《Girl Gone Rogue (The Shadow Hunters #2)》10. Celebration
"Is Alexei running late?" I asked.
"No. The Alpha placed him elsewhere for now." Jamison informed me as he stood from his perch on a log slab.
I felt a little guilty for feeling relieved. I wasn't sure if I was ready to see him so soon. The Alpha may have just saved Alexei's ass.
"Oh. So, it's just us?"
Jamison paused, "Yes. It's just us. Who were you expecting to be here? The Grinch?"
"You know who that is?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice even if someone notched an arrow to my forehead and challenged me not to sound so fascinated.
"You know what? Let's make this a silent search party. No talking unless you spot, hear, smell or sense something of interest." Jamison took a few long strides forward, leaving me a few paces behind. I wasn't even the slightest offended.
Jamison was an acquired taste.
When I first met him, he'd been somewhat of a pretty face in an Elite Syndicate combat suit. When he opened his mouth, my lady boner had instantly receded into non-existence. It wasn't by any means one of my finer moments in life.
We walked along the border in mutual silence, taking in our surroundings cast in nothing but muted light. Jamison had stopped a few times, investigating the ground we treaded on. He had a tablet of some sort that he strapped to the side of his body, secured by what appeared to be a strong magnet that had been carefully mended into the E.S suit he wore. His gloved fingers flew across the screen before he snapped a few photos that sent off a series of flashes.
I went a little further, noting nothing of importance.
There were statistics and reports in the Alpha's office that supported the idea that the red-eyed changelings were sighted more during the full moon. New reports suggested more were up near the mountains but there were too many gaps to draw a sensible conclusion between the full moon and the mountains in regard to the changelings.
In the distance, faint laughter drifted through the breeze.
"We have a long night ahead of us." Jamison slipped his device away to the side of his suit where it clicked into place. "Celebrations will most likely carry on until early light. We might have a few drunk pups wondering far."
"So we're playing babysitter on the side?"
"I don't babysit."
"What you said before says otherwise."
"All we need to do is make sure no idiot comes stumbling too far. Whether they make a fool out of themselves, that's entirely up to them. We'll split here. You go right and I'll resume left. We'll reconvene in an hour. If something happens before then, let me know using this." Jamison held out an orange tube with a red wick flowing from the hilt. "It's a small spark. It's soundless but bright."
I tucked the object away into my sleeve and nodded. "I'll see you in an hour then."
"Don't die. I rather not drag a dead body to the Alpha and state your reason of death was stupidity."
"Bravery. You mispronounced bravery. If I were to die it would be from that but heartfelt words Jamison. You know how to impress a lady." I strode off. I heard Jamison's steps fade into silence until I could only hear my own feet splitting leaves beneath my boots.
The full moon was obscured by thick, colourless clouds that dimmed its natural glow.
The further I drifted, the more sombre it felt.
A few Enforcers passed, nodding politely in my direction. I offered one of my own. It was still strange to me that I wasn't a Rogue anymore. There was still a wildness in me that lingered but I had settled. Although my wolf was a faint echo on most days, she hadn't balked when the Shadow Hunters claimed us as one of their own. We both knew that time had been ticking on our end. It was either go ballistic and shift into the one thing I loathed and feared or find a Pack to join.
Seamus had been a blessing in disguise when he'd stumbled across me that one night.
He hadn't known how far I had fallen. It still twisted my insides knowing I hadn't been far from the edge of losing hope for a better life.
It was one of the few reasons I could stand Seamus's blatant assholery.
He'd saved my future by picking me whether he was aware of it or not.
In a way, I owed him a lot.
In the distance, notes of children's laughter resonated through the air. I shivered, keeping my attention on the terrain in front of me.
I scouted the area thoroughly before it was time to meet Jamison. I was disappointed that there was nothing I had detected. The red-eyed changelings were difficult to hunt down. It was impossible considering they carried no scent.
"It's clear." I told Jamison as he walked closer. "No drunk pups either."
