《Come Back To Me, Kiwi.》Chapter 11 - First Words and Mothers
I was doing so well, Kiara was smiling a little bit and enjoying the water, and then Momma came running out of the villa.
"Vidal! Could you come up here for a minute?!" Momma yelled in a panicked tone.
"Haze. Hazel calm down." Aunt Sophie said, emerging from the villa as well. "You're going to scare her."
All I wanted to do was show Kiara that this was a safe place, a place where she could be happy and have fun. I had a lot of work to do regarding this whole responsibility for another human being thing, but I would get there for Kiara. I would.
I could see on both of their faces that they thought I'd done something wrong. Maybe I had, this was all quite new to me. But I really didn't appreciate the constant questioning.
"Inside, now!" Momma said.
"Vidal.... what happened to her?" Aunt Sophie asked, her voice breaking.
They both looked heartbroken at the sight of her, and a feeling of guilt washed over me as I looked at how scared my girl was.
Kiara was falling apart, she was hiding behind me and crying, shaking. She was having a full blown panic attack and I suppose it was my fault for bringing her here where people could see her.
"It's ok, Sweetheart." Aunt Sophie said to Kiara, trying to calm her down but only scaring her more.
I carried Kiara into the villa, assuring her that everything would be ok. She was still crying, but I held her tightly and she relaxed when she realized I wouldn't let her go.
"What Arabella said... is it true?" My mother asked.
I knew Arabella was suspicious that I was with a girl who only wanted me for money. I wasn't sure what exactly she told them, but she was quite worried. So she probably told them all about what she saw and made them incredibly confused when they saw the state of Kiara.
My heart broke at the thought that the people who knew me best believed I'd do something so stupid. Maybe they suspected that I had slept with her, after all that's what Arabella thought. The gears were turning in their heads, they were worried about Kiara but didn't have enough information to explain what had happened to her. I looked at Kiara and saw how afraid she was. I definitely shouldn't have brought her here.
I knew they didn't truly believe that I'd sleep with her like Ari originally thought. So that wasn't their reason for their distress. But the sight of Kiara's bruises and scars was enough to make someone break down in itself. They weren't thinking straight. They were scared for my Kiwi.
Momma had us sit down on the couch, so she could talk to me. Kiara was a complete mess. I tried to get her to suck on her thumb, but it wasn't something she seemed willing to do in front of them.
"It's ok, Kiwi. I promise it's going to be ok." I said softly, stroking her hair and rocking us back and forth. "I'm sorry, Kiwi. I'll fix this, ok?"
She nodded, her eyes still wide like a frightened puppy as she regressed into me.
When Momma and Soph tried to comfort her they only made it worse. She was dead terrified. To think she was more afraid of them than any male I'd seen around her was shocking.
"Hey. It's ok." I whispered to her. "They won't hurt you."
She shook her head vigorously.
"Please let us go. Stop talking to her, it's just making it worse." I said, coming off more aggressive than I meant to be. I just wanted Kiara to stop crying. And I was tired of being interrogated like this. Part of me wasn't sure why I didn't explain and get it over with.
"Vidal?! What the hell is this?!" Momma yelled and sobbed simultaneously. She was just afraid and confused and I knew I needed to explain something to my mother and aunt.
I completely understood why my mother was freaking out. The events leading up to her seeing my Kiwi and the things she'd heard from the others were probably freaking her out. Not to mention that most of Kiara's skin was black and blue.
"Ok. Both of you get away from my girl and follow me outside for a moment." I said, the sight of Kiara freaking me out making me very protective.
By the time they saw how serious I was and left Kiara alone to follow me outside, I had tears running down my cheeks at the pure hurt I felt. I knew I was getting really desperate these past few weeks, but they knew me. They knew I wouldn't do something stupid, and they must know that I wasn't only with this innocent, hurt girl for a relationship.
"What is happening?" Aunt Sophie asked softly.
