《Beautiful Infatuation》Chapter 19
"Oh, hey, Viraj!" Gaurav greeted as he withdrew his hand and focused on his friend while making sure his structure was intact. Sneha sighed in relief when Gaurav's hand left hers. She almost had a heart attack today from that light feathery touch. However, her fear resurfaced on hearing Viraj's angry tone and hard eyes on Gaurav.
'What's wrong with him now?' She wondered.
"What are you doing here?" Viraj asked Gaurav in his signature strict tone.
Gaurav looked at his mini-hill and then at him again.
"I was helping the girls with their project." He answered.
Viraj entered the room and walked in their direction with quick steps.
"Go to my study and analyze the papers on the desk. I need the report in an hour." He ordered while glancing at Sneha who had her eyes fixed on her project.
Sneha looked at Gaurav as she wondered how she'd hold the two structures when it was difficult to hold one, if Gaurav indeed left. Ananya would have helped but she was still on phone outside.
"Okay, sure! Just give me ten minutes and I'll be there." Gaurav answered gently to which Sneha sighed in relief. However, her relief was only short lived.
"Should I repeat myself, Gaurav?" Viraj asked sternly again which froze Gaurav. He looked up at Viraj and wondered what was so important!
"No! I'll go and check it out now." Gaurav answered and looked at Sneha, who was already looking at him hopefully.
'Please don't go! The hill will be ruined!' She prayed internally.
"I am sorry. This seems urgent!" Gaurav almost whispered to her. So, she nodded to him with a smile. All the while, Viraj could only clench his fist in anger as she gave Gaurav the smile that she never gave him!
'What's wrong with her?' He wondered.
Gaurav stood, wiped his hands with tissue, and almost ran in the direction of Viraj's study.
Sneha expected Viraj to leave as well, but instead, he was still standing in front of her as she sat on the floor crosslegged. Despite feeling his gaze on her, she kept her eyes on the hill structure.
'Why is he still here?' She thought. From the corner of her eye, she saw Gaurav's hill's POP paste slowly slip down. So, she quickly placed her hands on it too to save it from collapsing. Meanwhile, her hill structure followed gravity too. So, she came back to her mini-hill.
'Oh, God! Ananya, come back quickly!' She prayed hopefully.
She was about to pat the other mini-hill when Viraj's cold fingers grazed hers. She pulled back her hand quickly and looked at him in surprise.
Viraj expected her to at least look at him once, but her complete ignorance ignited his anger further. However, her desperate attempt to protect the two little structures made him submit and he bent down to her level to hold the hill that Gaurav had made. In that process, their fingers grazed and he felt her soft touch. But, she retreated quickly.
"Let me help you." He answered her unasked question.
Sneha nodded once and then focused on her structure.
'What is taking her so long?' She wondered while thinking of Ananya. Every second with Viraj felt like an hour to her. And, she knew he was looking at her...continuously.
'Should I ask him to stop staring?' She thought.
Unintentionally, her gaze fell on the mini-hill that he was holding and she realized that he was not holding it firmly and that the paste was getting deformed.
"Harder." She mumbled to him.
Viraj's brows raised as he heard her. He misunderstood her and the very first thing that came into his mind was the other meaning of the term 'harder'.
When he still didn't do as she asked, she looked at him.
"Harder?" He asked as he sat cross-legged, just like her.
'Oh, God! His shirt's buttons are open!' She thought when her eyes finally noticed his partially covered upper chest which was now exposed to her eyes.
"Y.you need to press firmly. It is a mountain." She explained while looking at the model.
"Oh!" He mumbled and imitated her.
"Is it fine now?" He asked, trying to initiate a conversation. But, she only nodded and continued looking at her mini-hill.
"Staring is rude." She finally spoke her mind out and looked at him head-on.
His brows rose again and he chuckled.
"These are my eyes. I can see whatever and wherever I want." He answered while still looking at her.
"And this is my face. You can't stare at anyone you want." She answered back, as gently as she could, since the fear of him hurting her was always at the back of her mind.
"That doesn't make any sense. I wouldn't be allowed to look at anything in that case!" He retaliated playfully.
