《What Love Is | ✅》27 | M O R N I N G


8 days later

River whimpered quietly when she felt something a bit hard between her legs. When she heard a groan come from beside her, she peaked her eyes open and then giggled at the sight of Hayze who seemed to be mumbling in his sleep.

Slowly, she admired every detail of his handsome face. His long, dark eyelashes. His well shaped eyebrows. His slightly hollowed cheeks and his sharp jaw which was starting to grow in a little stubble.

A little dent was above his eyebrow as well as a tiny gap in his actual thick eyebrows. It gave him his ruggedly handsome 'i have been through some stuff' look.

His lips were weirdly plump but they molded right with hers and they were soft so River couldn't complain.

River gasped when she felt the hardness touching her leg again. She peaked under the blankets and noticed the bulge in Hayze's pants.

She had to stifle a giggle at how naughty it felt to be sneaking a look at her husbands crotch.

She stared back at his peaceful face and bit her lip when she could have sworn she saw her name escape his lips in a silent whisper.

She quickly scrambled out bed and quietly made her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She then put on a short pearl silk nightdress before pulling her hair up into a ponytail with a few loose strands in the front.

After she felt fresher, she made her way back into bed beside Hayze who was just starting to wake up.

He let out a little puff of air before sitting up and cracking his back and neck. He then leaned over and pressed a kiss to River's temple.

"Good morning, Hayze," she smiled.

"Good morning, pretty girl. You seem to be in a good mood," he said as he stretched his arms over his head revealing his very toned abdomen from under his thin white t-shirt.

"I am," she said as she sat up.

His eyes widened when the covers dropped from around her. "You weren't wearing that last night."


"Would you like me to go into work later?"


He quickly sprang off the bed and basically sprinted into the bathroom before coming out six minutes later with a fresh face and his hair swept back with water. Evidence of his fingers having been ran through it were seen by the small gaps in his brown hair.

He jumped into the bed in a superman pose which made River laugh and he grinned up at her.

When he sat up, she crawled into his lap and straddled him before leaning in and pecking his lips.


When she pulled back, his hand swept to behind her neck and he tugged her back before smashing his lips into hers.

The faint taste of mint hit River as they kissed and she moaned as Hayze squeezed her bum into his two large hands.

At the back of her mind, a little voice mentioned repeatedly, how she had never felt this way before. And Nico had never caused the flutters in her stomach and the thumping in her chest like Hayze did. Not the good ones anyway.

His hands hungrily roamed around her body as they kissed before he slipped the straps of her dress off her shoulders and pulled it down, revealing her to him.

"All mine," he mumbled as he squeezed her breasts gently.

She whimpered as he trailed kisses down her neck and to the tops of her breasts. Her hips ground against him unconciously until he lifted her off and lay her back into the bed.

She reached for him but he just shushed her as he placed kisses all over her body. "So beautiful, bella rosa."

She was panting for breath now as he slowly slipped her underwear down her legs.

"Open," he said as he tapped the inside of her leg.

She immediately spread her legs and he squeezed her hip in praise.

"You're so little," he said as he pressed kisses to her silky skin.

She squirmed in anticipation as he came back up and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Open wider," he said huskily against her neck.

She did as he said and gasped as she felt his long finger trace her womanhood.

"Are you wet for me?" He asked playfully.

"Sì," she gasped.

He chuckled and gave her a soft kiss as he gently swirled her arousal around. "My language is rubbing off on you."

She felt his finger prodding at her entrance and she nervously gripped onto the bedsheet.

He shushed her. "Ease up. You're too tight."

She relaxed into the bed and eventually Hayze was able to slip his finger into her. She whimpered in discomfort.

"It's okay. It will feel good soon," he said as he slowly stroked his finger back and forth.

When he thrust a single finger a little deeper she tried pulling away but he quickly caught her and pressed down by her waist. "I know, i know. You're really tiny but i've gotta do this so i can fit later."

She let out a shaky breath and soon the discomfort turned to an oddly nice feeling.

