《Girl Gone Rogue (The Shadow Hunters #2)》20. The Secret Beneath The Mountains
Jamison and Aella joined us on the lounge seat. I purposely wedged myself between Aella and the edge of the couch. I knew if I was closer to Alexei, it would only tempt me to reach over and distract him with my hands...or lips.
From my peripheral, he took one of the cushions on the couch and draped it over his lap, attempting to be discreet.
Jamison gave him a knowing look.
"Did you guys find anything?" I asked, fixing my hair. I was conscious of Aella's scrutiny burning holes into the side of my face. I was just grateful both Alexei and I still had our clothes on. I didn't think I would hear the end of it, if they barged in on us with glimpses of naked flesh hanging everywhere.
The thought alone was mortifying.
"We found the changeling alright." Alexei began, his voice still shaky with remnants of arousal. Aella and Jamison either pointedly ignored the edge of his voice or just didn't care because their expressions remained perfectly unfazed when he spoke.
"What happened?" I asked, clearing my throat. I was not going to think of Alexei's dextrous hands or lips on me.
Nope. Nah uh.
"It was dead. Well, eaten to put into better words." Jamison explained, "A mountain lion ate it, hence the tracking chip ended up in its body. So, we ended up tracking a mountain lion for hours as it went around, scavenging for food. We're not sure how long the chip had been in the lion but it seems like the wolf had been alive for a good portion of time until it RIP-ed."
"In other words, we almost became lion food." Aella shared. "Jamison here almost got eaten himself."
"No, I didn't. I would never die by the hand of a mere mountain lion." He retorted, evidently offended.
"Yeah, but you sure got scratched up by its kitty paws." Aella chuckled.
I shared her humour. "So, the whole tracing thing didn't work in the end." My shoulders slumped. I was disappointed. It had sounded like a good idea at the time I formulated the plan but clearly, it hadn't been.
"It would've worked if we had known the changeling would get eaten by a mountain lion." Alexei spoke up, aiming a small but encouraging smile my way. My heart fluttered as I tried to settle its rapid pace and remain professional.
"Wait, you said the changeling was eaten by a mountain lion." I pointed out, baffled.
Jamison read my expression, "Yes, so it should've died considering the changelings are poisonous, but it didn't for some odd reason. The tracker will still be in its body until it shits it out or it somehow gets wrecked in its guts." Jamison pulled out my phone, firing up the app. "It looks like it's still in the lion since the red dot is still moving. We may have minutes or even hours until it shits it out or something else happens that we haven't yet accounted for."
"We will need to head back out." Alexei said. "It'll be too late to wait. We came back because I thought something happened to you. I don't know how but I just had to come back to see."
"Thank goodness for that. We came to this place ransacked and you missing." Aella turned her eyes to me, going for a bug-eyed look.
I ducked my head. "Sorry guys."
"Don't be. Alexei was right to follow his instincts." Jamison spoke.
"There's also something else that needs our attention." I piped up as they a began to stand one by one, preparing to leave.
Eyes riveted to me.
"The mess you saw when you first walked in was left by a Rogue named Mila. She was trying to take some of our food, but I walked in. She ran towards the cliff where there's an entry point to the caverns that are below us. She led me straight to the members of your old Pack Aella. Alpha Bennett, his sons and the rest of your Pack are down there."
"What?" Disbelief coated my friend's features. Her brilliant azure eyes flashed with all kinds of emotions. It happened all too fast to firmly decipher each one.
"They've been down there for a long time from what I saw and heard. Something has happened to place them there, but Alpha Bennett is refusing to talk until he speaks with Jude."
"I'm calling the Alpha now." Jamison swiftly took out his own device, dialling in Jude's number.
"He wasn't the one who bloodied your hand, was he?" Alexei approached, holding my hand up to his scrutiny. There was a certain tension set in his shoulders as he brushed his thumb along my knuckles.
"He didn't touch a hair on my body Alexei. Magnus was there the whole time, looking out for me." I assured him, thinking of the man with the dark, brown eyes.
"Magnus?" Confusion soaked his question.
