《My Teen Wife by Kajal》Chapter - 15


After Kajal insulted Raj and went to the party, Raj too went inside his room.


There was complete silence in Raj's mansion. But this silence didn't seems beneficial.

Is it the silence before the storm......


After fighting with Raj, Kajal went out and took a cab, she didn't also asked driver kaka to drop her.

"Did I said more than needed".... Kajal was lost in her thoughts.

" But he always stops me... And what does he meant by... "this dress"... It's a beautiful dress after all" She thought but when her orbs went on the front mirror, she saw that the cab driver was watching at her with lustful eyes.

She glared him hard and he diverted his eyes immediately.

"By any chance..... Is he.. Is he right about this dress... to wore at night?? She thought with a frown.

She got down from the cab and shook her head. " No.. No... Kajal don't bother to Mr. Briefcase's words... He's just another oldy... Hmmm"she assured herself and went inside.


She was feeling excited , nervous and happy too as Rocky personally invited her.

But.... the moment she entered the party, her smile, her excitement... Everything vanished off and uncomfortability took it's place.

She didn't find the party to be a decent one but it more looks like a rave party......... She cannot find any of her college friends but instead of that many girls and boys were smoking, drinking and even making out in public.

She gulped hard and her legs got stuck on the gate only.

She thought to wish Rocky and leave immediately, .......then only Rocky appeared out of no where and hugged her.

"Hey sweetheart.. I knew it...I just knew that you'll came " Rocky said pulling out of the hug.

Though it was a hug for a second only but still She felt a bit uncomfortable in his embrace.

Kajal gave him a forced smile. She was about to ask her leave when Rocky drag her with him.

"Come.. Come fast.. I didn't cut the cake yet because of you... Come on now"Rocky said and took her palm in his and moved upstairs.


Kajal smiled and thought, " He's very sweet... He didn't cut the cake until I came... How can I leave like that???

Rocky cut the cake and feed Kajal and few of his friends. He took selfie with everyone.

He called her near him for a solo selfie. But the moment she went near him, he coiled his left arm on her waist and pulled her near him to click the selfie.

Though Kajal liked him but now she just wanna come out of the hold.

She was sitting near him, she thought to ask her leave now when Rocky asked her for a dance.

He sat dramatically on one knee and said, "May I have the pleasure to dance with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen"

She felt overwhelmed by his gesture but suddenly a voice said within her, "What are you doing Kajal.... Don't forget you're married now... It's not good to dance like this with a stranger

A frown came on her face by thinking this but suddenly her mind said, " Don't forget he's forced on you... You both have nothing like a normal couple and he's no one to you..... And probably there's no matter to dance with anyone "

She nodded her head on her thoughts and gave her hand in Rocky's palms smilingly.


They were moving on the dancing floor silently. Kajal again started feeling outward in those red and green radiam lights and to see those bare body girls in pool nearby.

"Hey beautiful.... Don't worry... It's very common to have parties like this , these days" Rocky said

Kajal didn't paid attention to his words but on the pungent smell of Alcohol , which was coming from his mouth. She asked, "Rocky... Are you drunk??

" No.. No baby.. I really don't drink..my friend mixed whiskey in my coke...i was unaware of that and drink it"he said in over sugar coated words.

Kajal nodded her head as if she believed him.

Suddenly she felt that he's moving his hands below her back. She started feeling strange by his touch and suddenly backed off.

"What happened baby??? Rocky asked affectionately.


" Ac.. Actually I don't feel like dancing I.. Iam tired now"Kajal said stammering.

Rocky took her near the bar counter and make her sit. She thought to leave now.

Suddenly a girl turned towards her and said, "hey... You must be Rocky's new bedmate this week huh"

She was a bit tipsy.

Before Kajal could react on her words, Rocky shouted, "shup up... Lina!! Let's go Kajal....

He deliberately pulled Kajal in such a way that Lina's full drink fell on her.

Rocky smirked and winked at Lina for which she smiled wickedly.

"Oh God.... Lina !! you stupid ...see what you've done to her dress..I m sorry from her baby. " Rocky said pretending.

"No.. No.. It's ok she didn't does it deliberately... I'll wash it off. Can you show me the way to washroom" Kajal said gently.

"Umm... Actually Kajal... the ladies washroom's door got locked automatically in the evening only. But if you say... I can take you upstairs.. You can use my room's washroom if...if you trust me... Rocky said pretending to be a gentleman.

Kajal thought something and said smilingly, " I trust you.... Let's go


She washed her dress and saw herself in the mirror.

"Am I doing a sin.... I liked Rocky a lot... So what if I'm married... It's not even a wedding but a nightmare... I don't even want to see Mr. Saxena".... She thought.

" Oh.... Really than why did you feel uncomfortable , whenever Rocky touches you hmmm?? "Said her heart.

She was thinking when she looked at her wrist watch.

It's shows 10:20.....

" Oh god... It's quite late now I must leave otherwise I'll don't get a cab"she said and moved out.

But just when she came out and locked the bathroom door, she heard another click and turned around.

She saw that Rocky locked the door from inside.

"Rocky!... Why did you locked it?? She asked.

Rocky lighted his cigarette and blowed a puff on her face. She coughed immediately.

'" I locked it... So that no one can disturb us baby "... Rocky said moving near her.

" Rocky... I.. I don't like these kind of jokes and don't come n..near me... I'm getting late I've to go "She said and tried to leave across him when he pulled her harshly and said with a completely lustful voice, " You can't leave... You can't leave anywhere baby... Before filling my thirst"

Kajal eyes became wide on his statement. She started feeling very scared but yet managed to shout, "Are you out of your mind Rocky..... Leave me.. Let me go!!now"

She started struggling in his arms and he was holding her harshly.

"You can baby.!!!.. But after satisfying me.. I'm your crush na.. You liked me...than fullfill my desires.. Rocky said laughing like a maniac.

" Leave me Rocky ....now! Kajal shouted and started struggling miserably in his arms when suddenly he caught hold of her right shoulder and harshly tear the left side strap of her which was covering her left shoulder.

Kajal got frozed on his act and looked at him with teary eyes.

He glared her harshly and hold a fistful of her hairs , he hold her chin in a death grip and said gritting his teeth, "You bloody bitch.... Now you're feeling ashamed huh.... Didn't you feel shame on that time when you were waving your tail behind me huh....

I very well know sluts like you. When your desires didn't get fulfilled by your husbands than you start searching new bedmates huh... Then why feeling shame now baby !!...let's enjoy ourselves.

Kajal's eyes got wider , than Rocky said, "why got shocked baby... What do you think... I didn't know that you're married???..... I know everything dear. You're married but not happy with your husband.... Let me make you happier".... He said and start moving near her face .

Kajal pushed him away with all her force and Rocky stumbled back but regained his balance.

He glared her hard and said, " You f***ing slut.... Let me show you your real place "

He moved forward to hit her and Kajal covered her face with her palms to avoid him but heard a loud thud.....

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