"Mmm," she sighed quietly.

"Thats right babygirl," he said as he added a second finger, stretching her further. "Only i can make you feel this way, sì?"


"Sì," she moaned.

He thrusted his fingers faster and she clenched around his fingers. "Merda, you're so tight pretty girl. How will i fit inside you?"

A knock at the door made her bite down on her lip. She tried to grab his wrist to stop him but he pinned her arm down and thrusted his long fingers faster. "Moan for me, babygirl."

"Mm H-hayze. Someones at the door," she gasped out.

There was another knock. "Excuse me. You have someone coming here in twenty seven minutes to go over designs for a green house." Hayze pulled her lip away from her teeth and she let out a strangled moan.

"Let him hear how good i make you feel," he whispered as he pressed a kiss to her jaw. "Thank you Vito. I'll be there soon!"

Her eyes widened when she heard how casual he sounded. When she didn't hear Vito's footsteps fade away she bit her lip harder to keep her sounds in.

Slowly, Hayze pulled his fingers out and she whimpered.

"No, Hayze. Please. More," she said as she grasped his wrist.

"As long as you let me hear you," he said with a smirk.

"Okay," she said as she squirmed around and bucked her hips to touch his hand.

His fingers slipped into her and she moaned loudly, throwing her head back.

"That's right, good girl. I can't wait to be inside your tight little hole," he said as he stared down at her.

River started to tense up when she felt something in her tummy. It was kind of overwhelming. "W-wait. I-i don't l-"

"Its okay," he said gently, though it sounded distant to her ears. "Just let it pass." She looked up at him for reassurance before she closed her eyes and her small body began to shake. "Open your eyes so i can see them."

She opened her eyes and looked straight into Hayze's blue eyes as she moaned. "H-hayze!"

She felt a warmness flood out of her and onto his hand as he slowly eased his fingers out of her.

He kissed her softly and she smiled against his lips drowsily. "I love it when you moan my name."

She watched as he brought his fingers to his mouth and he sucked one of them clean of her arousal. She grimaced and grabbed a tissue from the bedside table before grabbing his hand and wiping the other finger.

"Thats disgusting," she said as she scrubbed his hand with the soft tissue.

He chuckled and pulled his hand away before licking his pinky finger which still had a bit of wetness on it. "You taste good, baby girl. I know i'll be having you for dessert from now on." He winked playfully at her and she would have swooned if she wasn't so embarassed. Instead, she pretended to gag and then she turned over and shoved the pillow over her head.

"Sleep in. I've got some business i need to finish up," he said. She peaked her head out of the pillow and pouted at him and he gave her a bright, charming smile in response. "I'll be around the house so you can come see me whenever you like."

She continued to watch him as he stripped out of his t-shirt and threw a dress shirt on. The whole time she had her hand over her mouth to stop from drooling. He was so fit.

He turned around to face his walk in closet as he took off his basketball shorts and he was left in some thin, clingy boxers that made River realize how great his butt looked.

Wow, his butt is bigger than mine

It actually wasn't. It just seemed that way because he was such a big guy. It was toned and his thighs were pretty large; obviously meaning he never missed out on leg day.

He jumped into his dark dress pants before turning around and giving her a smug smile. "I could feel you watching me."

She blushed and covered her eyes but then peaked through her fingers after a few seconds. She just couldn't resist.

She almost choked as she watched him reach into his dress pants and tuck away the large hard on in his boxers.

"Have you seen my black leather belt, River?"

She sat up and quickly pulled her dress back up over her shoulders before pointing to his belt hanging over the back of a chair in the corner.

"Thanks." He grabbed it before expertly slipping it through the loops and tightening it.

He quickly ran over to River and leaned down so he could kiss her. She got up on her heels and pecked his lips before quickly fixing his hair.

"Alright, i've got things to do. Be good," he said before stepping out of the door and shutting it.

River sank back into the cool white sheets with a sigh and then she began squealing and flailing her legs and arms around in the air.

So this was what it felt like

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