《She's dead》Chapter 19


Third person POV -

Sapphire continues her fake shocked face while 'hesitantly' stepping further into the room, closing the door behind her. Greyson quickly told his guards she had been found and was safe before looking at her with so much fear she felt her face soften looking at him. Well they all looked at her with fear. Fear she'd hate them. Fear she'd think they were monsters. Fear she'd leave them. Zaidon was the first to snap out of it, quickly covering it with a blank expression, motioning her to sit beside Valentino and River which she does, not breaking eye contact. "Yes, we are the Italian mafia but-"


He was cut off mid sentence but an alarm and red flashing residing throughout the office. All the boys knew this alarm meant the mansion was under attack and felt scared that something would happen to their princess but were quickly filled with anger and went into killer mode, prepared to do anything to protect Sapphires and each other.

Sapphire knew by the expressions on her father and brothers faces that the alarm meant something bad was happening and this was confirmed when she heard gunshots in the distance. 'Well this is not how I wanted to tell them who I am but I'll guess it will have to do' She thought inwardly smirking before bolting out the room and towards hers before the boys could say anything.

Instantly Blaze sprinted after her to keep her safe but before he even made it to her room he was attacked by 2 big men carrying guns.

Sapphires POV -

I quickly got all the weapons I could carry.

Exiting my room, I see blaze fighting off 3 guys and river unconscious on the floor, a few already dead on the floor and one with a gun pointed towards my brothers head. Taking action straight away i grab my gun before shooting all 4 in the head, starting with the man with the gun. Blaze stares at me wide eyed, before checking on river after I tell him too.


I take off sprinting towards the sounds of gunshots and fighting where I find the rest of my brothers and my father taking on over 15 men downstairs, and struggling. Elias sees me coming and looks at me with complete worry and fear, mouthing at me to leave. During this he lost focus while fighting 2 men resulting in them getting a few hits.

Making my way towards him, I take one of them men while he takes the other. Punch, punch, block, kick, duck, finishing off with a kick to the pressure point on his neck, hard, killing him instantly. During this I felt the air shift behind me meaning someone was attacking me from behind, ducking I spin to see 2 men coming towards me as one brings a knife out and tries to slash me but I dodge just in time.

"SAPPHIRE" I hear someone scream from behind me but I ignore it. "Let's make this fair, ey boys" I taunt smirking at them as I pull out 2 knifes making their faces go red in anger. They lunge for me at the same time, making me duck and stab one in the stomach before getting up and slitting the others throat. Too distracted by killing the men, I didn't notice another shooting his gun at me before I feel someone pull me to them, making the bullet slice the side of my arm slightly creating a hole in my top. I turn towards the person who saved me, who happened to be Matteo, thanking him before looking towards the gunman with fire in my eyes.

"First you and your men attack my home, then you hurt my family and now you going to try and kill me. THAT WAS A BRAND NEW BLOODY TOP!"I scream whipping my gun out and shooting him in both shoulders and both legs, making him drop to the floor crying in pain. Walking up to him and kicking him over harshly, I place my foot on his chest pressing slightly as I demand who he works for in a cold tone.


"The British mafia. I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. I was made to do this" he pleads pathetically. Scoffing I shoot him between the eyes before turning to face my family who were all looking at me in shock and confusion, after they had finished off the rest of the men who now all lay dead on the floor surrounding us.

I sigh tiredly "guess this is the part where I explain everything" I say. "Follow me" walking towards my bedroom I see river who seems to have woken up with Blaze helping him stand, I call them and ask them to come to my room as soon as possible before heading through the threshold of my room and sitting on the bed.

As I sit on my bed, 7 men surrounding me I begin my story. Telling them everything, the abuse, the rape, how I became a street fighter and racer and eventually an assassin and how I knew they were the Italian mafia before I even met them. By the end, all we're looking at me in guilt but also had pride swimming in their eyes. "I'm sorry for my stupid actions principessa, I'm sorry they caused you so much pain but I'm so proud of you. For being so strong and for not only being able to protect yourself but also others." Dad says with tears in his eyes. I send him a soft smile before telling him "it was a very stupid thing to do but I forgive you. All of you" addressing everyone in the room.

"I also have one more thing to tell you" I say looking around at them, to which they all send me curious looks as val sends me a nod to continue. "I was on a mission this morning, not at Enzos the entire time. On one of my jobs I ended up rescuing 3 yr old twins who have no one to look after them. I know I'm only 17 and all but I really feel a connection with them and they remind me of what it was like to have oceana around so I've decided to adopt them. I don't want them to be split up or be put through what I was in foster care." I explain trying to read their reactions. Ellie, River and val seem to me excited to have kids in the house, Blaze doesn't seem to mind and dad seems to be bathing in guilt whereas Zai and Teo seem to be on the hesitant side of bringing 2 children into our life style. Trust me I know how they feel, I don't want the kids to be hurt or to taint their innocence but I really can't give them up.

"Okay. If it will make you happy. I'm sure you will be an amazing mother to both of them, even if they aren't yours by blood. I'll have rooms set up for them by Monday. Although, if your adopting them, where are they right now?" Dad asks.

"They're at Phoenixes house right now and they can stay their till their rooms are done, I'll just go round there to see them and you guys can meet them on Monday. Yh?" I question, earning yeahs and smiles in reply after Zaidon and Matteo finally give in.

After this they all finally leave after saying goodnight so I get changed into my night clothes, texting enzo the plan for the twins. He didn't reply so I assume he is already asleep considering it is 2 in the morning by now so I just climb into bed and drift off to dreamland.

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