《She's dead》Chapter 10


Third person - after sapphire left

No one said a thing. It was deathly silent in the kitchen after sapphire left, nothing could be heard except the harsh breaths from everyone and quiet sobs that broke from the softer brothers. Elias sat on the cold tiled floor, head in his hands and tears in his eyes. "I thought I was protecting her. I was keeping her safe" greyson mutters brokenly.

"You weren't. You were setting her up for more pain than you can imagine. If your feel sad and guilty now. Wait until you hear the full story because what she said just now wasn't all of it. Even after you sent her away. She's still trying to protect you and herself. I told you it was a bad idea but you didn't believe me. You should have believed me" Elias finally spoke up before shaking his head and leaving the room.

'She remembers. She remembers everything. We broke her' is all the brothers could think. Blaze still stood in the same spot he was when sapphire began talking. 'You hurt her. You promised to protect her from harm but you were the one hurting her. You hurt her back then and your hurting her now by shutting her out' his subconscious screams at him. As the realisation finally hit him, he let a single tear fall down before his too left the kitchen going straight to the punching bags in the gym, knuckles unwrapped.

One by one the Romano's left the kitchen going to do their own thing with every single word she said replaying through their minds. They could hear it in her voice, see it in her eyes, tell it through her words. They broke her.

Sapphires POV -

"Please. I need you" I cried softly.

I've been sitting here for 15 minute, legs dangling over the edge of the cliff, letting silent tears fall from my eyes, my face blank and my mind running wild. It's when I hear the sound of a car door slamming that I finally snap out of it, quickly and harshly wiping the streaks off my cheeks before turning to face him.


"What the hell are you doing. Get the fuck away from the edge before you hurt yourself" he says jogging up to me and pulling me away from the cliff edge before taking my face between his palms. "Enzo" I cried in relief wrapping my arms around his waist tightly, stuffing my face in his chest trying to find comfort.

"Hey baby. I'm here now. I'm here and I'll always be" Phoenix said softly waiting for me to calm down before sitting on the ground, pulling me on top of his lap, circling his arms around me protectively. "What happened rain. I was so goddamn worried when I got your call. I got here as fast as I could"

"I want to tell you everything enzo. I really do. But I'm scared. Scared you'll leave me. See me as to much to handle. I don't think I could handle another person leaving me. I've already lost so much" I said as I looked him in the eyes tears still leaking from my eyes.

"I won't leave you sweetness. I'll never leave you. I told you that day baby, I want to be there for it all. The smiles, the tears, the anger. I want to be there for everything, I want to learn to love you and you, I. So please baby trust me enough to tell me what wrong" he said. Still speaking softly with kind eyes that also showed pain.

"If you want to leave after I tell you. I'll understand but you have to promise me that you'll never tell anyone. No one" I stated sticking my pinky out. Childish but no one can break a pinky promise. It's like an unwritten rule.

"I will never leave but I promise" he answered connecting our pinkies together, sealing the promise.

"I guess I should start from the beginning. My name is Sapphire Raine Romano. Daughter of Greyson Romano. I had a happy life up until the age of 4. I had my father, I had my big brothers, my twin. Everything I could wish for but a mother. But that didn't matter Because my family made sure to fill up that role as best they could for her. That is until I was 4. They were getting threats from some business rivals and thought it would be safer if they sent me away until they sorted it out. So one night me and elias ran into my dads office during their meeting where they finally started the plan to make me feel unwanted so I would put up less of a fight to go. And it worked. But they took it to far.


They said some really bad things that night. One being that I killed mom. That's the day I lost the light in my eyes. My 4 year old self didn't know what had changed over night that they hated me so much and were sending me away. I always thought it was because I wasn't good enough. That they finally realised they didn't want a killer in the house. The one who killed their mom. So I left.

And from then on I stopped being the bubbly little 4 year old that believed in love and magic and became someone who laid in bed crying every night for years wondering what I could change about myself so they would want me back. I went from foster home to foster home. The majority of them were bad homes that would abuse me. Some worse than others.

I found out who my family was - the Italian mafia- due to my skilful hacking and high IQ and where they lived when I was 9 but I didn't go back. I didn't think they'd want me back. So I stayed. Kota knows about the abuse and taught me some of the basics to fighting but not enough to hold myself off against grown, angry men. I have scars that litter my body, bruises from my last foster father that have yet to heal. Years of mental abuse that taunting me in my mind.

But the worst was my 9th home. I had a foster father, mother and brother. All abusive. On my 14th birthday I got held back at school and was late home to make dinner. They screamed at me but I didnt care until they mentioned my real family. I snapped and punched my foster father in the face. That night I was punched, cut and sexually abused. From my foster brother raping me that night I ended up getting pregnant. This was just after Kota left so I had no one. I ran away from home before he found out and got put in my latest home.

After my daughter- oceana grey- was born, I learned to fight. I needed money so I became a street fighter and a street racer. After oceana's 1st birthday I was walking down the street with her in the late evening. It had begun to get dark and I was worn out from the beating the night before so we started to make our way home. But we didn't make it. We were mugged and they killed oceana before I could protect her.

But each of them died a horrid death by me. That was my first kill. From then on I became an assassin too. Hellfire to be exact. I found joy in killing, not innocents though, I would never do that. I perfected my emotionless mask and learned to hide my pain. All that has happened broke me and I don't think I can be fixed." I finished not looking at him, voice creaking occasionally as I cried, scared of his reaction.

When he didn't say anything after a few minutes I looked up at him to see him too crying silently, with sadness and pain in his eyes but also adoration. "Say something please" I begged of him, hating the silence.

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