《Forbidden Desire. | ✓》(5) Wake Me Up.



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Sahara had already texted Ria saying that her uncle and aunt are coming to visit.

"Don't you think this is a little too last minute, even if they have to tell you something important? They didn't even tell you before they boarded the flight." Ria says sounding a little annoyed.

"It's quiet alright. They raised me, they have the right to just drop by whenever they want." Sahara says smiling as she cleans the kitchen counter.

Ria scoffs. Her uncle did nothing but abuse her all her life since her parents died when Sahara was about nine years old. Sahara tried to make them sound like angels but the truth had to come out and when it did, Sahara cried for hours because she had never shared that with anyone before. Her aunt on the other hand was sweet but never had the upper hand in the relationship. However, she always tried protecting Sahara and raised her like her own daughter.

The door bell rings.

"Oh! They're here!" Sahara said excitingly.

"Okay, but I'll be greeting them going back to my room. I don't really want to socialize and then lose my temper, you feel?" Ria says.

Sahara nods and opens the door.

Her Chachi brings her into a big hug, "Look how grown you've become! You look so pathli ("skinny" in Urdu), have you been eating well?"

"Yes, Chachi. It's probably only the stress from exams! Don't worry, I'll fatten myself up now since it's summer break. Sahara laughs making her aunt smile. She introduces Ria and Ria excuses herself saying she has to study for her last exam coming up.

"Please, aiye bathiye ("come and sit" in Urdu)." Sahara gestures towards the couch.

"When did you finish your exams?" Her uncle asks.


"I haven't finished it yet. I have two more next week and then I have graduation, which you two will come to, right?" Sahara says.

"Bilkul ("of course" in Urdu), we will be there. It's good that you're finishing your education, this will make everything easier.

She raises an eyebrow in confusion. Then, she notices her Chachi is fiddling with her scarf and she only does that when she's nervous about something or worried.

"So, what's the news?" Sahara asks.

"We have a rishta (marriage proposal) for you." Her Chachu casually says. "We proposed it to the groom's side and they have accepted. The wedding will be in a few months."

It dawns on Sahara what he has just said. Her head suddenly feels light.

"YOU WHAT?" Sahara says in shock. She has never in her life raised her voice at them. She's ever rarely raised her voice in general. "You can't do this to me! I'm not ready!" Her protests were cut short when a hand made hard contact with her cheek.

Stinging sensation jolted outwards from where the hand made contact with her skin.

"Bas ("Enough" in Urdu)! You won't question anything any further. The decision has been made!" Her uncle says.

Tears threatened to fall down her face, she couldn't believe it. She barely graduated and her uncle already sold her off to someone she's never met. This isn't how it was supposed to be. She wanted to travel the world, see things she's never seen, experience different cultures before settling down. She hasn't even turned 20 yet.

Her Chachi cradles her in her lap, she let's her silent tears fall on her lap.

"A few weeks after you turn 20, we will hold the Nikkah (wedding ceremony). It will take place here, in England." He says.


"Do I get no say in this? Please, I've listened to you all my life, just this once, let me decide, please!" Sahara begged.

"What is done, is done. This marriage will be a great alliance to make. It will join two great families and will increase our wealth and power." Her Chachu was lost in his own dreams, he didn't give a damn about Sahara. "Amina, come outside in 5 minutes, we're heading to our hotel." And he left.

"Chachi! Why is this happening?! When was this decided? Why wasn't I informed before?" Sahara says as she sobs.

Her aunt strokes her head, "You deserve to know who you're marrying but I don't know much. Only that he's Britain's wealthiest business tycoons. And..." Her aunt paused, struggling to say the next few words.

"And...?" Sahara urged her aunt to continue.

"And he's a- he's a Non-Muslim. He is Christian by faith but doesn't practice it." She finishes her sentence.

"Wha- how could Chachu do this? He knows how much religion means to me! This is haram! Does the man know that I wear a hijab, how I feel about my faith?" Sahara starts asking too many questions but her aunt didn't have many answers.

"He's also marrying you for the alliance between the two families. He knows but doesn't seem to care. But that's all I know, beta (child/dear). I'm so sorry, I tried to stop this but I couldn't." Her Chachi starts crying. Sahara hates worrying other people, upsetting her Chachi is the last thing she wants to do.

She wipes her Chachi's tears and says, "It's okay. I will fight through this just like I fight through every other obstacle in my life, through Allah's help. He will show me the way. I believe in Him to hold my hand through this." Sahara flashes a smile at her aunt.

Her aunt hugs her tightly and bids her farewell, "We will meet again your graduation ceremony,. Please, stay strong. May Allah bless you with abundance of happiness, Insh'Allah. Khudahafiz." With that, her aunt left.

Ria darts towards Sahara to hold her up once the door closes. Ria holds Sahara in her arms as they sit against the door, "Bloody hell, I can't believe your own relative would do this to you. You could run away, you know."

"If I run away, he'll hurt my Chachi, I can't let other people get hurt because of me." Sahara says in between her sniffles.

Ria caresses Sahara's cheek and says in a bare whisper, "You're always so worried about others, I hope there comes a time when you realize self-importance and self-love."

Sahara silently cries away in the embrace of her best friend, hoping this will be a nightmare that she'll soon wake up from.

Oh, Allah, please guide through this hardship like you always have. If, only if You find this good for me, only then, let this marriage go through.


Once they are out of sight, Damian takes steps leading him closer to her until there are mere inches separating them. He grabs her waist and pulls her onto his chest. Sahara gasps as she feels his steady heart beat against her racing ones.

"Please let go, people are staring." She tries to push him off unsuccessfully.

He smiles at a slyly, "I don't think so, love."

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A/N: Any guesses on what's going to happen?


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