《Going For The Goal》Chapter Seven


Savannah's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, my head was pounding a steady beat. I saw a blurry figure at my bedside and then I remember my fight with Nate. My eyes adjusted and I saw Lauren sitting there, one hand she held her phone the other holding mine. I went to say something but nothing came out, my throat felt like sandpaper so I gave her hand a squeeze to show I was awake. Her eyes snapped to mine and she let out a breath of relief. I pointed to the water bottle sitting by my bedside, she got the message and held the water bottle up to my mouth, after she removed the bottle I cleared my throat "Where's Nate is he okay?"

"Oh honey Nathaniel is fine, you passed out when you guys were fighting"

"How long was I out for?"

"All night. It's about ten o'clock now" her phone buzzed "There's a problem with my upcoming show, do you mind if I leave for an hour"

"Of course not. Thank you for being here for me"

"Honey you're basically a daughter I never had, of course I would be here for you" she gave me a warm smile "Oh and I think Nathaniel should be by at some point to talk"

"Okay, I'll see you after?" I asked hopeful and she nodded before walking out the door leaving me by myself.

It's been three days and everyone has stopped by except Nathaniel, even Parker and his girlfriend Mia came by. I felt hurt that Nate never came, I know he doesn't like me but I still thought he would stop by. Today I was going home and Brayden was here to pick me up since his parents and Parker were at work. He kept a small conversation going down to his car and helped me in since I was still on crutches.


"Will Nate be there when we get home? I mean your house" I blushed and turned away

"It's your house too you know and yeah he'll be there. Sorry he's been such an ass to you"

"It's okay, I've dealt with worse" after that there was an awkward silence "So you're in school to become a...?"

"A police officer. I go back to school after march break, so two weeks I guess"

"Wow and what about Parker?"

"Lawyer" he said "and what about you? You graduate in a couple months, what do you want to do?"

"My dream has always been to play professional soccer" I said and he nodded

"Cool, cool" we then pulled up to the house and he helped me down again and helped me to the door. I let out a squeal of surprise when Brayden picked me up and carried me up the stairs

"You didn't have to do that you know"

"And what? Let you struggle your way up on crutches?" I thought to when I first came and how Nate made me go up on my own and nodded to Brayden "Only a dick would make you do that"

Yep that sums up Nate right there "Thanks Brayden" I then wobbled to my room and when I opened my door I saw the one person I was hoping to avoid. There sat Nate on his bed, I only then realised my mistake of opening the wrong door and silently cursed myself.


I groaned and turned around when Nate grabbed my upper arm, I went to pull away but if I did I would've lost balance on my crutches so instead I tried walking away but his grip tightened.

"Savannah" this time I turned around and slapped him. I have always had a hot temper and lots of times it gets the best of me.


"How could you?!" I yelled "I was there for three days! And you couldn't make time to stop by for five minutes?! Parker and Mia came! Brayden and Austin came! But you stayed home and probably felt sorry for yourself, you really are an asshole!"

"Do you want to know why I didn't come! I didn't because I couldn't look you in the eye and not feel guilty after what happened!"

"Nate it wasn't your fault" my voice now softer but he just shook his head I shuffled closer to him and put my hand on his cheek where I just slapped him "I'm sorry for slapping you" I mumbled

"I deserved it. I should've manned up come to see you. Make sure you were okay, are you okay?"

"Yeah, it was just from stress, I guess from my past and moving here and the fight, well it just..."


I suddenly felt uncomfortable and looked down at my feet

"You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable" Nate added

"When I was young my mom died and ever since my dad has made really bad decisions that have put him in jail" I said quietly "If you ever repeat that I will cut your balls off"

"I won't, I promise"

Is it a bad thing that I believe him? Sure I didn't tell him everything but it's more than basically anyone else knows and we basically just got over hating each other. God I'm so stupid!

"Look I really want us to get along. I will do my part if you do yours" I offered

"Yeah, I would like that" he smiled "Hey I have a soccer game on, wanna watch?" I looked over at the TV and then back at him

"Sure" I agreed he motioned for me to follow him to his bed and he pulled me down beside him so the whole one side of our bodies were touching.

"How'd you get the cast?"

"Soccer injury" he rose an eyebrow for me to continue "I play defence and well I was chasing after this girl and just as I came close she passed the ball but didn't stop knocking me right to the ground. In the collision she stomped on my ankle and ended up with crutches for three weeks"

"Damn" he breathed

"What about you pretty boy, what position do you play?"

"Pretty boy huh?" he joked and I rolled my eyes "I play striker"

"Wow you even got the pretty boy position" I laughed and he nudged me with his shoulder laughing too. The rest of the game was mostly silent as we both watched. Before I knew what was happening I fell soundly asleep leaning on his shoulder feeling a safeness I haven't felt in years.

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