《The Bad Girls' Good Boy(BWWM)》Chapter 5


We were now in his room. He was sitting in a chair while I was on his bed, which was very comfortable. "S-so, do you have any idea of what our genre should be?"

Pouting, I answered, "No, but I do know that I'm getting a bit hot." His eyes zeroed in on my chest as I took off my blazer. I had purposely unbuttoned the first three buttons of my shirt before.

"Y-yeah sure. So about the English work, I think we shou-"

Cutting him off I said, "I think we should do something else, like talk about something more personal." He was freaking the hell out. "L-like what?" he asked.

Slowly getting closer, I said, "How about twenty questions. I'll go first. Are you a virgin?"

"Y-yes I am." No surprise there. I continued. "What's the most sexual thing you've ever done? Be honest." He looked embarrassed. I was starting feel a bit guilty.

"I've kissed a girl ."

"That's it? Okay, let's talk about oral sex." And when I said that, boy looked like was ready to run.

I laughed loudly as he blushed beet-root red.

"Chill," I said "You're behaving like you've never gotten a blowjob before." He blushed even deeper if than was possible.

"Wait, you've seriously never gotten a blowjob before?" He started to mess with the end of his sweater.

"I-I, um, not really." I stared in complete surprise.

"Do you want one?"

With widened eyes, he pointed to him self, "Me? Right now?"

"You're the only one here silly," I laughed, "so, yes or no? No pressure of course, you can say no."

Placing the books that were on his lap over to the desk, he straighted his back and nodded, "O-okay, I wanna try."


Without replying him, I situated my hands on the base of his shaft and licked a path to his pink, waiting head, swallowing it.

"O-oh my god, Neph."

Laughing at a bit I told him, "Told you that you'd enjoy it." Swirling my tongue around his tip, I took half of him in my mouth while pumping him harder. "Jesus Christ, I'm close Neph."

Time to go all in. Taking a deep breath, I went deeper, taking him all the way while fondling his balls. Feeling him jerk in my throat, I began to bob my head faster. Not even seconds later, I felt a warm liquid slide down my throat. Releasing him with a pop, I wiped the side of my mouth with my thumb where some of him had dribbled out; and sucked on it while making eye contact. "How was that for your first time?"

"It was incredible. I-I didn't know I could feel so much pleasure."

Grinning like a Cheshire cat I responded, "Well prepare, cause I'm just getting started." It was safe to say he looked scared, I joked with myself.

Looking outside I realized that the time had gotten quite late. Maybe I'll just stay here till tomorrow. "It's getting late, do you mind if I stay here until tomorrow?"

Still seeming a bit dazed he answered," S-sure, you can take a shower if you want to. I-I'm not saying that you s-smell or anything I just thought that-"

Cutting him off from any further embarrassment I interjected. "I know what you mean silly. Now show me where the bathroom is." He signaled towards a white door that I didn't notice before.

Adding, he suggested, "And if you want a change of clothes while I wash your clothes; you can look in the closet." Thanking him, I stepped into to bathroom and I had to double check to see if I was dreaming. Holy fucking shit.


I thought the bathroom back at school was big, I could fit twice my bathroom in here. This bathroom is fit for royalty. And don't get me started in the shower. Pointing in the middle, there were about eight shower heads, and a glass enclosure.

Stepping into the shower, I turned the water to warm and turned it on. Oh my god. I never want to leave. This feels like heaven I sighed as warm water cascaded down my my body. Grabbing the loofah, I poured some of Xander's body wash on it and scrubbed my body thoroughly.

After about thirty minutes, I stepped reluctantly out of the shower and wrapped the towel around me; walking out of the bathroom to see Xander with his nose stuffed in a book. Upon hearing me enter the room, he looked up, mouth agape. His eyes roomed my body before coming back up to my faces. Walking closer seductively, I whispered, "You like what you see?"

He visibly gulped. "I-I'm sorry for l-looking, I-I'll give you some privacy," spinning around."

"What a gentleman," I joked.

There was a variety of clothing but I just choose something simple, one of his school button up shirts, a Hanes underwear and a pair of socks. Re-entering the room, I saw him on his back with his hand behind his head.

"What're you thinking about?"

"Nothing much, just how we didn't get to do any work." Chuckling, I replied, "I think we both enjoyed it. Maybe we should 'study' more often. Can we cuddle now?" He looked unsure of what to say, or do, but opened his arms anyways. Curling into his warm side and resting my head on his astonishingly soft chest; I drifted off in minutes.


Light sunlight streamed on my face as the calm tweets of the birds woke me from my slumber.


What did y'all think this was, some fairytale bullshit? I actually woke up with drool on my face and an empty spot beside me. Where's Xander? Walking into the bathroom, I searched the cupboards for a spare toothbrush. Bingo.

After my morning routine I went back inside to check the time. Shit, 8:35. I'll just chill till school's finished. "Xander, babe, where are you?" I heard a faint 'kitchen'.

Walking towards the kitchen I could make out some other voices talking. Was someone else here? As I entered the kitchen all conversation was cut short.

Sitting at the island were three people, a man with pepper and salt hair bearing resemblance to Xander. A sophisticated looking woman and a tall handsome guy that also looked very much like Xander. And last but not least, a very frightened looking Xander. Shit, I just met the family.

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