《What I Want ✔》Chapter 14
I've been seeing Ivory everyday after work for the last few weeks. I couldn't bring myself to tell Aubrey because I knew it might trigger her again.
I called and told her that I had alot of work to do later and I wouldn't be able to make it home when I was actually wrapped up in Ivory's arms. She gently stroked my hair and I melted under her touch.
"What are you thinking about?" She inquired.
"I wish it could always be like this. You being here for the baby and I." She sighed.
"Soon darling, soon. I promise things will work out in the end." I pecked her lips.
"Haden, when the baby comes. I'll need you here alot more."
"I know. Don't worry I'll be here."
"But what about Aubrey?"
"Vincent will watch her for me. He wouldn't mind doing me a favour."
"But shouldn't you be doing that? What if she tries to harm herself again?"
"I doubt she will. I'm sure she will be fine."
"Tomorrow we find out the sex of the baby." She informed me.
"That's great! We should start thinking of names."
"If it's a boy, I like Damien Michael Vanderbilt." She smiled.
"Sounds good. If it's a girl, how about Carmen Lilly Vanderbilt?" I suggested.
"Yes I love it. I can't wait until we find out and become parents. I'm so excited." Ivory beamed.
"I am to baby." I kissed her lips softly.
"I love you Haden."
"I love you more Ivory."
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Hey Ivory, open up." A voice yelled. It sounded like her brother, Sam.
I got up and opened the door and let him in.
"Hey Haden didn't think I'd see you here." He laughed. Ivory's brother had dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes and was 30 years old.
"Well I have to check my girl." I smirked and he laughed.
"Ivory, we have to talk." He spoke seriously.
"The matter at hand. I think I have a plan."
I didn't want to intrude on their business so I went to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee then returned. Sam was about to leave.
"Leaving so soon?" I questioned.
"Yes Haden. I'll be out of town for a couple days. I have to visit my aunt, she's sick."
"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope she gets better."
"Thanks buddy. I'll see you guys around." He waved as he left.
"He's always on the move isn't he." I laughed and Ivory shook her head.
"Yes. He has always been like that ever since we were kids." She chuckled.
I was waiting for Vincent on the porch to go to the beach. I was wearing a short jeans pants and a tank top which I had my bikini under. My hair was tied into a messy bun and my bag was already packed.
A black BMW pulled into the front of my yard. I hadn't recognised who it was because I've never seen that car before.
Stepping out of the car I realised it was Blake. He looked different. He didn't look neat like he usually did. He looked exhausted and tired. He wore sweatpants and a plain t-shirt. He came into the porch and strode up to me.
He was about to open his mouth to speak and I flinched on impulse. A look of hurt flashed across his face.
"Aubrey, I came to apologise. I wanted to come sooner but I didn't have the guts to do so. I have been such a jerk to you and I can't apologise enough for the pain I caused you. A lifetime of apologies couldn't make up for what I did to you. I treated you so badly because I was jealous. I was jealous of your kindness and the way you made everyone instantly like you. The way you light up the room. Your innocence and happiness. I wanted to take it all away because those are the things I lack within myself. I know that's a lame excuse. I see you as my sister. I realised how much I'd miss you if you had ended your life. I realised that I had to make amends before I lose you. I had to make things right. You never did anything to me, yet I treated you so badly. I want to beg for your forgiveness. I know you probably hate me .I'm so sorry Aubrey and I know you won't forgive me but I will work hard to get your forgiveness. You're incredible Aubrey Evans and you belong in this family. You are my sister and I love you. I know you may not believe it but I do love you. I'm sorry." Blake said as tears fell from my eyes.
I hugged him. He was surprised at first but he finally wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me tightly and we stayed like that for a moment.
"Blake I don't hate you. I could never hate you. In fact I love you and see you as my brother. I forgive you Blake, it's okay. I don't want you to beat yourself up about it."
Blake looked at me in shock and a smile broke out on his face.
