《She's dead》Prologue


Third person - 12 years ago

The youngest twins woke up excited this morning. They decided they were going to go ask their daddy if he could take them to the park and play with their older brothers. Meanwhile the rest of the Romano's were sitting in their fathers office wallowing in sadness. They had been getting threats towards them from rival mafias and Greyson had decided that it would be safest if they sent sapphire to an orphanage until they had sorted out the problem to protect her.

"The best way to do this is to..." their father took in a deep breath before continuing, "is to make her feel unwanted." All the brothers, minus the oldest, began protesting saying they couldn't do that, that she would hate them and not want to come back.

"Think about it brothers, if we don't do this she's not going to go, she will try to find a way back and we cant afford that. When this is all over we can get her back and make it up to her. she will understand we did it for her safety, she won't hate us." Zaidon spoke out.

Just as he finished, the doors to the office opened and two bundles of joy bounded into the room.

"DADDY!! Pwease can we go to the park with big brothers today. Pweaseeeeee daddy!!" Sapphire exclaimed.

"No, you brat, go to your room and pack your bags sapphire, you are leaving!!" Their father screamed starting the plan. Both sapphire and Elias had tears in their eyes, none of them had ever talked to saph in such a way.

Leaving, leaving to where she thought. The 4 year old girl looked to her favourite brother and let a tear drop. "Zeze" she cried, clinging to Blazes torso.


"Ugh your such a cry baby. Shut up and do what father says. We don't want you here anymore"

"Get out of my sight sapphire. Blaze is right"

"We hate you."

"Your the reason mom died" Her older brothers said. All brother nodded agreeing with what they each said. They knew they took it to far when her joyful eyes turned dead, cold.

"Fine. I'm sorry for being bad." she spoke monotonely as she exited the room with her twin right on her tail after shaking his head disappointed at them all. But what she didn't know is that as soon as they shut the door behind them, the rest of the Romano's broke down sobbing, thinking about how they watched the light drain from her eyes.

After she was packed and ready she hugged her ellie, her twin, goodbye after promising to never forget him and to always love him, then she walked out the door and into the car out front that had been arraigned to drop her at the orphanage without so much as a second glance at the rest of her family.

Since that day none of the Romano's have been the same, they may have thought they were protecting her but in reality they were sending her off to endure the worst pain of her life.

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