"Kian's dad." I explained. "I'll need to call him now to let him know what's going on. He has been worried."
"Use my phone." Alexei didn't hesitate to tug out his phone and hand it over. "Code is 3907."
"Thank you." I accepted the device, typing in Kian's number. He answered on the third ring, sounding groggy as hell, like he just drank an entire bottle of liquor.
"Who the fuck is this?"
"That's not how you answer a phone call Kian." I stifled a laugh.
"Wait. This you Pen?" The phone rustled around as he shifted. It was already late, so I was positive he had already been tucked in bed, slumbering.
"Kian." I said patiently. "I'm the only one who ever calls you. Of course, it's me."
"Ha. Ha. I'm literally shitting myself laughing right now." He said in a perfectly, even tone without a zilch of reciprocated humour. He sounded as dry as the Sahara Desert- the asshole.
I was a very funny young woman, thank you very much.
"How has no one even hit you in your lifetime?" I asked, feigning wonder.
"Well, I'm glad someone finally asked-"
"Kian, this is Alexei." My mate interrupted, "You're on loudspeaker." He added when a beat of silence promptly followed his announcement.
I was worried he had hung up but we both could hear him breathing on the other end albeit very quietly. The connection was still fine and there was no sharp beeping noise to indicate the line had died...or he hung up, but anything was plausible with Kian.
"Hello? Kian?" Alexei called.
A few, very silent seconds passed.
"Kian?" I tried, shaking the phone in case the connection was stuffed up. We were in the middle of nowhere. It wasn't guaranteed that we would have good reception. Plus, Alexei's phone was ancient. It was one of those brick phones that were almost indestructible to break.
I was about to press the red button to hang up, but his voice filtered in- no, a laugh.
He was laughing.
I was going to straight up slaughter him slowly, with pliers. Blunt pliers. Yes, that would be perfect. Amazing even-
"Is there a reason why you're laughing Kian?" I asked sweetly, keeping deceptively calm despite my inner psycho roaring her head.
"You finally did it. Is this why you're gone? You're with him?" He laughed while I still failed to find the hilarity of the situation.
Clearly, my friend hadn't yet been diagnosed with insanity or correctly informed about my real reason of absence from the Pack. The mission was a discreet one and Kian must've gathered his own data. It was no surprise he concluded with this.
"What did I finally do?" I asked, cautious. Kian was unpredictable. I didn't trust him in the least speaking freely, especially with Alexei hovering over my shoulder, listening intently to every word.
"You finally made your move on the exotic Alexei. Daddy Alexei-"
I hung up.
And breathed deep.
Think blunt pliers Penelope. Blunt pliers around Kian's neck. The image grew in my mind, until I could just picture Kian pleading me for mercy with big tears in his eyes as his lips trembled with words of forgiveness and praise.
I could feel Alexei's amused gaze on the side of my face but thank the heavens his device vibrated in my palm, signalling an incoming call. I saw Kian's number flash on the screen, reluctantly accepting it. "Kian-"
"I'm sorry." He laughed again, "You know I'm a dick."
I could only groan inwardly. I now feared for what his reaction would be once he realised Alexei was indeed my mate.
"You're not sorry at all Kian. I know you." I let a small chuckle flee from my own lips. It was hard staying irritated at the guy. Although Kian was the type of friend who laughed first if you fell, he was also the first person to offer his hand or an apology after said fall.
"Ok, tell me why you're calling." Kian invited when the last hints of laughter left his voice.
"I found Magnus." I shared, "I'm out, up at the mountains with Alexei, Aella and Jamison. The Alpha sent us here to track down one of the poisoned changelings. I also stumbled across your old Pack members. Magnus was with them. He asked for you."
"Send me the coordinates to where you are." He demanded immediately, his voice stern.
I heard him shuffling around on the other end, racing around the room to change, "Give me the numbers Pen. Please."
"I'll have it sent to you after this call." I promised.
"Is he safe?" He asked, sounding unlike the confident Kian I was familiar with.
"Yes, he's doing fine Kian."
"I'll be there soon." He hung up.