"Found three drunk pups." Jamison reported. "Sent another Enforcer to lead them back to the main area."
"You guys really like to celebrate the whole Full Moon thing huh?"
"It's tacky." Jamison replied, "The Alpha allows it go on because it's something that makes the old ladies happy."
"You don't celebrate yourself?"
"I don't have the time."
"Hmm, who hurt you Jamison?"
"Fuck off." The man scowled, ignoring my snort.
We found a spot to take up position as we kept an eye out for any suspicious activity.
"And how about you?"
I blinked from surprise, startled by the hint of curiosity in his eye. "You want to know what I think of the Full Moon?"
"Is there anyone else here talking to you?"
"Nope, just a stiff Enforcer."
"Forget it. I prefer the silence-"
"-I don't know." I sighed.
"You don't know?"
"You're talking to a former Rogue here. I never paid much attention to the whole celebration. It was only when I came here that I realised that people enjoyed making a fuss about it. It's quite magical once you think about it. Can you imagine that you might have a special person out there for you?" I turned to Jamison who could barely hold an eye roll back. I laughed, shaking my head, "I should've known this subject would bore you to tears."
Pen? This is Jude.
I cringed, filtering through all the possibilities as to why the man himself wanted to speak with me via link. I still wasn't used to hearing his voice in my head. I had almost shit myself the first time he tried to initiate contact like this. Unfortunately, Kian had been there to witness the whole ugly thing.
What can I do for you Alpha?
Come to the Pack House please. There is something that I need to discuss with you.
Ok. On my way.
Solkolov appeared from the shadows, joining us. He extended a curt greeting, facing me. "The Alpha told me to come here to replace you for the night. He'd like to speak with you as soon as possible."
I bade farewell to both men and made my way to the Pack house.
Aella spotted me the second I was close. She ran down the stairs, moving to me with concern engraved in her face, "Are you alright?"
Apprehension prickled my skin, "Is there something going on?"
Aella didn't reply. She kept studying me, as if trying to scope something I hadn't banished from my facial expression. The trek to the Pack house had been enough time to control my emotions and squash any type of lingering fear. I didn't know why the Alpha wanted to see me, but it was pointless getting worked up about it when I didn't have the details.
"I don't know what's going on. He didn't tell me. He wanted to speak with you first. I won't be too far if you need anything."
I nodded my gratitude. "Thanks Aella."
"Whatever it is, you're safe with Jude. He won't hurt you." She assured. "I trust him with my whole life, and I trust him with my family, especially you Pen."
The moment I spotted Kian sitting in Jude's office, I already knew what had happened.
Tatum stood in the corner of the wide space, observing mutely.
Kian stood as I walked inside the office, closing the door behind me. He took my hand, leading me to the chair beside his.
Jude sat behind his desk, watching us two with those colourless eyes. He leaned back into the big leather seat. The material creaked under his weight as he let the silence descend upon us.
"Hello Pen." The Alpha greeted, "My mate warns me that if I do anything out of place, she'll have me by the balls. So, I'm going to get this meeting over and done with or she'll come intruding. Kian has explained what has happened in great detail. I just want your account, Pen. Tell me everything you know."
I faced Kian, unsure. I was loyal to the Shadow Hunters but this matter with Kian was a little different. If things were to get out of hand, I would've told the Alpha but it was still too early. All we knew for sure was that the Blue Cave Pack were gone, missing, or taken. There were tunnels that ran beneath the Pack, the only potential route to enter or leave the Pack without being detected considering Tatum's men spied in on the area. However, according to Kian, no one should have knowledge that there were tunnels in the first place. Yet, it was a large possibility that someone knew and used the underground network.
"I understand why you might be hesitant, but this is important." Tatum spoke up, "Kian has told us some interesting things."
Kian glanced at me, tightening his hold on my hand in reassurance. "Tell them. They already know everything."
I nodded and gave them my account.
By the time I had finished, Tatum and Jude thanked me.
