《Beautiful Infatuation》Chapter 24
Sneha knew she had a crush on Gaurav. But, she also knew her limits. She would never engage, in any way, with a man who was involved in illegal works. And, no matter how sweet and handsome Gaurav was...or appeared to be, he was one of them.
So, she wasn't surprised when she realized that there was absolutely nothing that she felt when Shruti told her about the relationship between Gaurav and Natasha. Instead, she felt happy for both of them. The way Gaurav looked at Natasha made every girl drool. He had a constant smile on his face. And, Sneha was happy for him. She could easily tell how much he loved Natasha.
Sneha looked at Natasha from top to bottom. She was wearing a green coloured chikankari suit and a pair of silver stilettos which looked amazing on her fair complexion. Sneha appreciated her look. Natasha was the only one wearing ethnic at the party and she was killing it!
Natasha soon walked in their direction to greet everyone. She shared greetings with Tina, Nupur and Shruti. However, she narrowed her brows in confusion when she looked at Sneha and Jyoti.
"Natasha, meet Jyoti and Sneha. Guys, she is Natasha...Gaurav's girlfriend." Ananya quickly made the introductions.
"Oh! She is Sneha." Natasha said as she looked at Gaurav for confirmation. Gaurav had told her about Sneha and how Viraj couldn't resist going near her. Even she was excited to meet this intriguing girl who had caught Viraj's attention!
Sneha's smile faded a little and Jyoti became confused too. She spoke just like Viraj's father.
"It's so nice to meet you, Sneha and Jyoti. Ananya told me about her new friends. I am sorry we couldn't meet earlier." Natasha spoke formally while Sneha and Jyoti sat there dumbstruck. Natasha was obviously elder than both of them, with a lot more confidence and better social skills.
"Uhh...yes! It's good to meet you too." Sneha answered on behalf of Jyoti as well.
Sneha wanted to ask Natasha, why she especially confirmed her name from Gaurav. But she kept her curiosity to herself. It wasn't good to throw the question so soon. Perhaps later, she thought.
Sneha noticed Gaurav exiting the dining hall while Natasha brought herself a plate full of salad. And, it kind of reminded her of the lunch she had with Viraj.
"Your dress looks amazing, Natasha!" Tina complimented as they all resumed eating.
"Thank you, Tina! I came here directly from the shoot. I couldn't get time to go back home and change clothes." Natasha explained.
"Oh! For what brand are you modelling right now?" Tina further asked.
"SinStar. It is Viraj's friend's new venture. I still can't believe Viraj recommended me despite hating me to the core." Natasha chuckled.
"You are his best friend's girlfriend. What did you expect." Shruti interrupted.
"It's not just that. Bhai really appreciates your work." Ananya added.
"As if I don't know! If Gaurav wasn't in the picture, he would have let me starve in this world!" Natasha joked again.
Sneha and Jyoti felt out of place again while they heard their conversation. So, they began their own conversation.
After they all had food to their stomach's full, everyone walked back to the main hall. It was going to be a typical get-together session now. Those who met less frequently or stayed abroad got the perfect chance to relax on the sofa and talk about their lives. Sneha, Jyoti, Shruti and Tina did the same. They sat on one of the sofas and talked about each other and college.
Sneha noticed how Ananya and Nupur talked to one of Ananya's cousins in the corner and Viraj was nowhere to be seen, just like he was absent in the dinner hall. She wondered if he even ate anything!
Soon, her question was answered as he and Gaurav entered back in the hall with a group of five people carrying something in their hands. She heard everyone cheering.
"What's going on?" Sneha asked Tina.
"It's dance time now. They are musicians and they are setting up their instruments." Tina explained as they watched the newcomers.
Sneha nodded and looked in the direction. When she had heard that it was going to be dance-time, she had thought it was going to be just like it was in her world. She had imagined a DJ who would play random pop songs and they'd all dance like crazy. But seems like, the dance session was going to be as formal as the party was when the elders were there.
They were definitely worlds apart in all aspects!
Instead, the musicians set up soft instruments and the lead singer took his seat with a guitar. He gave his introduction and requested for the first couple to come and dance. Everyone applauded and cheered for Gaurav and Natasha...who were tonight's spotlight.
