《Surviving His Royal Highnass, Prince Ashton》Chapter Two: Wedding Preparations


Evelyn's POV

I didn't completely understand why I said yes to Aunt Claire. I've never felt desperation before, but seeing her that day made me realize that it's an emotion I never wanted to experience. I quickly knocked on wood at the thought, a sudden movement that did not please the seamstress.

"You are so gorgeous!" Adele spewed from the side as she looked over the dressmaker's shoulder.

At least the wedding served as the perfect distraction from the somber mood that fell over Sedalia this past week. It almost distracted me from my own doubts. Almost. Deep down, I knew I was the opposite of perfect for Ashton. I racked my brain to think of at least one incident where we didn't clash, but failed to find any. We never could stand each other. What worried me more was that neither of us saw each other since the wedding was announced publicly. I knew that he wasn't happy, but we're going to be husband and wife, for God's sake! Couldn't he at least pretend to care? Four days stood between me and betrothal. Four days until I trade my title of Lady for that of Queen. Queen! At the age of eighteen! Every girl dreams of being a princess, but no one ever dreams of being a queen. For some, the burden is far too much, but I may be able to rise up to it.

Four days until I'm no longer a maiden, but someone's wife.

"Ow!" I exclaimed at the poke of a needle.

"Pardon me, your grace, but I did request for you to move your arm earlier." The seamstress answered.

"Oh, I apologize for being inattentive." I told her.

She seemed taken aback from my apology as she stuttered one of her own in response.

"We're finished." She announced while raveling her measuring tape back into a neat loop.

She proceeded to remove the needles that pinned the skirt around my waist, allowing the delicate cloth to pool at my ankles. I jumped off the stool I was standing on and walked over to Adele, who was in deep conversation with the dressmaker.


"Ev! What do you think of pale pink lining and a laced bodice?" She asked me, holding up an assortment of lace and ribbon.

"They're nice." I mumbled absentmindedly.

The wedding dress was the least of my worries. Adele's face contorted into a confused frown. She laid the adornments down.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"We need to talk..." I muttered, biting my bottom lip.

Understanding, she led me out of her dressing chamber. I walked out into the garden and sat down on a nearby bench, feeling a sense of familiarity with the scene I watched from the window all those days ago. She took her seat beside me.

"I-I don't know about this." I sighed.

"About what?" She asked, puzzled.

"About all this!" I exclaimed, waving my hands around, "The wedding."

Her expression changed into concern.

"Oh." She breathed.

We sat there in silence for a little while. For the first time, I couldn't tell what she was thinking, and it made me uncomfortable. Is she disappointed? Angry? Amused, even?

"It's because of Ash, isn't it?" She asked, pinpointing my problem.

I nodded.

"I knew it. It was selfish of me to offer you up to mother like that. I only did it because you're the only girl I trust him with. So many would take advantage of this opportunity for the wrong reasons. I can't let someone like that into the family. It would've only hurt him and the kingdom. I'm sorry, Ev. It was very selfish of me. You know, when my mother asked you, I really thought that you would say no. But... Ash is lucky that you said yes. No, the entire kingdom is lucky that you said yes." She beamed at me.

Those are the same reasons why I said yes to Aunt Claire when she asked me to marry her son. Regardless of our history, I realized that we knew each other enough to predict one other's actions. I suppose a small part of me did feel concern for him. Just a minuscule part though, a very humane corner in me.


"You know, it's not too late to back out." Adele suggested after there was no response.

"I'm not backing out." I stated confidently. "I'm needed here for the good of... Well, Sedalia. I also owe a lot to your family. Of course, this isn't the fairy tale wedding I dreamed of as a little girl, but Prince Impulsive is close enough to Prince Charming." I smiled at her, lightening up the mood.

She smiled back.

"Ash, however, still worries me." I stated honestly.


"He hasn't even seen me since the day I agreed to marry him. How does he feel about this?"

Adele nodded with understanding, "Well, if it makes you feel better, he didn't say no. In fact, he didn't say anything at all. Don't worry, I can mend that. Meanwhile, why don't you go help mother with the menu for the wedding? She's in the sitting room, with your family too, I think."

"What are you planning?" I questioned, but only got waved away.

I let out a sigh of relief. That conversation left me with a clear perspective again. Per usual, Adele was there for me when I needed her the most. My thoughts drifted to my family as I walked to the sitting room. They were happy about this whole arrangement, and quite proud of my decision. They knew that I wasn't fond of Ashton, but there couldn't have been a more secure opportunity for marriage. Fleur, my younger sister, was especially delighted, thinking as if I was the luckiest girl in the world to be marrying the prince. Her tender age prevented her from distinguishing good from bad, so everyone seems pleasant to her.

I sauntered into the scene of my family and Aunt Claire pouring over several menus.

"Evelyn! Perfect timing, come look at these menus! Of course, the main course is going to be something substantial, but what about the appetizers?" My mother spewed.

"Um... I'm sure anything would be fine. The food here is always fabulous." I shrugged her off.

People hardly ate during these functions anyway; gentlemen gave way to decorum and ladies focused on keeping the seams of their garments from bursting.

I soon tuned out the food discussions.

I really didn't care what they chose. This wedding, my wedding, didn't have to be memorable to me. It would be matter-of-fact, practical even. Walking down the aisle, exchanging rings, kissing—Oh no. I imagined that kissing Ash would be the equivalent of kissing a rock— something just as emotionless, cold, and hard. I couldn't fathom what would follow, just the thought of it made me feel nauseous.


I snapped out of my thoughts and saw an excited Adele waving at me from the door. She was practically bouncing from glee.

"I have a surprise!" She ushered me out.

I sluggishly surrendered my comfortable position on the cushion and followed her out. She pointed past the door, leading to the garden again, and urged me to step out. I gave her a suspicious look, but she rolled her eyes and gently pushed me through the door. On the bench, among the many flowering plants, sat Ashton. He looked like an angel, but appearances were deceiving. He looked up at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I desperately looked back at the door to flee.

It abruptly closed behind me, signaling no escape.

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