"Adds up." Tatum confirmed.
Jude rubbed the spot between his brows, "Not only do we need to focus on tracking down the red-eyed changelings, we need to find out where a whole Pack has disappeared off to."
"More importantly, we must find where Bennett and his family are. The charges on their heads are too great for me to ignore."
"Oh, we'll find them. My mate has some things she'd like to say and possibly do."
"My mate as well." Tatum stroked his chin as his eyes gleamed with something dark.
"Before you two leave, there is something else that I have neglected to check in." Jude started, glancing between Kian and I. "Are you two together?"
Kian's gaze flickered with amusement, "Well fuck. You caught us." He drawled, raising his palms up in defeat. "Babe, we can't hide anymore-"
"Quit it." I nudged his side. I faced the Alpha, "No. We're not. What you also saw the other day when we were in the pantry wasn't anything you need to worry about either. We're friends. Platonic, good friends. Like besties. BFFs for fucking life- "
"I think he's got the point." Kian snorted, sounding partially insulted.
"Just making sure since you weren't helping bestie."
"Good, good." Jude nodded, "You know the rules with the E.S Enforcers. We can't afford to have Enforcers mingled with each other in passionate love affairs with the exception of mates. It's a rule I can't relent on. If I give in, I'm giving in the quality of the protection I offer the Pack."
Kian and I nodded. It was admirable the way Jude led his Pack. Even if he was the only Alpha I had, he was honourable. His Pack mattered to him, and he made it clear. Aella was always gushing about it when we trained together.
"Thank you both for your cooperation." Jude stood up. "Also, one last thing."
I raised a brow, waiting.
"Since you two left the borders without my permission, you two have also increased your workload for the next month. Luka will now oversee you Kian and Alexei will see to you when you now patrol Pen. I'm sorry but this will be effective immediately until I see fit."
I inwardly groaned but tacked on a tight smile. "Understood."
"We apologise for running off." Kian added.
Jude accepted the apology, "I'm glad you both told me."
Kian replied something I didn't hear since I was far more focused on the man that had walked by as if he had stayed in the shadows to hear what he could from the meeting. Distracted, I exited the office just as Tatum engaged Kian in conversation.
The back of Alexei's form disappeared behind a corner.
I picked up my pace, barely catching up as he descended the stairs and moved to the lawn. From my peripheral, I spotted Aella. She glanced between Alexei and I, preferring not to intrude as she melted into the dark.
Alexei continued towards the opening of trees, pausing when I finally reached him.
"Your stalking continues to freak me out." I said to the back of his stubborn head when he didn't turn around.
"I'm not stalking you."
"Then what were you doing outside the office? I'm sure Jude and Tatum knew you were hovering right out the door, listening to our conversation."
"They knew the second I walked into the Pack house."
"And they didn't kick you out?"
His wide shoulders shrugged, "They didn't care that I was there. I pose no risk."
"So, did you get the information you wanted? Is that why you were there? You wanted to see what Kian and I were doing last night?"
I opened my mouth to retort a smug response but faltered when his answer settled in my ear like a soft touch. "Wait, what?"
"Yes, I have all the information I needed."
"And that's it?"
"No." He finally turned around, watching me with those enchanting, dark eyes. "There's something else that still needs clarification."
I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to retain my body heat. "What is it?"
"I misread the situation between you and Kian. I assumed you two were lovers." He confessed. There was a certain tone attached to his words. I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I offered a bland glance. "Is that my apology Alexei? If it is, I'm going to have to send you off to think of something better."
The man paced, sighing. It would a blatant lie if I said I didn't find the scene intriguing. He started muttering something, but I couldn't understand it. He was speaking a completely different language now that I was paying attention. He paused mid-step and palmed his jaw, "I'm sorry I was an ass last night. I had no business saying those things I said to you."
Breath gushed out of me. I hadn't expected an actual apology. The genuine regret in his voice softened something inside me.
