《Going For The Goal》Chapter Twenty Four


Savannah's POV

We've been in Paris for two days now and it's beautiful today Nate is taking me out on a special date and told me to dress fancy so Rachel and I are going to the mall to get a dress. Yep that's right a dress.

Bang bang bang "Savannah you ready?" Rachel called from outside the door

"Be right there!" I called back, I quickly grabbed my wallet and phone and headed out to the hall where Rachel stood waiting.

"Let's go!" she squealed

Are we headed down the hall.

"How about this one?" Rachel held up a long purple dress and I scrunched up my face shaking my head. We've been here for about two hours and haven't found anything

"What are you looking for?"

"I kinda want it short and fitted. Nate's always telling me he wants to see something that shows off my figure" I answered and she smirked raising her eyebrows up and down

"Stop!" I playfully hit her

"Okay" she looks through a couple racks, she looks up at me and beams


"How about this one?" she holds up a fitted short black dress with lace sleeves. It was gorgeous.

"I love it!"

"Well what are you waiting for? Try it on!"

We rushed to the change room for me to try it on. I came out and Rachel squealed. I turned to look in the mirror and a huge smile appeared on my face. It was more beautiful on than on the rack. It showed off my curves beautifully and hid my scars, not that I'm hiding them from Nate anymore. I started to tear up looking at myself.

"Hey what's wrong? I thought you loved the dress"

"I do. It's just this is the first time in a long time I've felt truly beautiful"

"Aww Savvy" she got up and hugged me "You are beautiful"

"You know that's one of the things I love about Nate, he always makes me feel beautiful"

"Love?" she raised her eyebrows "Have you told him?"

"I was planning to tonight" I smiled sheepishly

"Oh my god!"

"When did you tell Ashton you loved him?"

"We had been dating for about three months when I told him, or he told me I guess, he told me first and I said it right back, I had basically known since I was willing to keep our relationship from my mom that I did"


"Do you girls need anything?" A saleswoman asked

"Nope" I smiled "I'll take this one"

"Come on" Rachel pulled me towards a nail salon in the mall

"No no no" I tried to pull the other way. I always felt awkward getting my nails done and when they talk a different language while their doing it, it always makes me feel like they're making fun of me or something.

"Come on"

"I don't have much of a choice do I?"

"None" she said and I groaned

After an hour of having my feet and hands picked and prodded at they were finally finished. My fingers were a french manicure and my toes a dark blue. Now we were off to get a pair of shoes, or heels in Rachel's words.

"Here try these" she handed me a pair of black wedges

"Are you kidding? I'll break an ankle!"

"They're not that bad. Now try them on"

"They're not that bad" I mocked quietly while trying them on

"They'll go great with your dress"

"So will the crutches after I snap an ankle"

"Oh be quiet their perfect"

After twenty minutes of arguing we finally bought the heels and headed to one more store Rachel told me I wouldn't like but have no say in. In we went to Victoria's Secret.

"Just in case" she said as she head up a strapless lace bra and thong

"Really?!" I groaned and she nodded already at the checkout.

After that we headed back to the hotel.

"Come on I'll kick Ashton out and you can get ready in our room"

"You don't have to kick him out"

"Sure I do" she laughed "He'll probably just go to your room anyway"

"Okay just let me just go to my room quickly"

"Here I'll take the dress"

I left and went to my room where Nate was standing with his back to me in just a towel, his hair still wet and back muscles showing perfectly. When the door shut he turned around and sent me his million dollar smile.

"Hey beautiful"

"Hey" I stood up on my tippy toes to give him a peck on the lips

"Have fun" He asked then caught a glimpse at the Victoria's Secret bag in my hand

"I did. Rachel is a lot of fun"

"I'm glad" He smiled "Did you get your nails done? I thought you hated those places because they always talk in chinese"


"Well here they talk in french so I understand a bit more" I laughed

"So, what's in the bag" He smirked trying to grab the Victoria's Secret one

"It's a surprise" I grinned and he pouted "I have to go get ready. Five right?"

"Yep" he grabbed my waist pulling me in between his legs "Can't wait" he whispered before kissing me. Before things got too heated I left and Rachel kicked Ashton out. She then proceeded to do my hair in loose curls and braided a strand pinning it behind my head, I then put on the lace bra and panties set and dress finally the heels and black clutch and headed down to the lobby where Nate was already waiting. As I walked down the big staircase I saw him visibly gulp.

"You look,- you look, wow you look-"

"Thank you" I smiled and checked him out, he was wearing black dress pants with a white button down that he rolled to his elbows and a black tie "You look wow yourself"

"Come on princess the limo is waiting outside" he looped my arm threw his


"Yeah, as in those long cars that are normally black and can hold my people"

"I know what a limo is jackass. I was just surprised"

"Well my girl deserves the best"

"This is amazing already, thank you"

"Well the night has just started, let's go" the driver open the door for us and we thanked him before climbing in.

"So will I get to see what was in that bag tonight?" Nate asked

"Only if you're lucky"

Soon the driver told us we had reached our destination and Nate lead me out of the car to in front of the Eiffel Tower. I looked at him with wide eyes "What are we doing here?"

"We are having dinner" he pulled me towards. Once we were at the top there was a table with a white tablecloth and candles along with two steak dinner and a guy playing the violin softly in the background. My hand flew up to my mouth. "Oh Nate" tears blurred my vision "This is amazing"

"You deserve amazing. You are amazing"

We then went to sit down at the table, Nate pulled my chair out for me like a gentleman and as we ate the conversation never died once. He made me laugh and smile and finally we were on dessert, creme brulee, if you don't know what that is it's basically vanilla custard with a burnt sugar on top. After we were both full we walked to the railing and looked over the city, Nate wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I need to tell you something" I said after a moment of silence

"What's up" he asked and I turned to face him

"I love you" at first he was quiet and I was scared. Did he not feel the same way? Was it too early? All my worries went away when he smile hugely

"I love you too princess" he leaned down and kissed me. This kiss was better than any kiss we had ever shared, this kiss was filled with love and passion. Our tongues danced and my knees felt weak, I probably would've fallen over if he wasn't holding me up.

"Why don't we go back to the hotel room" I whispered and he nodded. The limo was at the bottom waiting. On the way back we made out the entire time with me straddling his waist. The limo pulled up outside the hotel and we quickly hoped to go to our room. As soon as we were in I pulled Nate's tie off and started to unbutton his shirt pulling that off too to see his amazing six pack. He unzipped the back of my dress and I stepped out of my heels and let the dress fall to the floor along with his pants that were now gone leaving us both in our underwear.

"Well this is a nice surprise" he said looking at my lace set. We both went on the bed and he climbed on top of me, his arms holding his weight.

"Are you sure? We can always stop" his voice husky

"I'm sure. I love you and want you to be my first"

"Okay just tell me to stop if you get uncomfortable. I won't mind" he said and I nodded. Soon our underwear was gone and he put on a condom before climbing back on top of me.

"I love you Savannah"

"I love you too Nate"

You can guess what happened next. 

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