Sneha, however, thought that the first dance should have been performed by Viraj and Nupur, since they were the direct family members of Ananya.
Gaurav smiled and asked for Natasha's hand. Natasha took his hand with a smile and they both walked in the direction of the band, where the spotlight was highlighted. The lights got dim and the band started playing the first song...Perfect by Ed Sheeran.
Even though it was an unexpected environment, Sneha liked it. The duo seemed to enjoy the moment as they began dancing to the tune.
She noticed Viraj walking towards the corner of the hall where a waiter served him something. She recognized it as alcohol and her face scrunched up. Nupur walked in his direction and sat beside him. He however had his eyes trained at the couple who were dancing at the beautiful music. She saw Nupur saying something to Viraj, but he didn't reply...only nodded. She turned her attention from the weird couple and focused on the jolly one.
Gaurav and Natasha danced perfectly as if they had rehearsed it many times. Their steps were all so synchronised. Sneha smiled at them. Gaurav twirled Natasha and then pulled her towards him gently. By the end of the song, he gently did the dip-step and Natasha relaxed in his arm. Sneha's eyes bulged out when she saw him kiss Natasha on the lips as they remained in the dip pose.
Everyone cheered and clapped for them.
"I never knew that I will ever witness this kiss in real life." Jyoti chuckled in Sneha's ear.
Sneha chuckled back. She wondered how it felt. She was in the prime of her youth and she hadn't had a kiss before. It was meant to be with her husband. And, she only hoped that when she'd have a kiss with her husband, it would be as sweet and gentle as Gaurav kissed his woman. It must be magical.
Sneha smiled at the imagination.
Everyone clapped and praised the couple as they came back to their seat.
"And, now, I'd like to ask the soon-to-be husband and wife to take on the stage and share their moment with us." Gaurav said loudly and looked in the direction of Viraj and Nupur.
Everyone cheered for them...again. So, did Sneha and her friend.
Sneha could see Viraj sighing as he kept his glass away and stood up. Nupur stood up as well with a shy smile. He held her hand and they walked in the direction of the band. The music started playing as soon as they reached the spot. This time, the song played was Jab Koi Baat in slow version.
"This singer does know which song to play when. It perfectly suits them." Jyoti commented to which Sneha nodded in agreement.
Viraj placed his hand in Nupur's waist gently and held her right hand in his left one. Nupur gently, yet boldly placed her left hand on his shoulder as they danced to the tune. She knew she'd be the only woman to stand this close to him. He was all hers...even if he showed that cold attitude. Nupur smiled at the thought as she smiled at him.
Sneha's eyes were fixed on Nupur's movements. It was graceful and perfect...just like Natasha. She was perfect for him, she concluded.
"I guess, no dance for us, tonight." Jyoti mumbled with a sigh as she looked at the couple dancing.
"As if we know how to dance like this." Sneha chuckled. And, it was true. She had never danced a couple-dance before and she had no idea about how to maintain the sync. It was good that no one asked her, since this is how the dance show was going to be.
"Let's go home?" Sneha asked as she looked at her wristwatch. It was almost 8 pm, now.
"Yup. Let's go after their dance gets over. I wonder if Viraj would kiss Nupur too." Jyoti said excitedly and Sneha laughed at her expression.
She looked at the couple again and was surprised to see him looking at her...again.
'What's wrong with him?' She wondered and narrowed her eyes at him. He looked away soon this time, as if deep in thought.
"Viraj." Nupur called for his attention and he looked down at her.
"We are missing steps." She reminded him. She wouldn't dare say that it was he who was missing the steps.
Viraj then took a step back and twirled her. Nupur smiled and did so elegantly. Soon, the song came to the end.
Sneha waited for him to dip her and maybe...kiss her. But, it never came. He concluded the dance without doing the last dip step.
"I guess, he doesn't know much about dance." Jyoti commented to which Sneha couldn't help but chuckle.
"Let's go." Sneha said and they both stood up to leave.
They searched for Ananya so that they could inform her about the same. They spotted Ananya in the crowd with someone they didn't know and started walking in her direction. Meanwhile, some other couples and siblings came on the dance floor to enjoy the dance night. Sneha could see Shruti dance with one of Ananya's cousins.
They were only a few meters away from Ananya when they heard someone interrupt them.