"Right to privacy applies to living things only." She answered, hoping she was correct.
"In that case, maybe you should hide your face because you are sitting in my line of vision."
Sneha huffed audibly and sighed in defeat.
'This man is impossible!' She thought angrily.
However, to her relief, he quit staring and instead focus on the hill structure with a small smile on his lips. He never thought that arguing with her would be...fun.
The sound of the balcony door opening reached them and Sneha internally felt relief. Ananya entered inside with a confused look. She had yet to see her brother.
"How is it going?" She asked as she closed the door and turned around.
"Bhai?" Ananya asked after she finally noticed her brother.
"Gaurav had some work to do." He answered.
'More like, you gave him.' Sneha thought.
"Oh! I'll hold this. You can go and get fresh." She said as she realized that he was still in his formals.
"It's alright. I'll go after this one is settled." He referred to the model.
Ananya didn't argue and sat beside her brother.
"Your top buttons are undone." Ananya whispered near his ear and reached to close those for him. She knew that her brother never let any stranger see him naked...even if it was only the chest. He even preferred to go to the pool in solitude.
Viraj let his sister help him while Sneha continued looking down.
"By the way, did you ask papa to come on this Saturday?" Ananya asked Viraj after she did her task.
"Yes." He answered.
"But why?" She almost whined and Sneha looked at her in surprise.
'So, her friends were right! She mistreated which is why she doesn't want her father home.' Sneha concluded.
"He is bringing ma with him." He answered lowly.
And just like that, the frown was gone from her face and was replaced by immense joy.
"Really!" She almost screamed in happiness which scared Sneha again.
"Yes." Viraj answered.
"Did...did you ask him to bring her along?" She asked.
"Yes." He answered again.
"Oh, bhai! Thank you, so much! You are the best." She chirruped and hugged her brother.
'Why is she so happy to see her own mother? Doesn't she see her often?' Sneha wondered.
"Okay, that's enough!" He reminded his sister gently to let go. Ananya mumbled an apology and sat properly.
"I still can't believe this! This is going to be my best birthday!" Ananya said, mostly to her brother.
Sneha understood the situation now. This Saturday was Ananya's birthday and she is exceedingly happy that her mother will be coming while she is unhappy that her father will be there as well.
'What's wrong here?' She couldn't help but wonder.
After that, Sneha and Ananya held small talks about the project, classes and college. Meanwhile, Viraj sat there like an odd-one-out and merely heard their babbling.
"Okay. This is done." Viraj spoke after the hill structure started holding itself. He stood up to leave.
"Thanks, bhai, for helping us!" Ananya said with a smile.
"I expect some sort of gratitude from your friend as well." He said playfully, knowing very well that she'd freak out.
Sneha looked at him and almost glared.
"Thank you." She said so as to not prolong the conversation.
Viraj couldn't stop himself from smiling and left the room.
"I can't believe that bhai actually tried to help us here." Ananya told Sneha after she was sure her brother was gone.
"He is your brother after all." Sneha answered with a smile.
"No! He never helps me out with academics or whatever. This is the first time he has taken part." She mumbled. Sneha only shrugged.
"If you don't mind me asking...why are you so happy to see your mother on your birthday? Doesn't she come here often?" Sneha asked, thinking her mother was sick and perhaps admitted to a hospital.
Ananya's face flushed at the question.
'I shouldn't have asked.' Sneha scolded herself.
"This will be the first time my mother will be at my birthday. She stays in Delhi. So, we don't get to meet often." Ananya explained. However, it only raised further questions in her mind.
"You can always take a flight to Delhi!" Sneha suggested. Ananya thought before replying.
"Things are a little complicated." She said and Sneha quickly decided to drop the topic. Her curiosity wasn't important than Ananya's right to privacy. This reminded her of Viraj.
'Does he know that their father treats Ananya badly? If he does, then why doesn't he do something about it?' Sneha thought.
Thinking about it more, she immediately scolded herself.
'You aren't a daily soap actress! Stop thinking about others' lives.' Sneha reminded herself.
Gaurav was sitting leisurely on the guest chair when Viraj entered his study.