"She's legally my responsibility. She is mine, is that understood? I haven't done anything wrong, and if you need more details, ask Uncle Rico. For now, I'd appreciate it if everyone left me and Kiara alone, I'm done with all of your assumptions at the moment." I said, walking back into the villa and picked Kiara up.
I was truly tired of everyone wanting to know what was going on and asking about it and freaking Kiara out. And then coming up with their own stories to fill in the blanks. I shouldn't have to explain. Although I understand why they all want to know. Now that I'd been rude to my aunt and mother I felt kind of guilty about that too.
"I'm so sorry, Kiwi. It'll never happen again. Everything is ok." I said softly, walking back to her and picking her up, holding her securely to my chest.
"Vid-" My mother started, grabbing my arm.
"Let me go." I interrupted her, using a gentle tone. "We'll talk later."
She was still my mother. Even though she clearly didn't trust me to handle my own business, she was still my mother and I needed to be respectful.
"No. I won't let go. Go up to your room. Put her down, comfort her, then come back." Momma said, wiping her tears away.
Her hand slid off my arm and I carried Kiara up to my room in the Villa. She curled up in the blankets as soon as I put her down in the bed. When I tried leaving, she wouldn't let my hand go. I relented and got in the bed beside her.
She turned to face me and she looked directly into my eyes. She had her thumb in her mouth after I insisted on it, but she eventually took it out. I knew she hated it and I knew exactly why, but it helped her calm down and all that was important was that she was happy, safe and healthy. She reached up to my face and stroked my cheek gently, wiping away the remains of my tears from earlier. I couldn't believe I'd cried, but they were acting like I'd done something wrong to my little Kiwi.
"I'm sorry I freaked out back there. I just felt so sad and worried about you. I'd never hurt you in any way, I didn't mean for them to scare you." I said, tracing the angry red skin on her arms, hating the thought of Kiara being hurt. Even if it was a painless pinch, I didn't like it. No harm would come to my Kiwi, no matter what.
She nodded and the only thing I saw was understanding when I looked in those beautiful green eyes. She brought her hands to my hair again and she played with my hair very gently. I found more tears falling from my eyes and I was so damn embarrassed.
Why am I crying?
Men aren't supposed to cry, especially not in front of someone who has it a lot worse than them.
Kiara pulled my head onto her chest and held it tightly, then she wrapped her legs around mine and she started scratching my back. In that moment, all I could do was stare up at her in awe.
How can one person be so perfect? So strong. So selfless.
Tears streamed down my face not because of the hurt from earlier, but because of the relieving fact that my heart had a home now. Kiara had my heart, and the rest of my life was in her hands. I didn't mind it at all. In fact it was relaxing, relieving, calming.
It amazed me how while I put my life in her hands, she was putting hers in mine. Our lives would never be the same again, and with her life in my hands, I was in charge of what happened to her. I was determined to make everything perfect for her, no matter what.
"It's ok." She whispered softly, uttering her first words in who knew how long. Her soft voice made my heart flutter with joy, made me calm, made everything fall into place.
I freaked out internally. I had never been more overjoyed. Her voice was so soft and smooth, so calming. I was so happy that she felt like she could speak to me. She trusted me more now for sure. It seemed like maybe after this rough week of getting her settled in a safe life, she'd realized I was human just like her and I would not harm her no matter what happened.
I guess part of getting trust is giving it as well and by allowing myself to show my emotions and trusting her with them, she felt like she could trust me more. My tears made me more relatable and more human in her eyes. She felt like I had a heart now. I wasn't capable of harming her, for God's sake, I cried at the thought of any harm coming to her.
I smiled up at her and tilted my head to the side, I kissed her forearm and she smiled back, pulling me into a warm hug. Then she pulled the blanket over me and she got out of bed, leaving me cold without her body to hold onto.
"Where are you going?" I asked her, but at the sight of her breathtaking smile, I dropped it.
