《Midnight CEO》3.


I had been pacing back and forth in my house for what felt like forever. The memory of last night kept flowing through my head in a continuous loop and I still couldn't believe it happened. Had it actually happened? I mean I don't remember falling over and hitting my head so hard that I imagined I meet some vampires. I mean seriously, it's the only explanation I can come up with.

"You are seriously losing your mind." I froze as I heard a loud knock at my door. I looked at my watch and felt panic run through my body as I realised it was five-thirty pm on the dot. "No way?"

"Are you going to open this fucking door, or do I have to set your house on fire and drag out your burning corpse?" Yep, that's definitely Jake from last night. What is happening right now? "Open the door human."

I took a deep breath and composed myself. If I'm going to survive this, I have to play this smart. If I run away right now, they will just find me and kill me, so I must keep my head up and play the game. Come on Ebony, you can do this.

"Jake, lovely to see you again," I smiled as I opened the door and saw a pristine-looking Jake in his black tailored suit glaring at me like I had insulted his mother.

"I aim to please, let's go," he mumbled and turned to walk back towards the black limousine parked in my tiny driveway. "Move now." He barked back at me aggressively.

"Always such a pleasure to talk to," I said closing the door behind me and walking to the car. "How long are we going to be?"

"Excuse me?" He looked insulted at my words.

"Will this meeting take a while? I might need to let someone know I won't be meeting her if this meeting takes too long."

"It takes as long as it takes. You will stay as long as boss decides needs you. How dare you," he growled right in my face. "You're damn lucky I promised not to hurt you because you annoy the fucken shit out of me, and if I was in charge, let's just say we wouldn't be having this conversation. Now get in the damn car and stop talking to me like we are friends. You're not my fucken equal. You are human scum and the sooner you screw this up and become dead, the better." There was a vein popping out of his neck as he yelled in my face and all I could think about was whether vampires actually had blood? I know they presumably don't have a heart, but do they have blood in their veins? They must have a stomach as they eat so do they go to the bathroom? That's a weird thought, a vampire peeing wait, do they pee blood. That's unsettling.

"Are having a stroke or something? Your face is looking more fucked up than usual." Jake snapped breaking my chain of thought and making me jump.

"No, I'm fine. It's nice of you to be so concerned about me." I smiled trying to act normal, not terrified like I was.

"Get in the car." he snarled as he opened the back door and climbed in. He slammed the door shut behind him just as I was about to do the same. It missed my fingers by an inch.


"What an asshole," I grumbled as I reached for the car door.


"Miss Summers, sit please." Mr Morgan gestured to the chairs by the glass table in his office. The room was lit with light today and looked much more inviting than last night's darkness. The room had a completely different feel with its chandelier lights and beautiful white carpet. It looked like something out of a design magazine, not something owned by a vampire.

"Thank you," I said as I sat on a sofa by the wall. "Mr Morgan, I have been thinking about this whole situation and I have something to say,"

"I would like to apologise for my behaviour last night Miss Summers. I was not in complete control of myself, and I apologise for that. Unfortunately, you came to me at a bad time." He sat in the chair next to me in his tailored grey suit and white shirt. He looked just as perfect as he did last night, in fact, he looked even better as he wasn't glaring at me like I was his dinner.

"No, I understand. I shouldn't have done what I did. I should apologise again." I pushed my hair behind my ear nervously.

"Very well, we can both move forward then. Now, I have been doing some research on you and it turns out Miss Summers, that you are an asset to this company. You basically run downstairs and yet I had no idea who you were. How is that possible?" His voice was like silk. I could literally listen to him read the dictionary all day.

"I just didn't want the attention, I guess. I'm happy just getting the work done and going home safely,"

"Indeed. Well, I was very impressed with you, and I have very high hopes for you on the top floor."

"Oh, you still want me to work for you?"

"Of course, I think we will have a wonderful working relationship." he smiled as he touched his chin with his perfect long fingers.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" I was breathing heavily, and I could tell I was starting to sweat a little as my heart was beating so fast.

"Relax Miss Summers. I'm not as bad as you think I am. I expect your help with clients and employees during the day. They will report to you if needed and you will then report to me. You will run errands and accompany me on my many business trips around the world so you can be my eyes and ears during the day. I expect a lot, but I will reward your hard work. Do you have any questions?"

"Do vampires have blood?" I blurted out without thinking.

"Any work-related questions?"

"Oh, ok. What hours am I working?"

"That will depend on my needs now won't it?"

"Where do I work from?"

"I will have an office space built for your needs. Any more questions Miss Summers?"

"Umm," I shifted nervously in my seat trying not to blurt out my actual questions.

"No, we do not have actual blood in our veins, but we do have a substance that might resemble your blood in our veins. Anything else?"

"Are you going to suck my blood?"

"Absolutely, not."

"Am I expected to feed the other's blood?"

"Certainly not."

