《Forbidden Desire. | ✓》(22) I Can't Let You Go.


"I didn't take you for a whoring type. But I guess we can all be wrong about something at time." Damian's grip on Sahara's wrists become tighter.

"I d-d-didn't do it on p-purpose, I s-swear." Sahara could feel searing pain from her wrists, all she wants to do now is burst into tears but the shock of the whole situation hasn't quite sunk in yet.

He slams her arms against the wall sending painful jolts through her body. "Shut the fuck up. You can go whore around with a random man but resist the touch of your own husband? What has your religion taught you?"

Sahara feels numb at the horrible accusations being thrown at her and her beloved religion. She gathers up as much courage as she can and looks him straight in the eye. Her tears are unstoppable, blurring her vision. She starts laughing, a sad, painful laugh, "so now I'm the whore?"

She raises her shaky voice, "What husband? The husband who sleeps with multiple women in one single night?"

Her voice cracks and the tears are nowhere near stopping, "The husband who doesn't love me-- forget about love, who doesn't respect a single thing about me? That's the husband who wants respect? That's the husband demanding for affection?!"

Sahara's sudden outburst leaves Damian speechless. He wasn't expecting such harsh words from her that almost made it feel like the words hurt him. The next few words hit him like a tidal wave.

"I want to leave. I can't go on any longer in this poisonous relationship. Please, let me go. I want a divorce." Sahara couldn't believe her own words, all she wanted to do was push through this marriage, she had no plans of abandoning it. But today became the last straw she never saw coming.


"You- what?" His grip on her wrists, loosen.

She falls to the ground, near his feet. She stares at the ground, letting her tear drops pool up near his shoes. "I need you to let me go. You're clearly not happy with me, I don't think I can be happy with you either. I can't make you happy, it just won't work out. Please, I beg you, let me go..."

Her words made his heart drop, he could feel the emptiness in the pit of his stomach as if someone just pushed him off of a high cliff. He didn't know why he was feeling such way about her words. She has the right to leave him after his treatment of her, plus, he hates her, right? Then, why is the image of her leaving giving him such discomfort?

He didn't have the answer to that but he knew what he had to say to her. His voice became almost calm, and soothing, "I won't let you go because... because I can't let you go. I can't let you go, Sahara."

"What do you mean you-" Damian walks out before Sahara could ask her question. What does he mean he can't let her go? Why did he sound... almost... pitiful?

• • •

"Mate, you made the biggest scene, Mrs. Colombo is going to beat your ass for punching her son." Viktor begins to panic, while Damian's mind is somewhere else, Sahara.

Ana aggressively walks towards Damian, her anger clearly visible on her face, "Where the hell is Sahara? What did you do to her?"

On queue, Sahara walks in. She had used the ladies room to fix up herself, she looks almost as she did when she first walked in. Ana runs over to Sahara, "Are you okay? Did Damian hurt you?" Damian's eyes following Sahara.


Sahara doesn't answer Ana. She walks over to Damian and hands him his wallet that he'd dropped during their intense encounter. "You dropped this." is all she says while handing him his wallet back.

She turns to look at Ana, "Is Imran okay? He looked like he was badly hurt." Sahara's concern for Imran makes Damian's jaw clench as well as making his hands form into fists. (A/N: *insert Arthur's Fist meme* ahahaha, sorry. xD)

Ana looks back and forth at Damian and Sahara suspiciously before answering. "He was taken to the First Aid room. Do you want to check up on him?"

Damian starts to decline Ana's offer for Sahara,"She will n–"

"No, I just wanted to know if he was okay. My husband did hurt him, it's my responsibility to know Damian hasn't done extensive damage to an innocent man." Sahara answers for herself.

Viktor, Ana, and Damian look at Sahara surprised at her calling Damian by his name for the first time and calling him her husband for the first time.

"No... He should be fine... Sahara, are you okay?" Ana asks.

"I want to go home..." Sahara answers.

Anastasia frowns, "But there's the after party where you have to present the Damian his award and–"

"But I really want to go home, please." Sahara begs.

"You can stay until the award ceremony and I'll call Sebastian to take you home." Damian finally says.

Sahara didn't want to fight so she nods. "Where's Jen?"

Anastasia smirks, "She took an interest in Carlos and he took an interest in her..."

Sahara's mouth forms an 'O', "I guess her night is going fantastic."

They can hear a cover of the song Can't Help Falling In Love sung by Haley Reinhart playing on the speakers.

Sahara smiles as this song always manages to calm her down even at her darkest moments, "I love this song!"

Viktor approaches Ana and asks, "May I have the honour?" as he extends a hand for her to take.

"The honour is all mine." She smiles and takes his hand as they slip away to the dance floor.

Damian and Sahara are left alone together in an awkward situation.

Damian clears his throat, "Would you like to a dance?"

"Uh... I don't dance..." Sahara manages to hide her surprise at him asking her.

"You seemed fine dancing with Imran." Damian almost sounds like a whining child.

"Oh, for Goodness Sake." Sahara entwines her hand into his and leads him to his surprise. She places his hands on the two sides of her hips as she wraps her arms around his neck. "Happy? But if I step on your feet a couple of million times, don't start complaining because I warned you."

Sahara didn't know where she suddenly got the courage from. Maybe Damian's bickering set off a certain flame in her. Whether or not that's the case, she couldn't get that one sentence out of her head, I can't let you go. What does he mean?

Being so close to Damian is making her heart race faster and faster. Damian makes it apparent that his eyes are fixated on her by pulling her closer to his muscular chest. Sahara could swear her heart is about to pop out of her chest from beating so heavily.

• • •

His voice turns into an almost low growl, a growl that sounds like a protective alpha, "You're mine. All fucking mine."

- - -

. 😏 Also, what do you guys think of jealous Damian? Hahaha!


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