She went into the bathroom and she eventually returned, cuddling up to me for a little longer before I had to go speak to my mother and my aunt. She reluctantly let me go, and I told her that she could lock the door behind me if she was afraid someone would go in.
"I'll be right back, Kiwi, alright?" I asked her.
She nodded her head, letting me leave without a fuss and I found my mother and aunt on the couch in the living room.
"What happened to her?" Aunt Sophie asked, her eyes full of tears.
"She was saved from a slave trade facility." I said, finally explaining and letting something off my chest.
"This is the girl Rico told me about. She was the worst case from all the girls that came out of that facility..." Aunt Sophie said, her hands shaking.
"It's ok, Aunt Soph." I said softly, sitting down between her and my mother.
"Why did Ari say that it looked like you were having sex with a girl?" Momma asked. "She said you'd tell her if you were because she confronted you. But she showered for so long and you took Ari's brush for her hair and... I don't know."
"No. I bought her clothes, I brought her back home and let her shower and fed her, she heard the shower running because Kiara was showering." I explained.
"Kiara." Sophie whispered.
"You still messed up, Baby. Tell me why she's here... Did you see how panicked she was at the sight of other human beings? Why would you bring her here where she was bound to see someone? And to the mansion? Why? And the helicopter. How did she like the helicopter? I assume she was terrified. Why would you put her through that knowing that you had to use it again for her next appointment in the city?" Momma asked, getting angry with me. Her voice remained calm.
"I don't have anywhere to keep her. I needed her to finally see her home." I said.
"What about your apartment?" Momma asked me, sighing.
"It's a complete mess. That isn't a place she should see." I said.
"Then tell me why you thought that you who couldn't take care of an apartment, can take care of a sensitive, traumatized human being." Momma said to me. "You just throw things around, Vidal. You literally leave food everywhere. Food that's probably gone bad in there. I understand why you haven't taken her to the apartment... I do... but the reason it got to the state it's in, is because you're too stubborn and irresponsible to make sure your own apartment is clean.... Do you see why I'm concerned about you taking care of a whole human being, now?"
"I can take care of her. I have been." I said, knowing there was some truth to my mothers words.
"You have everything you need, Vidal. Always have. So you don't really get it. We've all constantly been fussing over you to make sure you're alright. I know you. I know my son. You wouldn't ever intentionally hurt her, but you're not acting like someone who's really thinking about her wellbeing. She needs a stable place to live and stay in without going back and forth everyday. Your apartment in the city, that's the place you should've taken her. Mess or no mess, she needs a home like you said." Momma told me.
"It's not... ready for her." I said.
"Well, maybe you should have thought of that before you immediately took her in." Momma argued.
"If I didn't take her, she would've been put in another facility." I groaned. They just didn't get it.
"I know that the circumstances may have been urgent, but look at what's going on now. Arabella, Theo, Evan and Micah are all freaking out about what you're doing with this girl. They haven't seen her, but from what they've heard, their brother is lying to them or hiding something from them. They're making assumptions because you refuse to explain." Momma said to me. "They're only worried about you and if you don't explain all they really have is what they've seen and the assumptions they make to fill in the blanks."
"Ok. So I've messed up. But I'm still getting used to all this." I said, admitting that maybe bringing her here wasn't the best option. I did need to fly back with her within the next two days for another appointment. This wasn't a stable place to live just yet.
"Then start thinking. I know maybe you're excited for her and you want to show her everything, but Vidal, she's not in the right state of mind for this island and helicopters and other people trying to butt in. You need to explain everything to everyone, even though they're all mad at you, and then you need to take her back to the city and figure something out over there. Again, not in the mansion where anyone else can just barge in. She needs you, only you." Momma told me, softly, rubbing my back.
"Alright. Fine." I said. "I'll explain. Can we call for a family dinner over here?"
"I'll do that." Aunt Sophie said, she seemed spaced out.
