《Going For The Goal》Chapter Ten


Savannah's POV

I awoke to the feeling of comfort.

A feeling I haven't felt in ten years.

I snuggled in closer to Nate's embrace and he tightened arms around my waist.

"Morning princess" His husky morning voice greeted me making me get butterflies. Wait, did I just say butterflies? Am I falling for Nate? No I can't, he would never feel the same way.

I smiled at him "Morning"

"I wish we could stay in bed all day"

"Me too" I agreed

"But we can't, come on" he said getting up "We gotta start getting ready"

"Why?" I whined

"You have a doctor's appointment?" he said in a duh tone

"Oh right"

Today was the day I was getting rid of my crutches and ankle wrap. Nate left to go to his room to get ready since he offered to drive me to my appointment. I went and had a shower throwing my hair in a pony and got on grey nike track pants with a grey tank that said Nike and just do it with a dark pink and dark gray hoodie and pink running shoes. I grabbed my wallet and phone and walked to Nate's room knocking on the door and walked in without waiting to be let in.

"Oh sure come on in" he said sarcastically

"Oh I did" I said pretending not to hear the sarcasm, he stuck his tongue out in which I returned. He finished tying his shoe lace grabbed his phone

"How is it that I, the girl on crutches, got ready faster than you?"

"Perfection takes time princess" I rolled my eyes at that one

He lead me out of his room, and picked me up to carry me down the stairs and out to his car, I got in the passenger seat and changed the radio to the shape of you by Ed Sheeran and started singing along.


"I'm in love with the shape of you

We push and pull like a magnet do

Although my heart is falling too

I'm in love with your body

And last night you were in my room

And now my bed sheets smell like you

Every day discovering something brand new

I'm in love with your body-"

Nate turned it off


He rose an eyebrow "What are you doing?"

"Uh, singing"

"That's not singing" he laughed and I crossed my arms across my chest and huffed. The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet, we soon arrived at the hospital and Nate helped me out of the car. We sat in the waiting room talking quietly until the doctor called my name, I went to get up and looked down at Nate "Will you uh come with me?" I asked shyly he smiled up at me and got up

"Of course" he put his arm around my shoulder and we followed the doctor, I sat on the examining bed thing as the doctor ran some test.

"How have you been feeling Savannah?"

"Really good actually, it no longer hurts"

"Well that is a very good sign"

The doctor continued to do a few more tests

"Well you're good to be off the crutches. But you will have to do some exercises to get it strong again" he said "Is this your boyfriend?" he pointed to Nate

"Oh, no he's a... friend"

"Well maybe your friend can help you" both Nate and I nodded

"What kind of exercises?" Nate asked

"Hold on one moment and I'll come back with a pamphlet with the different ones" the doctor got up and left the room

"I get to play soccer again!" I squealed to Nate and he laughed


"Now I can finally see if what you say is true"

"What that I could kick your ass in a one on one match?"

"I would like to see you try White"

"Bring it Court"

We started laughing but I cut it short

"But seriously I will kick your ass"

"Can't wait princess" He winked

"Excuse me" the doctor said with an amused look. I wonder how long he'd been standing there

"Oh, yeah sorry" I chuckled

"So he are some pamphlets and he's a prescription I want you to take if you feel any pain" he handed Nate the pamphlets and me the prescription.

"So come back to me if you see any problems but other than that you should be good to go"

"Thank you so much" I said to the doctor as Nate helped me to my feet

"Of course, you kids have a good day"

"You too" Nate said and we walked out to the car. Nate had to help me to the car since my ankle was still weak. I got buckled in and Nate took me to drop off my prescription. As we were driving I noticed that Nate was going the way to go home

"Where are we going?"

He gave me a mischievous smile "Surprise"

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