"I am ready with my report." Gaurav said with a smile. Viraj only sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Don't you wanna hear it?" He asked playfully as Viraj sat on the sofa.
"Don't." Viraj warned him.
"No, no! I must report it. The report concludes that my friend cum boss just lied to me and that there were absolutely no papers on his table. I wonder why he lied! Oh, is it because of the fact that I was fooling around with no work? But I do that all the time. So, this isn't the answer. This leaves me with the other choice." Gaurav continued when Viraj interrupted him again.
Gaurav only chuckled and continued his taunts.
"Or, is it because he is jealous of the fact that I was helping a certain girl whom he is finding difficult to ignore each day?" He said while wiggling his brows playfully.
"I am not jealous!" Viraj scoffed.
"Then why were you so eager in sending me away? I was just helping her." He defended himself.
Viraj went silent. He had nothing to justify his action.
"I am not jealous." He answered again.
Gaurav's smile faded as seriousness engulfed him.
"Look, Viraj. I respect your feelings. This happens once in a while...with every man. Sneha is a nice girl. If I hadn't had a girlfriend, I would have surely dated her." The mere thought angered Viraj but he controlled himself and continued listening to Gaurav.
"You do know that you can not have feelings for her. Your father asked me about your personal life. And, I mentioned Sneha. He wanted to make sure that she wasn't a weed in your and Nupur's relationship. You know you can't like her." Gaurav warned in a friendly manner.
"And, I don't like her." Viraj answered immediately.
Gaurav sighed and stood. He knew Viraj was in denial.
"It's good, then. Because we all know that for Ananya and your mother's sake, you must marry Nupur. You may fool around as much as you want, but only Nupur will be your wife. So, don't make it any more difficult for the women in your family." He said gently and took his leave.
Viraj stared at the table with a serious face. He recalled and reviewed everything that Gaurav just said. He knew that the only reason his sister and mother were alive was that he was giving his life away to Nupur.
I don't like Sneha and I was definitely not jealous. He told himself again.
After making a few more mountains together and setting the base in the glass box, they both applied resin onto them, in order to make them waterproof. After completing the task, they both washed their hands. Sneha then looked at the wall clock and sighed. There was still fifteen minutes before her father came to pick her up.
"You ready to go?" Ananya asked Sneha as she saw her pick up her bag.
"Yes. Just make sure that the set-up is left undisturbed. The resin needs to dry completely and then, tomorrow, we will paint and perform the experiment." Sneha said to which Ananya nodded.
Both of them came out of the room and started walking in the direction of the main exit. However, as soon as they reached the end of the stairs, Viraj's voice made them halt.
"Sneha." He called for her attention and she turned around to look up at him. Ananya did so too.
Viraj walked downstairs and Sneha realized that he had changed to comfy home clothes, instead of the formals.
"How are you going home?" He asked. Her brows narrowed in confusion, yet she answered him truthfully.
"My father is coming to pick me up." She answered to which he nodded.
He put his hand inside his tracks' pocket and retrieved his wallet. Sneha stared at the black thing stuffed with credit cards and business cards. Her gaze fell on a black-and-white passport-size photograph of a woman at the middle of it, whom she had never seen before. She would have looked at it carefully, but he had slammed it shut after removing a 2000 rupees note.
She understood what he was doing.
"Here is the cash for the payment that you did in the market." He said and forwarded the note towards her. Sneha took it and took out her own wallet to give him the balance change.
"What is this for?" Viraj asked her curiously as she forwarded the balance amount.
"The balance." She answered as if it was an obvious fact.
"Oh! Keep the change." He stated and her brows narrowed again in confusion.
"I...can't keep the change." She argued again and he felt frustrated.
"Keep it." He asserted with a serious look. However, it didn't have any impact on her. She was taught to keep her dues always balanced. Not being in debt was the mantra of her financial life.
"I can't." She added again.
Viraj sighed and turned around to leave. He knew she'd not stop arguing.
"Here." He heard Sneha and he turned around to see that she was giving the balance amount to Ananya.
Ananya's face was flustered as she knew her brother was near.
