're good now." I pulled away from Ethan when I heard Abby's voice.
I shrieked and tried hugging as much of her as my tummy would allow.
"Damn, you're so big I can't even hug you no more." Abby said while staring at my tummy.
"What nearing the third trimester has you looking like." I chuckled. " Is JoJo back?" I asked Abby when I noticed JoJo wasn't with her.
"Not really. I think she'll be back by next week or something." She said
"I'll be back babe, let me just go look for Sean." Ethan said and kissed my lips.
I nodded while looking at him with a smile.
"You guys are just so cute." Abby smiled
"We try." I laughed and Abby soon joined in on the laughter.
I felt like I was being watched while Abby and I chatted and when I looked around I noticed that there was a man staring at us, Abby, to be more specific.
From where we were standing he looked pretty tall. He was dressed the same way that Ethan had but the only difference was that he wore a black suit and not grey.
He'd sip on his scotch while intently staring at Abby. A grin automatically appeared on my face.
"Why do you look like that?" Abby asked
"My feet are killing me." I painfully said. "Let's go sit." I grabbed her hand and led to the table where that man was seated. Abby sat next to me, while I somehow found myself seated next to the guy instead of Abby.
Mental face palm and shake of head.
"So what were you saying?" I asked Abby. She seemed to notice the way the guy was literally just looking at her, and looked down.
"Abby! What were you saying?" I repeated and made sure that her name was loud enough for him to hear.
"Nevermind that. Were you also part of the planning committee?" I asked
"What planning committee?" Abby asked
"Ethan was here when this place was being decorated, so I thought some of the people in the office were also helping out." I babbled out.
"Ethan was here during the set up because he likes things to go his way. None of the workers are involved in planning." Said Mr 'sip-and-stare' finally.
His voice is deep but smooth. Not bad.
"I should've guessed." I thoughtfully said.
I stretched my hand towards him and introduced myself. "Hi, I'm Elena."
"Jesse." He took my hand.
"And your friend is?" He asked when he noticed that Abby wasn't going to introduce herself.
"Abby." I smiled. "Do you work at Ethan's company or are you from the other company? Because you seem to know alot about Ethan. "
"I'm one of the investors. I know Ethan so we'll because I partner up with him quite a couple of times." He placed down his glass and straightened in his chair.
"That's really nice to know. So do you have a girlfriend?" I blatantly asked
I felt Abby bump my knee and I looked over at her.
I was about to question her but refrained when I heard someone hitting a glass with a fork maybe.
I looked in the direction and saw that it was Ethan.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'd first like to thank everyone for availing themselves and attending this event. Must say, everyone is looking impeccably beautiful and smart tonight." He said while staring at me.
He looked so hot in that stage that I couldn't even understand the words that were coming out of his mouth, all I could see were his lips moving.
I was snapped out of my trans when I saw everyone raising there glasses and saying a toast to something. I looked over at Abby and Jesse just to see that they both had glasses in their hands.
I'm pregnant and can't drink. Could someone please bring me a milkshake.
I looked around for a waiter, but stopped when I felt the spotlight land on me. I looked up at the blinding light then looked at Ethan.
"And I'd like to make an introduction to everyone present in this room tonight. I'd love to introduce my one and only love, the mother of my future kids, Elena." He said with a smile on his face, and everyone started clapping. Some people even whistled.
Gosh, I'm gonna faint from all this attention I'm receiving tonight. "Babe. I've got a surprise for you." Ethan said and looked behind me. I turned as well so I could see who or what he was looking at. Just as I was about to turn, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back and saw JoJo.
I attacked her with a big bear hug.
The smile on my face is so big and bright right now.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?" I asked JoJo when I stood.
"I wanted it to be a surprise and damn was it a surprise. And oooh is your tummy big." She said while rubbing my tummy as if it were a magic lamp.
"You could've at l-" I stopped half way when all the lights went off.
My whole body went cold. "JoJo?" I called and tried reaching out for her, but she wasn't standing where she was at first.
"Abby? Ethan!?" I called.
Why is it so quiet. I began taking deep breaths to calm myself down. And tried reaching out for a chair or table.
I screamed when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and the lights immediately came on. No one was behind me but when I looked down, Ethan was on one knee with a sapphire ring in his right hand.
My hand flew to my mouth and my eyes watered. Is he gonna do what I think he's about to do?
"Elena. My love, my heart, my soul, my riches, my now,my tomorrow, my forever, my everything. You brought love, excitement, joy and meaning to my life. I still remember that night I saw you, I think that's when I started loving you. You've taught me how to live and what love is. I love everything about you, from your chubby little feet to your eyes that get even smaller when you smile or laugh. Your smile alone can brighten up my entire life and don't even get me started on your contagious laughter. And I just can't seem to imagine it even picture my life without your laugh, smile and you in general. My heart is a palace and you're the ruler. I'm your Clyde and you're my Bonnie. That's why I'm here, on my knee and asking for your hand in marriage. I'll foreve-"
"Yesss!!" I shouted while nodding. " Yes, yes, yes!" I shouted.
He slipped the ring on my finger, kissed my belly then stood and swept me off my feet with the kiss that he gave me. It was slow, passionate and very loving. He pulled on my bottom lip, then slipped his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away from the kiss when a moan escaped.
"I love you." I said with my head laid on his chest.
"I love you too." He said back with a peck on my forehead.
I got startled when the spotlight was no longer on us and the normal lights came back on. Then people started clapping.
I saw Ethan's mom approaching and I rushed to her for a hug.
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