《Forbidden Desire. | ✓》(16) Talking To The Moon.


Ana laughs, "Yes, Mrs. Vasiliev, you have to be announced to the world as his wife because Mr. Vasiliev is that important."

Sahara's fear of social gatherings, socializing, and public speaking is going to get worst, "I– I can't go. I literally hate leaving the house. I'd rather just stay at home, in my pyjamas than go out and have a good time at some fancy party or event." She put air quotes around good time.

"Don't worry! You probably don't have to do much anyways. You might only have to go up there to present him his award and say a few words–"

"Go up on stage??? Present an award??? Say a few words??? NOPE, COUNT ME OUT!" Sahara is not having it. She has major anxiety about these things to the point where she physically starts shaking, sweating and her body temperature drops.

A deep male voice interrupts their conversation, "You don't have a choice. Don't piss me off about this like you've been pissing me off about everything else. Quietly accept the fact that you have to go." It's Damian.

Sahara doesn't say anything.

Jennifer and Katherine excuse themselves out of the room.

"When's the event anyways?" Anastasia asks.

"Next week. I'll text you the details later. You need to take her," he points at Sahara, "shopping and buy her something to look presentable in. She absolutely cannot embarrass me at the Starlight."

Ana rolls her eyes,"She doesn't have to do embarrass you, you do that to yourself by yourself."

Sahara unexpectedly let out a few giggles but quickly covering her mouth, earning herself a look from Damian.

"Listen, it'll be over within 5 minutes. Don't mess this up for me." Damian leaves the kitchen with that sentence.

• • •

Knock, knock, knock

"Come in." Damian says.

Sahara peaks through the door, but Damian doesn't seem to be in sight. She could smell the thick scent of cigarettes mixed with alcohol. It made her sick to her stomach, especially the smell of cigarettes. You'd think she'd get used to the smell of cigarettes after growing up with her smoker uncle yet the smell makes her as nauseous as ever.


He's stressed again, she thinks to herself as she frowned. She noticed that Damian became a heavy smoker and drinker when things were hard on him. He's having one those days and she did not want to get in between him and his bad day.

"Hi, I just came to grab some of my things. It'll only take a few minutes." Sahara says.

No reply.

She makes her way deeper into the room.

She's been sleeping in the room next to Damian's for the past few days. In fact, she finds that arrangement a lot more comfortable than sleeping on his couch. Damian has warned her not to tell anyone of her sleeping arrangements as it would make him look bad. She agreed, she didn't really care as long as she didn't have to see him over and over again.

She makes her way towards the balcony and picks up some of her books from the table beside the balcony doors. She loved reading under the clear, sparkling moonlight that shone through the balcony doors. The balcony was one of her favourite parts of the house.

She looks out the window in awe, at the large full moon that is shining brightly down towards her.

"Mash'Allah, Mr. Chand ("Moon" in Urdu), you're looking stunning tonight." Sahara starts speaking to the night sky for fun. "Of course, I can't forget you sitaraas ("Stars" in Urdu/Hindi). You all are looking gorgeous as always. Allah created such a beautiful world, people don't appreciate all of your beauty enough."

She lost herself by watching the moon and the stars that she forgot that she's been in Damian's room this whole time.

She felt someone breathing down her neck, which made her jump. As she was about to turn around, Damian rests his hands on her shoulders making her freeze on spot. "I like the way you look at the sky, with so much love and affection." He whispers, sending shivers down her back.


She could smell the reeking alcohol from his mouth, yet she ignored it because the Damian behind her sounded almost humane.

"They are beautiful to look at. I can watch the night sky for hours without feeling bored." Sahara knee making conversation with drunk Damian could lead to problems but he sounds so normal right now that she couldn't help it.

"Oh, really? I'll buy you a telescope." He spun her around so they are face-to-face, "or better yet, I'll build a whole telescope tower, just for you."

Sahara is at a loss of words at Damian's sudden affection towards her. She finds herself smiling at his kind words. Damian puts a finger under her chin and tilts it up so her big brown eyes would meet his icy yet warm ones, "Just say the words, and it's yours."

His eyes are as magnetic as ever. Sahara feels as if she could travel the universe just by staring into his blue-ish grey eyes.

Then it hits her, he's under the influence of alcohol. This isn't him. He'll be back to his mean ol' self after the effects of this wears off.

She pushes him away, "Mr. Vasiliev, you're drunk."

He smirks then locks her in his embrace. He wraps his arms around her waist as he traces his finger over her cheeks. His fingers land on her loosely done headscarf and he tips scarf off of her head as if he flicked a hat off of a head.

Sahara gasps, but Damian puts a finger on top of her lips, shushing her. "Shhh. Aren't you allowed to show your hair to your husband?" He says as he plays with her soft, dark hair strands.

Sahara didn't know what to do or what to say. His soft touch felt intoxicating, addicting. A part of her is screaming to get the heck out of the room but the other side of her is telling her to stay a little longer, to play out some of her forbidden desires, to have Damian show her some kind of fondness.

Damian's gaze falls upon her lips, his inner self has been desiring to taste those rosy, plump pair of lips for so long. The desire oh-so-forbidden because he refuses to give into his desires for her.

The closeness between them is fuelling both of them to reach for the forbidden fruit, to satisfy the inner hunger.

Without a second thought, Damian dives in for a kiss. The moment his rough lips touches her smooth ones, he felt the addictive substance within the experience. It felt like ecstasy. The softness of her lips, the floral scent of her lip balm, her innocently inexperienced mouth trying to mold onto his. All the factors adding onto his hunger and desire for more.

• • •

"If what? If I wasn't drunk? I'm in my right fucking sense right now and I want to fuck you raw." Damian yells.

Sahara feels the blood leave her face, as she turns pale. The sweet and gentle Damian was gone, he's been replaced by his usual, aggressive self.

- - -

A/N: I know you guys have been waiting for a little somethin', somethin' between the pair, your wish is my command. 😏😉


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