《Surviving His Royal Highnass, Prince Ashton》Chapter Six: The Big Day


Evelyn's POV

That was the last fray to happen between Ashton and I before our wedding day. After Sky's little comment, he stormed off without the intention of returning. Since he left me to deal with the burden of planning all alone, I tried my best to be as selfish with the details as possible. The next day passed by fairly quickly. All was hectic in the castle as final preparations were made. I spent most of that time with the seamstress as she finalized my wedding gown. By night fall, everything was ready. Yet, there wasn't a single trace of Ashton anywhere. My only solace was the age-old superstition that prevented brides and grooms from seeing each other before the big day. However, with how unlucky I felt already, it was impossible for me to imagine just how much more misfortune could befall us. Perhaps he decided to elope with some fair maiden, saving both of us from ruin. I could only hope that was the case.

Pity that it wasn't.

I stood on the other side of the massive cathedral doors, dressed in a lacy white gown, clutching a bouquet of fragrant white roses from the royal garden, the very garden that witnessed our first fight over this entire ordeal. Everything felt surreal. I heard the soft piano music flow inside. I waited nervously for the tune to end. Once it ended, the wedding procession would begin, signaling my walk down the aisle. I could already imagine Ash waiting on the other end, reluctantly so. My father smiled kindly at me and held out his arm. I wound mine through the crook of his, taking strength in his posture while steadying my breathing.

"Everything will be fine, dear. Once he sees how lovely you look, he'll be so weak in his knees, he'll have no choice but to bow to you." He teased me.

If only that were true.

"Thank you, Father." I replied, exhaling.


I can do this.

I have to do this.

The wedding procession began, the doors opened, and we began to stroll down the aisle with careful steps. Familiar faces beamed at me in awe from across the pews. I smiled at their encouraging faces, looking from left to right. Finally, the excruciatingly slow walk came to an end once I reached the altar. Not even sparing him a glance, I took my place in front of the priest, who held the honor of officiating multiple royal weddings before us.

The pruney man could barely muster his voice to read the script. It was amazing to me that he could stand without any assistance. That also explained my fear of him keeling over at any given second.

Of course, that would mean that the wedding would be delayed, so perhaps it was more of an anticipation than fear.

The vows began. I tuned out most of the dreadful droning, until it was my turn to speak.

I uttered the two words, sealing my fate with his.

"I do."

They still echoed throughout my mind in a haunting manner, until it was Ashton's turn to accept the vow.

"I do." His voice belted out, sounding as confident as ever.

It was all an act. He couldn't express his hatred in public. Neither could I. At least he played his part convincingly.

Finally, the most awkward part of the ceremony arrived.

"You may now kiss the bride." He stated.

I hesitantly turned towards him, looking up at him for the first time in days. I inwardly gasped. He looked stunning in his suit, donning his family's coat of arms. Even more stunning than usual. Slowly, he leaned in, surprising me. I reacted the same, until our lips met. It was short. Moments passed as our lips barely touched, light as feathers. Then we quickly pulled away, my face tinged with blush. The crowd applauded while the uncouth whistled. Next, Ashton placed a crown on my head, signaling my entry into the royal family. Sometime next week, I would undergo a formal coronation ceremony alongside him.


I felt no magic as Ashton led me through the crowds to the wedding coach, which would take us to the castle for the reception. After the festivities, we were presumed to spend the next three days at Trephine, Ashton's private castle, for our honeymoon. Most children of our background settled for purebred ponies on our birthdays, but he received a sprawling estate. Of course, nothing less would do for his royal highnass.

The reception went by fairly quickly. I led the opening dance with my husband. The term did not have the warm, tingly vibration I dreamt of in the past. As a complete romantic, the word used to roll off the tip of my tongue with utter glee in my childish fantasies and daydreams. The harsh reality is that I wanted to swallow up the word and choke it back down my throat before it escaped and reaffirmed the events of today.

Not a word was exchanged between the two of us since we said "I do". After that stiff dance, I sat off to the side with Adele and my mother. They grew very emotional towards the end of the reception, although I thought it was highly ironic considering that both of them procured the better end of the stick here.

"All is fine! Nothing has changed beyond my last name." I explained, trying to take it all in.

I was no longer Lady Evelyn Fiennes, but rather Princess and soon to be Queen, Evelyn Devereux.

I scanned the crowd, only to find him chatting and laughing with a group of girls. A sudden pang hit my stomach, even though I knew that it shouldn't have. Things like this shouldn't bother me. I mean, it's not as if we're in love. We're simply doing this to fulfill our duties. After all, he already clarified that he wanted an open relationship and two could fairly play that game.

"You seem a bit lonely." Sky took the seat next to me.

"No, simply stunned. I'm trying to confront this new life of mine, but my mind seems incapable of processing it all."

"I'm sorry I failed to talk any sense into him..."

"No, it's not your fault, nor is his behavior your responsibility. We're married now, that's that. It's over."

"Or it's just starting." He offered a weak smile.

I rolled my eyes, "Believe what you want."

"I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to act this casually again, in public at least, after your coronation. You'll be in a different league, after all. Her Majesty, Queen Evelyn Devereux."

I shook my head at the title, "Please, the best thing you can do for me is to stay the same. I need some stability among all this change. I hope you can be my rock in all that is to come."

"Does that mean I can have this dance?" He asked after a small paused.

My lips cracked a smile.

"Of course." I said, taking his hand.

After dancing with Sky, I danced with several other esteemed guests, hoping to earn a few pointed looks from the one man who shouldn't have left my side on such a momentous day. To my disappointment, he seemed to be too distracted by trinkets of his own. Before I knew it, the reception was over.

I scrunched my nose at Adele's silly, puckered lips as she tried to tease me for what was to come. We were ushered back in the coach as everyone else anticipated the next destination far more than either of us. I, however, dreaded spending these next few days alone with this man in a secluded estate.

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