I had never seen my aunt so visibly grieved by something before. I didn't know why she was so upset.
"Why are you so upset?" I asked her.
"You didn't have sex with her, right?" Aunt Sophie whispered softly.
I sighed. Hadn't we been over this?
"I didn't. I swear." I said.
"Good. Don't.... don't hurt her. Please. She just wants to sit at home with you, talk to you and get to know you. She might not be ready to talk, but if you just tell her about yourself and help her get through things. It'll get better quickly. She... She just needs to feel like someone in the world cares. Like there's someone in the world who doesn't want to hurt her." Aunt Sophie told me.
It scared me how my Aunt talked about this. How she spoke of what Kiara wanted and needed as if she knew her pain very well.
"I'll take care of her. No more mistakes, ok? I'll explain, I'll take her to my apartment and we'll figure things out over there." I said.
"Good." Aunt Sophie said, hugging me tightly. "Don't mind Theo, ok? He's... he's just too much of a softie."
"He has every right to be annoyed. He should've been the first to hear what was going on with me." I laughed.
"He just cares about you. He was telling me just the other day that he felt bad about you not being able to find the right girl." My aunt told me.
"Just, out of curiosity. Do you know a girl named Mabel?" I asked my aunt.
"Isn't that the girl he had a crush on in school?" Aunt Sophie asked.
I nodded.
"The boy is still attached, isn't he?" Momma asked with a chuckle.
"Yeah. But he should tell you guys about this, not me." I said with a sigh.
I didn't really know what to say about Theo. The girl was gone and he refused to even try looking for her on social media. But he still wouldn't move on.
"I know he'll talk to me when he's ready. But just one question. The ring he wears... is it... from her?" Aunt Sophie asked me.
"Yeah." I nodded with a smile, I remembered how close those two were. I could never truly understand what he felt, but I knew it still hurt him how they were separated.
"Alright. Go back to Kiara and take her back to your cabin. I don't think she wants to be around us anymore." Momma said to me.
I smiled and got up.
"And Vidal?" Mom said, making me turn around to face her for a second.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"It's not all bad.... It's not easy taking care of someone so hurt and broken. You're doing a great job, there are just a few hiccups along the way." Momma smiled at me. "I'm proud of you, baby."
"Thanks, Ma." I said, getting emotional all over again.
I finally left again, going to my room and finding Kiara still in bed, picking at the blanket in her arms.
"Hey, Kiwi." I said softly, making her look over at me with a smile.
I moved closer to her as she sat up and held my hand out for her.
"Ready to go back to the cabin?" I asked her.
She nodded her head vigorously and hurried over to me.
My aunt and my mother removed themselves from the area we'd have to pass through so that Kiara didn't have to worry. I couldn't wait for Kiara to see that they weren't actually scary people. They would be her number one supporters, always looking after her.
When we reached the cabin, Kiara took me to the room and made me lay down while she went to the kitchen. I didn't know what she was doing and I got a little worried for a second about if she'd get hurt or if she'd need anything from me. But then I relaxed. I decided to trust her with whatever she was doing.
As long as she was happy and she was capable of leaving my side for a little while, she could do whatever she wanted. I was seeing a lot of improvement. As long as she was with me and no one else bothered us, she was pretty comfortable. My aunt and my mother were right about her needing me and only me. Whenever anyone else got involved, she freaked out.
After an hour of laying there in bed without her, trying to listen to what was happening outside of the room, I started to smell something absolutely amazing. I panicked because I knew she was using the oven, but I took a moment to remind myself that she was a perfectly capable adult. She didn't have experience with ovens or at least that's what I thought, but if something went even the slightest bit in the wrong direction. I knew she'd be running to me for help.
I didn't want her to feel like I didn't trust her, or like she wasn't capable. She hated sucking on her thumb because it made her feel like a baby, and me trying to make strict rules for her would make things worse. She was finally free and I wasn't going to be the one to trap her again.
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