The line beeped, signalling the end of the call. I returned Alexei's device. He pocketed the phone, "It seems like Tatum, Allison and Jude will be coming along too. The others from the inner circle will take control of the Pack for the interim, in their absence until Jude or Aella returns."
"Ok. What will be the plan with the mountain lion?" I asked.
Alexei shrugged, "We'll figure that out when the time comes but there is something else we should be worried about if we stay up here longer than planned." He combed his fingers through his murky locks, flexing his jaw.
"What is it?"
"Your Needing will set in soon." He said quietly.
It took me longer than usual to process his words. When it did, I swallowed hard, blinking furiously.
I was aware that Jamison and Aella were still exchanging words in the background, unaware of Alexei's words or the cascade of images invading my brain, taking root.
I had forgotten about the Needing- the period of time after a mating bond was declared by the Moon Goddess where the females went into something that could only be described as sexual hunger for their mate's touch.
Since everything had been a whirlwind, my Needing had completely left my mind. I hadn't even thought about it, until now.
Frankly, I wasn't embarrassed about it. It was a natural thing that happened. Usually, mates used the time to lock themselves away for however long it lasted, banging almost every hour of the day before the intense sexual urges slowly drained. Sometimes the urges were so potent, it was difficult to differentiate whether it was pain or pleasure. Either way, it was only the touch of a mate that could satiate the hunger. No other male or woman could do it. It would only hurt.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Alexei mistook my silence for discomfort.
I glanced over his shoulder, seeing Jamison and Aella still caught up in conversation. Without thinking too much about it, I threaded my fingers through his, dragging him outside. He followed me willingly as we both descended the set of front stairs and rounded to the back of the cabin until we were hidden from plain sight. No one would be able to spot us quickly without having to crook their neck at a strange angle, risking an ache.
I quickly spun around at the last second, pinning Alexei against the side of the cabin. Air escaped his lungs in a quiet whoosh. Despite the dark, I felt his eyes on me. They darkened as he took in my open expression.
"You didn't make me uncomfortable." I told him, pressing closer to his body heat.
His hand immediately dropped to my ass, squeezing. "Did you bring me out here to take advantage of me Penelope?" He rocked his hips into me. It seemed like his bulge hadn't calmed down either. It was still ripe beneath his slacks, begging for contact.
"I would never." I fake gasped, tugging on his collar to bring his lips closer. I felt his amusement stir in the air between us. "On the other hand, something has come to my attention." I nipped his lips, slowly turning my playful nips into a long, heated kiss. It was no surprise he instantly obliged my demand, taking my lips with fervour. It was also of no surprise that Alexei seemed to be an ass man. His fingers were doing a fantastic job kneading the muscle there.
My hands ran down his shoulders and arms, pausing at the edges of his slacks. His lips began to trace my jaw, sucking a tender spot just beneath my ear. I trembled with need, pressing myself flat against his body. "Alexei." His name was a gasp as he pulled me closer, plunging one hand into my hair while the other remained glued to my ass cheek. He began rocking his hips into mine, letting me feel the extent of his arousal.
"Feel what you do to me woman?" He whispered roughly between soft kisses.
I moaned as his tongue traced a line down my suit, pausing at the zipper in the middle of my chest. "Unzip it." I dared him.
He didn't need to be told twice. He unzipped the suit, dragging it down, revealing my bra. His finger traced down one breast slope, "This piece looks familiar...I didn't realise you wore it." Appreciation flared in his gaze as he took in the familiar lace.
"You like?"
"Looks fucking fantastic." He palmed his jaw.
"Take it off for me. It unclips in front, see?" I tapped the elegant clasps between the cups.
Alexei hissed out a breath, holding my hips still. I had forgotten I had been rubbing up against him. "Shit, I can't think with you doing that." He groaned into my neck.
I giggled. I wanted to slap myself for it, but it seemed the sound made Alexei grin. I could feel it against my shoulder. "Well think fast. A girl has needs too."
He cursed, although it was weaved with strained laughter. "If I had known you were like this, I wouldn't have believed it but seeing the way you react to my touch, my wolf wants to sink his teeth into you."
