《Come Back To Me, Kiwi.》Chapter 8 - Shopping and Angry Ari
We got to the store in no time and I picked her up out of the passenger's seat. I carried her into the store and she started trembling, but she was very easily hidden in the large clothing and in my large arms.
I carried her through the store, I went to the pharmacy area and I bought her most of her medicine, but I couldn't find the cream that I needed to apply to her back.
After that, we went to the clothing section and I showed her a few dresses, watching her facial expressions, trying to see what she liked most. In the end I couldn't tell what she wanted so I bought all of them along with a bunch of leggings for her and some t-shirts and long sleeve shirts and even some sweaters. I found some cute socks and bought those and then I got her a pair of shoes. She just hid the entire time, too intimidated by the crowds around us.
"Alright. We're done from this place." I said to her.
I carried her back to the car and she relaxed a little when we started driving. I should've gone to Aunt Em for the clothes, but I didn't need anyone other than Uncle Rico knowing about Kiara right now. They'd want to meet her and she would freak the hell out and it just wasn't the time to get into it.
I took her to another pharmacy and got the cream for her back only for some weird girl to start flirting with me. I was literally carrying another woman around and this girl had the audacity to approach me and try to touch me.
I just brushed the woman off as quickly as possible and I went straight for the car. I decided I was never doing anything like this again. If I was going shopping it would be online shopping and maybe Kiara would actually pick some stuff.
We got into the car and I turned it on, letting out a heavy sigh. I was honestly angry. I just hated these women who wouldn't leave me alone. I wanted Kiara to feel secure in this semi-relationship that we had. I couldn't have a romantic relationship with her, if I did, she'd have to be transferred to someone else's care before we did anything.
I just felt frustrated that she had to witness that woman flirting while she was literally being carried by me. It just wasn't fair to her, and definitely unwanted by me. Kiara was no longer the only one shaking. As I put my hand on the gearstick to start driving, I felt something that made my heart soar.
Suddenly, I felt a soft touch on my trembling right hand and I looked over. I took Kiara's hand in mine, smiling at her and continuing our drive home. I grabbed the five bags in one hand and then I picked Kiara up and carried her in.
"Pretty!" I heard Mila and Mia both yell as they ran at me.
"No, Girls. Go to Mama." I said nervously, trying to brush them off. I took Kiara to the room but the girls followed me, trying to climb me and see Kiara. Kiara seemed curious. It seemed as though she'd never seen anyone so tiny before.
I put her down on the bed and then I picked both girls up, carrying them out of the room.
"Arabella! Get your children!" I called out.
They were both still three. Which is why they were trying to climb me in hopes of seeing Kiara again.
Arabella came running down the hall and I kept the door closed enough so that Kiara was hidden.
"What're you doing?" Ari asked me.
"Nothing." I said.
"What're you hiding?" She questioned.
"Nothing." I lied.
"Let me see." Ari said, trying to push me.
Micah walked over and he narrowed his eyes at me.
"What's going on?" He asked me.
"Nothing. Can I just have some time in private please?" I asked him.
He pulled a receipt out of his pocket and I wanted to explode.
"Women's summer dress.... women's underwear.... women's leggings.... women's sundress.... " He read off the paper.
"That's weird." I frowned, trying to deny that I was responsible for it.
"Vidal." Micah said in a warning tone.
"What?" I asked.
"You're the only one who has been here since that dinner you missed and you're telling me it isn't yours?" Micah said.
"Look. What do you want?" I asked him, getting annoyed.
"For you to tell me what's going on." He said to me.
"Micah. Nothing is happening. I don't know where that came from, alright?" I lied.
"Ok. You're not a good liar. Just tell us." Ari said.
"What?! What do you want?! Why do you care?" I asked them.
"Because you've been complaining about not finding a girl and considering just going for one of those shameless flirts who only want you for money.... hence the receipt with what looks like an entire wardrobe for a woman." Micah said, waving the receipt around. "I'm just worried bro, that's all."
"Why do you even care? Just leave me alone." I said to him.
"I care because you're my brother, you idiot!" Micah yelled.
"I appreciate that you're worried about me. Alright? I just need time alone. Let me work things out, I swear, I'll come to you when I'm ready." I said to him.
"Fine. But I'm telling Daddy." Arabella said.
