《Midnight CEO》25


Carter," I whispered as I was too scared to speak or move. This monster in front of me was terrifying. "Please, don't do this," I tried to run but he was too fast and caught my arm instantly.

"Who are you?" He growled right in my face with complete disgust.

"I told you, it's Ebony. Carter, please don't hurt me, " I cried out, trying to pull my arm from his hand. "Why do you want to hurt me?"

"Ebony is dead, WHO ARE YOU?" Carter yelled in my face again grabbing my throat with his hand.

"I told you," I cried. "You're not listening to me."

"How dare you insult me. I'm going to enjoy killing whatever you are." he bared his teeth to me and squeezed my neck. "I don't have time for this." He began to tilt my neck to the right in his hand slowly. "Tell me what you are or I snap your neck with one move of my fingers," Carter growled digging his fingers into my skin.

"Sunshine," I whispered.

His muscles tensed at my words. "What did you just say to me?"

"Sunshine, You always called me your sunshine."

"How do you know that?" He squeezed my neck tighter. "Nobody knows that but.." he stopped talking and stared at me. "Nobody knows that but her." I tried to speak but I couldn't as his grip around my throat was too tight. I let my tears fall down my cheek as I struggled to breathe. "How is this possible? I saw you dead, they showed me your body." I felt his grip around my throat loosen and I gasped for air.

"Do you remember the snow? We danced in the snow when we were in Russia and that's when I knew I was falling in love with you." I saw his eyes flicker with aqua as I spoke. "Carter, it's me."

He stared into my eyes and said nothing.

"Please, you have to believe me." I reached over to his hand but he pulled it away still watching me with his yellow eyes. "Carter, please,"

"They told me you were attacked by vampires and died in the forest." His eyes flickered red. "I know you're dead. I felt it. I felt her die."


"They tricked you, I'm not dead. Carter, please. You have to believe me. I'm here, looking for you in this world." I cried out. "Please, can we just go home now?"

"Stop it," he yelled clenching his fist again.

"Don't you want to go home?" I said sighing and looking up at him.

"Home?" He repeated.

"Home, with you and Jake. We just want to take you home."

"Me?" He repeated as his eyes flashed aqua again, and his hand dropped from my throat. "You want me?"

"Yes, you. I came to take you home. I miss you." I reached up and touched his face.

He closed his eyes and shook his head as he scrunched up his face. He growled softly before he opened up his eyes.

"You're not dead?" He whispered.

"No," I smiled.

"Home." He said softly.

"Yes please," I placed a soft kiss on his hand.

He closed his eyes and I saw his face tighten as he tried to comprehend what was happening.

"Carter, it's ok. It's just me." I reached up to his face and touched his cheek, but he flinched away slightly, shaking his head. "What did he do to you?" I said as he opened his eyes and just stared at me blankly.

"I thought you were dead." He said softly. "I saw you."

"It was a spell to trick you. It was dark magic they used on you. I'm okay." I smiled up at him as he closed his eyes again tightly.

"My beautiful sunshine," he said softly as he opened his eyes and I smiled to myself as they were my favourite colour, silver.

"Carter," I whimpered out as he smiled at me. "I..."

"I love you, Ebony Summers. I don't know how but I do." he ran his fingers through my hair. "My beautiful heartbeat," he crashed his lips to mine and kissed me deeply as he lifted me off the ground. I wrapped myself around him and kissed him passionately.

"It wasn't you dying that I felt; it was the fear inside you. I felt your heart Ebony and how scared you were being trapped here in this world. I didn't understand it, but I do now," he kissed me again.


"How did this even happen? Who did this to us?" I said in between his kisses.

"I don't know but..." He suddenly held onto his chest. "Oh god, it's back. I can feel it again," he yelled loudly as he dropped to his knees, clutching his heart. "Why? Why is this happening?" He groaned as he held his head in his hands and began to rock back and forth. "It won't stop," he yelled.

"Carter." I felt a sharp stabbing pain in my chest and found myself gasping for air like something was trapped inside my throat.

"Carter," I chocked out as my eyes filled with tears. "Why is this happening. Please, I ....." I couldn't finish my words as I screamed out in pain.

"Ebony, I..." Carter fell onto his side still clutching at his chest and let out one last groan of pain before collapsing onto his back.

"Carter," I moved to his side as he lay there still and lifeless. My pain had disappeared just as quickly as it had started. "Carter, please wake up," I yelled through my tears. "Carter, please ." I sobbed but he did not react to me. I touched his cold face with my hand and leaned over him. "Carter, I need you. Please, don't leave me." I whispered in his ear. He had no reaction to me. His lifeless, cold body just lay on the ground next to me. "No," I whimpered as I cried over him. All of a sudden, I felt a warmth coming from his cold, lifeless body. It was like someone had turned on the heater underneath my hand. I sat up and looked at him and gasped. His pale, cold, lifeless body was now flushed with colour, and his cheeks were rosy pink under his dark stubble.

"Carter?" I whispered as I touched his face. "What is happening?"

He suddenly let out a big breath of air and coughed loudly as the air filled his lungs. Oh my god, he just took a breath.

"Carter, why are breathing?" I gasped as I watched his chest rise and fall as he took big deep breaths. "How is this even possible? Carter, your breathing." I smiled.

He suddenly sat up and looked around, completely confused. "What the hell?" He yelled looking at me with his beautiful aqua-coloured eyes and taking in big breaths. He held onto his chest and watched as it raised and fell with each breath. He looked terrified as he looked up at me. "What?"

"Carter, you're breathing," I said, putting my hand on his chest. "Oh my god. Carter, you have a heartbeat," I smiled at him.

"What?" Is all he could get out as he held onto his chest. He took a deep breath and jumped a little as he exhaled. "Ebony, what is this? Why is there air inside me? Why is my heart beating? What?"

"I don't know," I laughed as we both had our hands on his rising chest.

"I'm alive?" He still looked terrified and confused.

"You're alive," I laughed.

"I'm fucking alive. Is it supposed to feel this awkward? Oh god, what if I forget to breathe? How do you remember to keep breathing," he said, taking in substantial big gulps of air like the world was about to run out.

I laughed, "You don't need to remember; you just do it."

"I do?"

"You're so damn cute," I laughed.

He reached over and put his hand over my heart and smiled. "We are both beating now. Can you believe this is?" his face lit up as he laughed and then suddenly dropped as he moved his hand on my chest. "Wait?" The normal look of concern and anger came back on his face as he moved his hand on my chest again. "Ebony, where is your heart?" He said, pushing his hand closer to my chest. "I can't find your heart? It must be me? It must be there?"

"Of course it is. It's right.." I put my hand on my heart, but it wasn't beating; there was nothing.

"Baby, why are you so cold?" He said with a concerned look on his face. "You're freezing."

"I am?" I said feeling my head. "I don't feel it? It must be you? I feel fine." I smiled. "I feel just.." everything went black, and I hit the ground with a hard thump.

Lifeless. Cold. Dead.

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