"You really forgive me after what I've done?" He questioned.
"Yes I forgive you Blake. I've been doing therapy and I don't believe in holding grudges. I managed to make peace with the pain you caused me. Therefore I don't want to dwell on it. I just want us to move on into the future. I want us to bond." I smiled.
"In that case I want us to spend time together. I know I can't make up for lost time but I can try and be the brother you deserve."
"Hey it's okay we can build new memories and create magical moments and it's never too late to start." I beamed causing him to smile and ruffle my hair.
"I just made this bun." I whined and he laughed.
"I brought you these Jolly Ranchers. I know they are your favourite." He handed me a bag and I squealed in delight.
"Oh my gosh. I love them. Thank you soo much." I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"You're welcome but I have to go to work now. I'll come by and check on you later."
"Alright I'll be home around 6."
"You're simply amazing." He smiled as he walked to his car.
A couple minutes later Vincent pulled into the yard. I placed my bag in the trunk and got into the car.
"Ready for a day of fun?" He questioned.
"Yes! this is gonna be so great." I smiled and he chuckled.
We arrived at the beach in about half an hour.
I took off my shorts and tank top and was left in my yellow stripped bikini and flip flops.
Vincent wore black trunks with tiny palm trees imprinted on it. His six pack was out for the entire world to see and his hair was slightly ruffled which made him look sexy. He caught me staring and winked as his eyes raked over my body causing me to blush.
"You look beautiful." He commented and smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Let's go down to the beach." He said and he took my hand as we walked down.
The beach was practically vacant with a few people here and there but they were already leaving. So we kind of had the beach to ourselves.
"Race you to the water." I yelled and darted towards the water.
Vincent quickly caught up to me and scooped me in his arms.
"Vincent put me down." I laughed as he spun me around.
"You want me to put you down?" He questioned and I nodded.
"Okay." He smirked then threw me into the water.
I screamed as I hit the water. I had to admit he caught me there.
I swam around a little then resurfaced. By this time Vincent was already in the water. He was floating peacefully and I saw this as an opportunity to get back at him.
I carefully swam up to him and then spl
ashed water in his face. He was caught off guard and sunk into the water.
I was laughing so hard I didn't see him coming up to me. He grabbed my hands and held it over my head.
"Let me go." I squirmed still laughing.
"You think that's funny huh?" He smirked and I nodded.
"Well what do you think about this?" He said as he leaned in and kissed me.
His lips moved gently over mine and the water was calm around us.
When we pulled away he stared at me.
"What?" I questioned.
"You're beautiful Aubrey. I think you should be told that everyday." He whispered and I blushed.
Everytime I kissed Vincent I felt my feelings for Haden diminish a little. Every second I spend with Vincent reminds me that I have someone who cares about me. Where does that leave Haden and I? Vincent erases the pain Haden caused. But I still love Haden. I wasn't even sure anymore.
"Wanna grab some ice cream?" He asked.
"Yes that would be nice."
We got out of the water and I felt the urge to use the washroom. My stomach and boobs were hurting a bit which indicated that it could be that time of the month. Gosh I downloaded that stupid tracker and still managed to forget.
Nevertheless, I needed to pee.
"Hey Vincent, I'm gonna go to the washroom. I'll be back real quick." I said and he nodded.
"Alright meet me at the ice cream shop."
I looked around and managed to find the washroom. It was in a secluded area.
As I entered I felt my skin crawl. Something told me to get out of there immediately but I ignored the feeling. I walked into one of the stalls and did my business then came out. To my relief, my monthlies hadn't come yet. But it sure as hell would be here in a couple of days. That made me want to start crying from now because those cramps could drive you insane.
As I was washing my hands I felt a presence behind me.
Turning around I saw a man wearing a cap that was pulled over his face so I couldn't make out his features.
"Sir - Sir this is the female bathroom." I stated but he didn't respond. He just stood there watching me.
I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand and slammed me on the wall. He started fondling with my bra strap and I screamed.