"Sneha...I can't keep it." She said.
"Why not? He is not taking it, so you must. It means the same thing, anyway." She whispered to her. However, Viraj's eyes were on his sister...almost in a challenging way. And, Ananya knew why he was looking at her in this way. Women in her family were not allowed to keep hold of any money.
"Please...understand." She almost begged Sneha.
'Why are they creating so much drama over this?' Sneha thought.
"I...don't...understand!" She mumbled.
"I am not...allowed to keep cash." Ananya finally mumbled the truth.
"What?" Sneha whispered in surprise. Her face showed how confused she was. However, she took a deep breath and decided to think over this later, since Ananya wasn't elaborating.
"Viraj...please keep the change. I...like to keep my balances equal and being in debt is something I am not comfortable with. So, please..." She said and climbed two stairs to stand in front of him.
Viraj sighed. She was playing the guilt card and damn him, if he didn't fall for it despite knowing it clearly. He took the cash and stuffed it in his pocket while glaring at her for making him finally do what she had wanted to.
"Thank you." She mumbled to him and turned around to finally leave.
"See you tomorrow." She told Ananya who reciprocated with a smile.
"Thank you for listening to her, bhai." Ananya said after Sneha left the hall. She had anticipated a big blow argument. But, her brother did manage to keep calm...something foreign to him.
'I definitely don't like her.' He confirmed since he hated to be commanded...especially by the members of the opposite gender.
"Sneha?" Her mother called for her attention as she entered the girls' room.
Both Sneha and Priya looked up at their mother in surprise, since it was past supper time and by then, their parents generally slept.
"Yes, mummy?" Sneha answered while keeping her pen down.
"I wanted to talk to you about something. Are you free right now?" Her mother asked.
"Yeah. Tell me." She said and closed her book.
"Priya...Go to your father's room." Her mother said to which Priya whined. Nonetheless, she walked out of the room.
"What is it?" Sneha asked. She got the feeling that it might be something about the finances since they didn't discuss these issues with Priya.
"Remember, Umesh uncle?" Her mother asked.
"Yeah. He is papa's friend and we met him at his daughter's marriage." She answered and her mother nodded.
"He really seemed to like you and talked to your father today."
Sneha chuckled.
"He doesn't have any son, ma!" She said as she understood that it was a marriage prospect.
"Right. But, his wife's sister does. Her youngest son is four years older than you and they want you both to...go and talk...to find if you both...you know...get to like each other." Her mother explained.
"What does he do?" Sneha asked, a little awkwardly. She had always known that her parents were searching for the best man for her. But, never had she actually met anyone. The talks always concluded till the parents' stage.
"He is an IAS officer." Her mother answered excitedly.
Sneha's brows raised.
"An IAS officer?" She confirmed.
"Yes. This is why your father and I didn't wait to talk to you about it. You do know that finding successful men is difficult these days. Girls are generally more educated than boys in our region. You yourself have a masters' degree. So, we think you should definitely go and talk with him." Her mother asserted.
"But, mummy, he is an IAS officer! Why does he want to marry a girl like me? Don't IAS officers marry each other? I mean...I am not even employed right now! What will we talk about?" She asked, getting a little self-conscious.
"Calm down, Sneha. Just go and talk with him once. If you won't like him, then we will say no. But, we must not let this go without giving him a chance. Your life will be set if you both say yes to each other."
"I don't need a man to set my life, mummy!" Sneha chuckled. However, she composed herself when her mother gave her a strict look.
"Fine! I'll go and talk to him. But, I am telling you...he is way out of my league. And, I am only going to embarrass you because he will say a big 'no' to me." Sneha laughed at the thought again.
"You will try to make things work, right?" Her mother stressed, and Sneha felt bad for a while. Her mother was concerned for her and she could feel it. Getting their daughters married to a government employee, that too an IAS officer was the dream of almost every middle-class family. So, she sighed and promised her mother.
"I will. But, I am telling you...he is going to say 'no' to me." She stated with confidence.
"He won't. My daughter is no less than him." Her mother boosted her morale.
"Oh, mummy! You have no idea!" Sneha said sarcastically.
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