"He can do that later." I bargained, "We don't have much time until the others come but before they come searching, I really need a favour." I cupped his jaw, planting kisses along it. His eyes fluttered close as I pressed a kiss against his parted lips.
"I would give you anything Solnishko. You know that." His words were rough and slightly accented as they caressed over my skin.
Holy hell, Russian Alexei was out to play.
I squirmed as he whispered something else along my skin.
I had no idea what he had just called me but my heart warmed, nevertheless. He'd never called me that before, but I felt my body respond with little tingles. I whispered my wish in his ear and it was astounding seeing his reaction. If anything, it only intensified the fire between us, forcing it to burn brighter and more fiercely.
"Can I have it?" I asked sweetly.
"I told you I would give you anything." He kissed my lips before he swiftly reversed our positions, holding me against the cabin.
I was more than alarmed when he abruptly crouched in front of me, unzipping my pants and sliding them down my thighs. His fingers paused at the edge of my panties, rubbing the diaphanous fabric between the pads of his fingers.
This certainly was not what I asked for. I couldn't help but stare down at him with surprise.
"Let me do this for you instead." He lightly tugged at my panties. His eyes burned, seeking permission.
I bit my lip and gave a nod. I was too speechless to do much more than that.
He swiftly yanked my panties off. Cool air brushed my exposed skin. His warm finger took my right thigh and pressed it over his shoulder. I held onto his shoulders for balance, but he shifted them to his hair, glancing up at me through the dark. "Hold on tight." His lips skimmed up the inside of my thigh in a fleeting kiss.
It was the only warning before his tongue slid up my slit, stealing my taste without another word.
I clamped my lips tightly; scared Aella or Jamison could hear me moaning like a pornstar outside the cabin. His hands squeezed my thighs, holding me tightly against his mouth so he could work his tongue along my clit.
His tongue fluttered against my sensitive flesh, but it was pretty much game over once he began sucking on my nub, hard.
"Just a little longer." He promised, clamping his lips tighter on my wet flesh, sucking me deeper into his mouth. The man was thorough, leaving no place untouched in his exploration.
Waves of pleasure spread across my body as he continued licking and sucking. I felt hot and ready to combust into flames as his tongue began fucking my pussy earnestly.
"I'm almost there." I gasped, holding his hair tightly. My knees were on the verge of buckling. I was in danger of falling at his feet.
Alexei used his thumbs to spread me wider before he slayed me with the strong relentless strokes of his tongue.
I gripped his hair hard as my body finally snapped, trembling hard as I finally let go as pleasure rolled through my core.
"Easy." He whispered against my inner thigh, holding my knee tightly in his rough palm. His stubble grazed my sensitised flesh, forcing more shivers from my body. I felt unweighted as the breeze rolled by, caressing my bare skin.
"I think you broke me." I sighed, resting my head against the wall of the cabin.
I flinched when his tongue took one last detour of my soaked flesh. He sucked on my clit once more, drawing a small gasp from me before he gently unlatched my thigh from his shoulder. He worked fast pulling my pants back on, zipping them up since I was still recovering from the tremors.
"I'm keeping these with me." He pilfered my panties, shoving them into his back pocket.
"Keep them all you like. You just made me see stars." I gripped his arm, pulling him near, "Although I distinctly told you in my own kind of way that I not so discreetly wanted to suck your dick."
Alexei laughed, pulling me into his arms, holding me into his hard chest. "I wouldn't be able to finish this mission if I had your mouth on me tonight."
"So, you decided to go down on me?"
"I didn't see you protesting." He laughed.
"Why would I have done that?" I asked, incredulous. That would've been a stupid thing to do. "But you didn't..." I gestured to the visible lump in his slacks.
"I can't do the things I want to do with you up here in the mountains. We'll have more time once we go back home where I can take my time discovering more of this sweet body." His hand found my ass again, stroking it with his thumb. I nudged his side, laughing. I felt him plant a kiss on my head which was sweetly endearing considering he had those lips between my thighs moments ago.
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