He covered my mouth and slapped me. This felt the same with that man that came to my home. Realisation dawned on me, this had to be him. He was still looking for me and he found me.
"Now no one can interrupt us baby." He laughed and began pulling off my bra.
I was left topless as my chest was revealed to him. He licked his lips and groped me all over. I screamed and thrashed but it was no use.
Tears cascaded down my cheeks as he continued fondling with me. This can't be it. I closed my eyes and prayed that someone would help me.
A few seconds later I felt his weight lift off me and he was slammed to the floor.
Vincent was punching him violently. He was furious. At this rate he looked like he would kill the man.
"Vincent stop!" I begged. I just wanted to get out of here. It made me feel sick being in the same room with that man.
His face softened and he scooped me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest and sobbed softly.
"I'm sorry Aubrey. I shouldn't have let you go to the washroom alone."
"Its not your fault." I sobbed.
"That's the same guy from before. He-he followed me." I cried.
Vincent quickly put his shirt over my head and placed me on the car trunk while he inspected me to see if I was hurt.
After that Vincent called the cops and gave them the location.
"I realized that he keeps following you. It seems like he is tracking you down and that pisses me off." Vincent muttered angrily.
"I swear I wanted to kill that bastard." He shouted.
"Its okay Vincy. Don't beat yourself up about it. You sure punched him though. I bet he's still lying on the bathroom floor. We should have called the cops sooner though."
"I wasn't thinking straight. I just wanted to protect you and make sure you're okay. Aubrey, you don't deserve this. No one deserves this. I don't know why this guy keeps following you. I'll file another report on him because apparently the cops can't do their fucking jobs and arrest this asshole. You'll need security Aubrey." Vincent stated and I nodded.
"Alright, I'll take you home."
The cops arrived and searched the area but they couldn't find him.
We climbed into the car and I rest my head against the window. I was feeling upset about this entire ordeal. Knowing that he is stalking me is so disturbing.
Vincent rest his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently. It somewhat comforted me and I closed my eyes.
We arrived home shortly and I went upstairs and showered. I changed into sweatpants and a hoodie and left my hair down.
Walking downstairs I noticed Vincent had already showered and was sitting on the couch.
When he saw me approaching he stood and hugged me. I buried my face in his chest and the tears came again.
"Shh it's okay. Don't cry. It's gonna be okay." He cooed softly.
"Let's go get you something to eat." He smiled as he led me to the kitchen.
He placed me on the counter while he searched for something for us to eat. I watched him as he prepared dinner for us.
He was making spaghetti and meatballs.
"Wanna taste the sauce?" He questioned and I nodded. I licked it from the spoon and it was certainly the best sauce I've ever tasted.
"Mmm. Where did you learn to make that?" I moaned.
"My grandmother taught me. She and I were close. She taught me so much in life. I miss her so much. She passed away some months ago."
"I'm so sorry to hear that."
"She would have loved you."
"I bet I would have loved her to."
"I should take you Italy to meet my family some day and to see where I grew up."
"I would love that. I've never been to Italy before. Sounds interesting."
"Yes it is." He smiled as he popped the breadsticks into the oven.
"What about your family?" He asked.
"Well my parents are from America. Actually I'm adopted." I answered and he paused.
"Wouldn't you like to find out about your birth parents?" He inquired.
"Yes I want to find them. I want to question them. I wanna know why they gave me up. Why couldn't they keep me?" I explained.
"Yes you do need answers, for closure."
"I just don't know how to talk to my adoptive parents about it. I don't wanna hurt their feelings."
"You won't be hurting their feelings. You just need to hear the truth. You deserve to know who your birth parents are."
"Yes that's true. I'll talk to them about it tomorrow after I come from Caleb's home."
"You're going over at Caleb's?" An emotion flashed in his eyes but it was to quick to call.
"Yes, his mom invited me over for a gathering I guess."