"Uhh...Jyoti?" A man's voice stopped them. They both turned around and realized that it was Miher...the one with whom Jyoti had the staring contest.
"Uhh...yes?" Jyoti asked nervously.
"Would you like to dance with me?" Miher asked and both the girls' eyes went wide.
"Uhh...I...we were just heading home. It's getting late." Jyoti tried to give an excuse. The truth was she didn't know how to dance like a couple. And, she didn't want to make a fool out of her on the platform.
"Just one dance. It won't take long." He stressed.
"I...Actually, I don't know how to dance." She told the truth.
Miher chuckled.
"It's not that difficult. I could teach you." He asserted. Jyoti fumbled with her hands and looked at Sneha.
"Don't look at me." Sneha whispered.
"Alright. I won that game right. So, this is my dare. I'd like to dance with you." He said.
Jyoti thought over it and then nodded.
"Oh, okay. But, don't laugh at me later if I step on your foot." Jyoti said to which Miher smiled.
Sneha watched them going towards the dance floor where others were dancing too. She laughed when she saw Jyoti struggle with the steps.
"Natasha..." Gaurav called for her attention as they sat casually on the sofa.
"Hmm?" She asked. Her eyes were trained at the dance floor.
"Would you mind if I go and ask Sneha for a dance?" He asked. She looked at him slowly, with a frown.
"Why this sudden interest on her? I thought Viraj has a huge crush on her." She asked back.
"He has. I just want to make sure of my doubts about his feelings. If he gets jealous over me dancing with Sneha, I will tell his father about the same, so that he puts Viraj on the right track soon." He explained his intention.
Natasha looked at her man with confused looks.
"What?" He asked when she gave him the look that screamed that she was disappointed at him.
"Gaurav, do you consider Viraj as your friend?" She asked.
He narrowed his brows at the question.
"Obviously. He is my very good friend!" He answered.
"Then, why won't you let him have a chance at love? Don't you think he deserves that, seeing his past and his relationship with his mother?" She asked.
"He does deserve love. I never said he didn't. But he must love his fiancee, Nupur." He answered clearly.
"If I ask you to forget about me and start loving...say...that girl, would you do it?" She asked while pointing at the first girl she saw in the room.
"Obviously, no! I can't love anyone just like that..." He said but then got the answer to his own reply. He can't expect Viraj to love Nupur, just like that. It was his heart and his feelings...It couldn't be forced. Love can't be forced.
"Viraj and I are on different platforms, Nat. I have a choice...Viraj doesn't! He has to take over his family's business and his father would never allow him to go astray. And, you know what kind of man his father is." Gaurav said.
Natasha sighed.
"All I know is...everyone deserves a chance in love...even that egoistic head." She said as she looked in the direction of Viraj.
"And what about Nupur? She too deserves a chance in love! She loves him...just too much, and we all know about it." He added.
Natasha was quick in replying to that.
"And, we all know that Viraj doesn't have any romantic feelings for her. We were there when he blatantly accepted it in front of his father! We know he even asked Nupur to deny this marriage proposal. But, it's her who is taking this forward."
"Because she thinks that her love would be enough in their relationship! And, Viraj doesn't love anyone either. So, there was nothing wrong with going forward with this relationship." Gaurav defended Nupur.
"But, he does now. He is starting to develop feelings for another girl!" She reminded him, since Gaurav never hides anything from her.
"That is why he can't! His father will KILL Sneha!" He asserted.
Natasha rolled her eyes.
"It's not a movie, Gaurav. I am sure Viraj will convince his father just as easily as he convinced him not to hurt his sister and mother." She said in a cool manner.
"And the price he has to pay for that promise is to continue with the family business and lead it." He reminded her.
"And, he is damn good at it." She added.
"I don't understand why out of all people, you are taking his side! He hates you!" He said with a chuckle.
"He doesn't hate me. He just hates my guts. He knows that I will never bow down to him and his stupid 'men are superior' views. And...I am not taking his side...I am just stating facts." She defended herself.
Gaurav paused before another point came into his mind.
"Fine! Let's for a second think that Viraj has the freedom to get whichever girl he wants. Then what about Sneha? Do you think she deserves this? She comes from a quiet and no-crime family. Would she accept him when everyone knows what Viraj does in shadow?" He asked.