"I'm sorry for calling you an asshole." I winced. "I was obviously in a lot of rage and anger."
"You called me an asshole?"
I opened my mouth to respond but nothing left. That's right. I hadn't said it to his face but the door. I winced, "Uh, no. I-"
"It doesn't matter. I forgive you."
"I forgive you too for calling me an asshole." The man looked pleased with himself.
"Is practice still on tomorrow?"
"Unless you've already managed to call your wolf to the surface while possessing full control, then yes."
I pinched the bridge of my nose, praying for strength and patience. The Moon Goddess owed me one after being able to tolerate this man for this long. "Moon Goddess above, please grant me the strength to keep my hands to myself if the man decides to open his mouth-"
"Alright Penelope, no more tonight." Alexei brushed a hand over his dark locks, appearing half amused and relieved. "Let me walk you home."
"I don't need you to take me there. I'm actually going to join the celebrations. I'll see you tomorrow-" I turned towards the area where smoke from the fires amassed.
There was a shift in the air as Alexei followed me, "I'll come with you." He kept pace without missing a beat. "I haven't attended any of the festivities for a while."
I had noted that. In all the celebrations I had joined, Alexei was always missing. I merely dismissed the fact that he was busy, guarding the borders and doing whatever the inner circle of the Alpha did. Yet tonight, he was walking with me to the epicentre of tonight's big event.
When the trees cleared, big orange fires greeted us. Many had set up like it was a picnic, gazing at the night sky with awe. A few little stalls had been set up, distributing food. A bunch of kids were playing tag on the grass, far from the fires but still under the close watch of the Pack. Giggles echoed, spearing through the tranquil hum of conversations.
I spotted Aella dancing with Daisy, a little girl who had grown up adorably as her triplet brothers danced a few metres away, popping bits of bright fairy floss into their mouths like they were in the midst of an eating competition.
The scene made me warm as I approached one of the stalls adorned with fairy lights and cute signs with swirling cursive letters. Jane grinned when she saw me approach. Her gaze then moved to Alexei. She glanced back at me with a secretive glint her eye. I huffed out a laugh, shaking my head. I was not going to address anything with Alexei standing idly by my side, bobbing his head to the musical notes floating from a radio someone had brought along.
"What do you have there? I'm kind of starving." I leaned over the front set-up to peek inside the metal pots.
"Soup. We have chicken noodle soup, tomato, broccoli, and cheese...creamy mushroom, whatever you want."
"Chicken noodle soup for me please."
"And for you Russia?" Jane asked.
"The same please." Alexei replied, earning a wink.
Jane poured two plastic bowls with the warm concoction and added a toasted slice of bread on the side. "Here you go darlings. Enjoy the night. The moon is almost at its peak. The women in the Pack are on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happens. Between you and I, I think something magical may happen tonight. It has been a while since the Moon Goddess has blessed this Pack."
"Hopefully." I grinned. I knew how much the Pack members wanted to see a couple come together under the Full Moon. I wanted that for them too.
"Thanks Jane." Alexei took our bowls. We found a vacant slab of wood near the warm rolling flames.
I was momentarily distracted by the way his hard thigh pressed against mine as he sat. It was a good-looking thigh, sculpted with muscle. His thigh remained pressed against mine as he settled into a comfortable perch, making that particular spot tingle.
We began to dig into the soup immediately. I had underestimated how hungry I was because once I slurped the seasoned broth, I had forgotten that Alexei was even next to me. It didn't matter that I was burning my tongue. It tasted too damn good to stop.
I heard Alexei's spoon tap around in his bowl as he ate silently beside me.
By the time the food was gone, I relaxed, placing the utensils by my feet as I stretched my arms over my head. Alexei must've finished his soup earlier, because he had his empty bowl set at his feet too as he regarded me with open curiosity
"Do I have something on my face?" I asked, feeling uncertain beneath his scrutiny.
"Then why are you looking at me like that?"
"Does it bother you?" He rested his chin against a palm he propped up on his thigh.
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