"Alright well after that maybe I can pick you up and take you to your parents."
"Sounds like a plan."
A couple minutes later we were sitting at the table eating when the door open.
Haden entered, he was wearing his work suit.
"Good evening." He greeted.
"Good evening." Vincent and I said in unison.
"You finish eating Aubs. I need to talk to Haden for a bit." Vincent stated as he left.
A couple minutes later Vincent came into the room with a furious looking Haden.
"Where the fuck did he touch you?" He roared and I was confused for a moment. Then I realised he was talking about the man. He was so angry about it. Like he actually cared about me.
I gestured towards my chest and other parts of my body.
"If I hadn't come then-
Vincent was cut off in mid sentence as the doorbell rang. Swiftly getting the door Blake entered the room.
He was attired in suit and tie and looked much better than he did this morning.
"Good evening." He said as he walked in. Haden glared at him and he did the same. I quickly cleared my throat and they looked away from each other.
"As I was saying, if I hadn't come who knows what that man might have done. I made a report and the cops are looking for him but we need some security around here." Vincent stated and Haden nodded in agreement.
"What's going on?" Blake inquired.
"Your sister almost got raped again." Haden spoke angrily.
"What? What do you mean again?" Blake yelled.
"A man has been following her and is waiting for when she's alone then he attacks her. Today he tried it again but I was able to knock some sense into him." Vincent explained.
"Aubrey are you okay?"Blake asked with a worried expression as he reached over to me.
"Really? You actually care now. After you embarrassed her twice." Haden chuckled humorlessly.
"Don't judge me. Like you're any better." Blake retorted.
"I'm making amends." Haden yelled.
"So am I. So shut up and quit judging me will you." Blake shouted.
"If she didn't try to kill herself you wouldn't be here." Haden glared at him.
"Neither would you. You're just sore because I kicked your ass at the party." Blake smirked.
"I could take you on right here buddy." Haden hissed.
"Will you two please stop!" I screamed and they both looked at me.
"Look it doesn't matter what happened. It's over now. Please don't argue and fight about it." I begged.
"I'm sorry Aubrey." Haden apologised.
"I'm sorry to. We shouldn't be acting like this. Especially since you were hurt." Blake added.
"Its okay." I sighed.
"So they haven't found out anything about this guy. What are his motives anyway?" Blake asked.
"I'm afraid I don't know but what I do know is that we can't let Aubrey out on her own not even for a second." Vincent declared.
"Damn it! This guy can be lurking around just waiting for an opportunity." Haden sneered.
"I'll have security around the house. If no one is able to go out with you, then a bodyguard will be assigned to you." Haden declared.
"What! I don't like the thought of someone laying down their life for me Haden."
"And we don't want someone taking away your life Aubrey. It's just for your safety. Just until we find this creep." Vincent consoled.
"Fine." I gave in.
"Good. It's settled then." Haden stated.
The rest of the evening was spent eating dinner which consisted of Haden and Blake throwing jabs at each other here and there. I hope they get along soon.
Then it was time for Vincent and Blake to leave.
I walked them to the door, hugged them both and then they left.
Haden had just showered and stood in front of me.
"I'm sorry I'm not always around. I've been busy with work." Haden apologised. Somehow looking into his eyes I knew it wasn't work he was at. I knew he was elsewhere doing other things.
"You were with Ivory, weren't you?" I mumbled.
"Yes." He replied as he looked away.
"We're never going to make this work, are we?" I bit back the tears.
"Aubrey, I love her." He stated, his eyes closed.
I strode up to him and held his face in my hands.
"You're here because you feel sorry for me. You're treating me better because you think what I did was your fault." I sobbed but he didn't answer.
"Answer me please." I begged.
In a split second Haden's lips were on mine. His lips were soft and I found myself kissing him back but there was something missing. The kiss didn't feel warm. It felt empty. Haden felt nothing when it came to me.
And so I pulled away and ran to my room. Shutting the door and burying myself in bed.
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