"So, you just want me to help you out and not get bitten?"


"That was my plan yes. I might be a vampire, but I am a businessman first."

"Are you sure you want me? Don't you want some beautiful, big-boobed perfect girl? I'm just good on computers; I'm not much to look at." I shrugged.

"This may surprise you Miss Summers, but I actually want someone who can do the job not just look pretty in a dress and I'm sure you will do just fine at both things. If it would make you feel better, I can arrange for my staff to help you with new clothes and new hair. Just say the word and it's yours."

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

"As I said, unfortunately when I'm hungry I become a bit of a monster. I tend to yell at people a lot and overreact. I have been under a great amount of pressure lately and I have been neglecting my health. I'm not actually as bad as you may think."

"But you're still a vampire, yes?"

"Yes, that bit is still the same. Does this scare you?"

"Yes, not going to lie. Am I in danger being here around those other vampires I'm guessing?"

"I assure you if they touch you or give you any grief, I will deal with it myself. They may be vampires or monsters to you, but they are very loyal to me and wouldn't dare cross me. I have told them to leave you alone."

"Ok, thank you." I took a deep breath. "Jake doesn't like me very much,"

He smiled softly at my words "It's not you personally he doesn't like. He has had a few run-ins with humans, and they have left a bit of a scar on him. He is just very cautious of you. I promise he will not hurt you while you work for me."

I nodded my head. "Do you eat humans?"

"Eat humans?" he said slowly.

"Sorry. Drink their blood?"

"I am a vampire Miss Summers, that's kind of what we do to survive,"

"You actually kill a human and drink blood?"

"Your kind kills and eats animals all the time, how is this any different? Just because the animal is not the same species as you, it doesn't make it right to judge me and my kind,"

"We don't kill for the joy of killing though."

"Really? I'm pretty sure some of your kind gets off on hurting others. Isn't that why you have a prison full of murderers? I'm not judging them or your species, but I would expect the same back from you. I know you must be scared as you don't trust me yet, but I would appreciate your respect"

"I do respect you and this business but ...."


I didn't want to ask that question now. I ran my hand through my hair and looked away.

"But?" He repeated. "You can ask me anything at this point. I at least owe you that."

I turned back towards his handsome face and stared into his now kind-looking aqua eyes. "Why is it that everyone who gets promoted to the top floor is never seen again?"

He stared at me for a moment before answering, almost like he was choosing his next words carefully. "Do you really want me to answer that question?"

"Yes, you want me to trust you. I need to know the truth."

"As you wish," he sat forward in his chair and looked more intensely at me as he ran his hand through his dark hair. "Do you actually know any of the people who were promoted to the top floor?"

"Of course," I thought about it. "Well, I don't actually know them, but I have said hello a few times as I've seen them in the hallway."

"I see, so you don't actually know these people personally?"

"I guess not but what has that got to do with them disappearing?"

"The people who get promoted up here are generally people who have broken my rules or betrayed me or my colleagues. They are, shall we say taken care of up here. I told you I will not accept any disrespect for my company or my employees."

"So, you just kill them?" I almost whispered not really wanting to know the answer.

"Some of them, yes, but most of them I sell or trade to other companies, some of them I move to the factory and the lucky ones get off with a warning and unemployment slip. I only kill them if it fits the crime."

"Are you serious? What the hell? I can't do this." I stood up shaking my head.

"Why are you getting so angry? You asked me to tell you the truth and I did." He stood up next to me. "You will not have to deal with any of this, so I don't understand why are you getting so angry? You brought it up, not me." he sat back in his chair. "Next time you have a question, I suggest you think damn hard about wanting to know the answer."

"I'm not sure I'm cut out for this. I like the rose-coloured glasses and special effects. I love a good bacon cheeseburger, but I don't want to see you slaughter a cow and throw a dead pig on it. I'm happy living in my little sheltered world."

"I assure you, Miss Summers, I will not allow you to see my business problems. You are purely here to help me with the paperwork and clients. No harm will come to you or your family as long as you agree to my terms." He patted the seat next to him and I sat instantly.

"Why do you have to do that?"

"Do what?" He replies with a sly smile.

"Threaten me and make it sound like I'm the bad one."

"It's what I do Miss Summers. How do you think I have achieved so much? The business world is cutthroat and I mean that literally. You must get a little mean to survive it sometimes. You are tougher than you think."

"I'm really not but I'll give it a go, it's not like I have any other choice." I shrugged.

"Wonderful, now go home and pack a bag. We leave for Germany in a few hours." Mr Morgan stood up and began to walk away.

"Germany? What? Why am I going to Germany?"

"We have a business conference, and you will be attending it with me and Jacob. Now quickly, we will pick you up very soon," he gestured for me to follow him towards the door.

"What the hell is happening right now?" I mumbled to myself as I stood up.

"Welcome to the top floor Ebony Jane Summers," he smirked over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

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