Natasha thought for a while as her eyes fell on Sneha. She was watching someone on the dance floor. Unintentionally, her eyes fell on Viraj, who was sitting a little far from her. But, he had his eyes on Sneha as he drank his beverage.
Natasha chuckled.
"Do you think, she'd even have a choice if Viraj claims her as his? We know that if Viraj wants something, he makes sure to get it." She said, feeling a little bad for the innocent girl who didn't even know who had eyes on her.
"I don't know what to say!" He sighed. Now that Natasha talked about the importance of Viraj's feelings, he felt conflicted. He knew what Viraj had gone through in his childhood. He knew he had trust issues with women...after what his own mother did. And, he knew now, that it would be cruel if he'd snatch the only chance from Viraj, that would heal his broken heart...and maybe make him happy.
"If Viraj...really likes Sneha, as a man likes a woman, then I guess, you are right. I shouldn't take his chance away." Gaurav agreed after pondering over it.
"And, there is only one way to know about this." Natasha added.
"What?" He asked.
"As you suggested earlier... Go and ask Sneha for dance. Viraj won't be able to see her dance with another man if he actually likes her." Natasha explained.
"You are right." He nodded and stood up.
"And...make sure you make her laugh a lot...It will definitely piss him off." Natasha added.
"Now you are trying to take revenge on him, aren't you?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Well, he does deserve it. He had sent fake reports regarding my assets to the income tax department! I am still not over that embarrassment." She glared at Viraj.
"God, Nat! It was for your own safety." He retorted.
She didn't say anything because she knew he was right. Viraj did it to divert the attention of the department from the assets that she already had, while he cleared the arrears from the background. After all, her modelling career was at stake.
Gaurav then walked in the direction of Sneha who remained oblivious of everything that was happening around her.
"Hey! Enjoying the party?" Gaurav initiated as he sat beside her on the sofa.
"Hi! Yes, I am." Sneha said, a little taken aback by his sudden arrival.
"Will it be too much to ask if I'd ask you to dance with me?" He asked slowly.
Sneha looked at him and then chuckled as she saw his tensed and nervous face.
"I'd love to, Gaurav. But, I have no idea about this dance style. I can't dance like this." She said as she pointed towards the dancing couple.
"There is always a first time. I'll teach you some basic steps. I am not expecting a tango, anyway!" He chuckled at her response.
"I seriously don't want to embarrass you, Gaurav." She added, hoping he'd understand.
"You won't. Trust me." He asserted gently.
"What about your girlfriend?" She asked as she looked in the direction of Natasha and saw her smile in her direction.
"She only asked me to ask you for a dance. You were sitting alone and she didn't want you to get bored." He added.
"No, I am not getting bored." Sneha smiled.
"Please?" He asked as he forwarded his hand for her to take.
Sneha couldn't deny that sweet face.
"Don't blame me later." She chuckled and took his hand, hesitantly.
"I won't." He said and led the way for her towards the dance floor.
"May I?" He asked before putting his right hand on her waist. She just gave a meek nervous smile.
Gaurav placed his hand gently on her waist and took her hand on his other. She was grateful to him for maintaining an appropriate amount of distance between them. He was gentlemanly...in a way.
"Just relax and follow my steps. Back...front...side...back...." He directed her as they started swaying to the tune, slowly.
"It's not that difficult!" She commented with a smile as he helped her dance.
"I told you! Now, twirl when I'll raise your hand." He guided.
"Ok." She chuckled and awkwardly twirled before he pulled her gently towards him again.
"You are a good teacher." She complimented as they continued with the easy steps. She didn't even care what song was playing.
"No. You are a good student." He smiled and twirled her again, to which she lightly laughed.
"You dance pretty well! I saw you dance with Natasha." Sneha said.
"She is the one who taught me." He confessed. Sneha looked in her direction and saw her smile in their direction. Natasha was very open-minded, she concluded.
"Can I ask you something?" Sneha asked slowly as they swayed.
"Yeah, sure." Gaurav encouraged.
"Tomorrow is Sunday. And, my college is organizing a small auction for Disaster Relief. Ananya and her friends are coming. I was hoping if you and Natasha could come as well...and..." Sneha hesitated in completing her sentence.
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