《The Tutor》Chapter 30


Norah hadn't realised just how small their house was until it was crammed with guests. Benny, Louis, Rafe, Ayame and Joyce sat around snuggly at the small dining table. They were having pre-drinks before the Leaver's Ball.

Rafe, uncharacteristically was nervous about meeting Norah's mum, but now, an hour and two glasses of wine later they were sitting and talking as if they'd known each other for years. Louis, Benny and Joyce had their eyes glued on the television, watching the Great British Bake-off Finale with a glass of Prosecco.

Norah was wearing her long lavender coloured chiffon dress gifted by her mum. She looked at her watch and stood up.

"Guys, let's go, we're already late for Leaver's Ball," she said grabbing her shawl and her bag.

"Chotto matte Norah-chan we have to take pictures! Let's go outside, quickly"

Rafe grinned and laced his arm around Norah's shoulders as her mum went to rummage through her things in search of a camera.

"Your mum is so adorable. And seriously, she looks like your younger sister. What is it with Asians and not ageing," Rafe said, ruffling his hair.

"Stop it," Norah said grabbing his arm, "it took me ages to style your unruly hair!"

"Style?" He asked, recalling how much gel and combing and swearing they went through. "You're never touching my hair again."

"Okay everyone, please get ready! I want this photo framed!" Her mum commanded in a childlike voice. After taking several photos, some with just couples, some altogether and mostly downright goofy, they headed out to school grounds.

Upon arriving they made their way to the football fields. There were three giant round marquees set up. Inside there was a dance floor and various stands serving Pimms, Aperol Spritz and various other beverages. The second marquee was dedicated to food. The third marquee had school year photos from different events, couples of trophies ready to be handed out. It was a hot summer's day, and the boys were struggling in their tuxedos. The girl looked beautiful out of their uniforms, donning bright coloured silks and chiffons that made them look like like flowers on the field of greenery.

Rafe's group of friends gravitated towards him. It was nice to see Jack was out of the picture for good. He was suspended. Benny felt more at ease with everyone and became close with Amber as they were both going to the same university in London to study English Literature.


"Tch. My shoes will get dirty," Norah muttered, as her heels sunk into the muddy ground.

"Oh don't get your knickers in a twist. You have plenty of shoes," Rafe muttered back, giving her a nudge.

Norah smirked and leaned into his ear. "I'm not wearing any knickers," she said coyly.

Rafe sucked in his breath and ran his hand down her back. "Let's go home. I've seen enough of the party."

"No!" She protested with a laugh as he began dragging her back towards the road on which the cab dropped them off.

"Guys, what are you doing? Let's go!" Benny called them ahead as they all entered the tent. There was a crowd gathered and everyone listened to the headmasters speech about all the achievements they reached as a community, how many matches they won, which competitions they beat and how much money they've raised over the year for charity.

"And now, we would like to take this moment to recognise some of the outstanding talents of the school. In sports category I would like to award Captain of the Year to William Manuel." There was instant applause. Bashfully, he went up to the stage to grab a small trophy. After the crowd settled down, the headmaster read out another name. "Player of the year, Rafe Ferreira." There was another wave of applause and hooting.

Boys wolf whistled jokingly as Rafe sauntered up to the stage, accepting this medal with a wolfish grin. They all interpreted the word 'player' in a different way and Norah rolled her eyes when Rafe winked at her.

"Settle down boys and girls," headmaster said at the rowdy crowd and continued to read out the achievements in different categories.

After he had finished, he took out a separate list and adjusted his glasses. "Now these awards were nominated and voted for by the pupils and put together by the student council. Luke Mason voted as the most likely to be a father of five by the age of thirty..." There was laughter as Luke shook his head and went up to get his 'reward'. Amber looked queasy.

"James Volenko, voted as the most likely to end up on the cover of Forbes..."

"Marcella Lo voted most athletic girl..."

"Alex Price most likely to marry a porn star... Oh for god's sake, I can't believe this is on here," the headmaster grumbled and shuffled the papers whilst Alex walked to the stage with so much self-importance, one would think he'd won the Nobel Prize. "Alex go away there's no prize for marrying a porn star."


"That's a prize in itself already," Luke shouted and everyone laughed. The headmaster shook his head but wasn't angry. It was a fun day, a celebration, and the headmaster went along with the jokes.

"And last but not least, voted the smartest student in school, Norah Fujioka, please come up."

Hearing her own name sent a chill down her spine as she hated the attention. There was a round of applause and Rafe kissed the top of her head and nudged her towards the stage. Amber and Hazel, both were on the student council, gave her a conspirator wink and a grin.

"Go!" Hazel said, giving her a clap.

"You've earned it," said Amber. Norah smiled and looked to the ground. She was flattered and overwhelmed. Hesitantly she went up to get her small trophy, recognising her as the cleverest person in school. Her cheeks were flaming as she went back to find her place next to Rafe, overwhelmed by the attention and recognition.

"This was very sweet of your friends to organise this," she mumbled, snuggling closer to Rafe, who wrapped a hand around her shoulders. Her knees were still shaking from the embarrassment of having to go on stage.

"I know. It was the girls' idea, not mine."

She smiled at them. It was nice to end school on good terms with everyone, including Hazel. Norah had been in the wrong too, for judging her harshly because she reminded her of her friends back in St Claires.

The awards ceremony had ended and everyone had dispersed to get themselves some food, drinks and hit the dance floor. The tent heated quickly in the hot summer evening, so Rafe took Norah out for a quick walk on the school grounds.

"You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'll actually miss this school. It's the longest I've ever spent in one place," Rafe said looking at the students mingling.

"I didn't think I'd miss it either, but I've grown fond of the place. And the people, eventually..."

"Have you packed your things for London yet?" Rafe asked, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

"Nearly there. Benny and I hadn't decided on the flat yet. He prefers Shoreditch area, but I'm more of a Soho girl," Norah said. "Louis will live with us too and he also likes Shoreditch so I'm not sure I will win this battle."

Rafe nodded. "What about," he asked after a moment of thought, "Knightsbridge?"

"That's not a place for a student! That area is for Russian oligarchs and Arab sheikhs. Who do you think we are? Money launderers?"

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay, let me try it another way. Norah... Since I'm starting university in autumn, I will need a tutor. Preferable a live-in one so she could keep an eye on me at all times. If she cooks Japanese food that's a bonus."

It took Norah a minute to digest what he's said. "Really?... Are you sure you need a tutor? I think you'll be fine on your own."

"I do, I really do," he said and kissed her hand.

"Well if I'm going to put up with you I will have to triple the rate. Plus, I don't work on weekends."

"Whatever you want," he said, playing along with the joke. Then after a second his smile faltered. "Wait... you do know I'm asking you to move in with me? I don't actually need a tutor..."

"Really?" Norah said, faking disappointment. "And here I thought I'll have a well-paid part-time job in London."

"Please tell me you're joking or I will throw that trophy in the bin because you aren't that smart."

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist. I'd love to live with you Rafe," she said planting a quick kiss on his lips.

"That's great. And I'm not wearing any panties either," he said with a grin, kissing her back.

"Oh god please tell me you are," Norah said laughing out loud.

"Let's go, we're going to miss the fireworks," Rafe said as he tugged her back towards the party.

"You won't mind living with your tutor in London?" Norah teased. "You know how intense I could get."

Rafe kissed her on the lips. "I'm not going to live with my tutor, I'm going to live with my girlfriend."

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