"Ari. Can you please... please, just relax." I sighed, knowing that Uncle Rico would be a little angry that I hadn't taken her to my own place and once again relied on others to take care of myself and Kiara.
I needed to show him I would be able to care for her, and this would make him think that I can't. I literally didn't have an accessible place to take her to other than his house right now.
"I'm telling my father, Vidal. Sometimes he's the only one that can get through to you and whatever you're up to, it's weird." She said. "If you're really buying these clothes for a money crazed woman you picked up, I can't let you continue to hurt yourself."
"I know it seems weird! I'm aware! Just give me a few days to figure it all out for myself." I sighed.
"I'm telling my dad, Vidal!" Arabella insisted, leaving with her husband. "You're not even denying it."
I sighed, closing the door and locking it behind me. The part that bothered me most was that they were right. They thought I was with a girl who didn't really want me, but wanted my money. They thought I was desperate, which I kind of had been. Which would give them reason to worry. I guess I probably should've just explained without giving away the private details about Kiara's past.
Kiara was looking at me, looking really scared when I closed the door.
"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" I asked her.
She shook her head but continued to look horrified. I nodded and took the bags of stuff I bought to my closet. I hung everything up, making a little section in the closet for Kiara's clothes.
"Here you go, here's a change of clothes if you want to get changed or shower." I said to her.
Tears fell from her eyes and she shook her head.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
She trembled as she curled up in a ball.
"Do you need a shower?" I asked her.
She started trembling even harder.
"Why are you afraid of showers?" I asked her.
She shook her head vigorously, closing her eyes very hard and hugging her knees.
"You just have to go into the bathroom and I can help you turn the water on a good temperature and then I'll leave you'll get to shower quickly, get cleaned up, smell nice and then you can change into your clothes and I'll help you comb out the tangles in your hair." I said to her.
She looked up at me now. I guess it didn't sound as bad as she thought it would be.
"Were you afraid I wouldn't give you privacy? You'll always have privacy. You'll go in with me so I can help you get the temperature right and give you the shampoo and body wash, then I'll give you all the privacy you need. I promise." I said to her.
She still looked apprehensive.
"Look. You can tie me to the bed." I offered.
She looked intrigued.
"I'll go in there with you, I'll show you everything, we'll turn the water on, then you can tie me to the bed and take the clothes into the bathroom with you, that way I can't come in no matter what." I said to her.
She nodded and I led her to the bathroom. She looked around and I showed her where the towel would be, where the shampoo she should use is and where the conditioner was and where the body wash was.
"Good?" I asked her after turning the water on for her.
She had a lot more trust now that it was just her and I and the unspoken promise of no other people butting in. She nodded and I let her lead me to the bed and then handed her some tape and a few of my ties. She tied me down pretty well. But I knew that even with all the effort, I could get out of the restraints in case of an emergency.
She ran back to the bathroom quickly and she closed the door behind her. I heard her move around the bathroom and then I heard the water shut off after ten minutes. She took another ten minutes in the bathroom after that and finally emerged.
She was in a pair of pyjamas I'd just bought for her. Her hair was still knotted but it was very thick and beautiful.
As soon as she untied me from the bed, she got into it, shivering a little bit.
"Come here." I whispered, taking a comb out of my bedside table. She obeyed and sat between my legs, kneeling with her head down and her hands laid on her lap, palms facing upward.
"No. Relax." I said softly, petting her shoulder. But she didn't move.
This position alarmed me to say the least. I didn't want to see her acting this way towards me. I wasn't here to be her sexual partner right now and I sure as hell never expected her to submit like this. No matter what I did, she didn't break out of the position and it bugged me, but I decided patience would be good. I'd let her do whatever she thought she had to, and eventually she'd realize I didn't want her doing this.
I sighed and started combing out her hair. The comb bent in an odd shape after just one stroke through her pretty hair. I knew I needed to go steal one of Ari's brushes. I left her on the bed with a kiss on her forehead and rushed to get the brush.
Unfortunately, I was caught red handed, grabbing Ari's brush from her backpack. Again, I should've just asked for her brush instead of trying to take it without her permission.
"Explain, Vidal." She said to me, her arms crossed and that angry and annoyed look that Aunt Sophie usually had gleaming in her eyes.
She could be just as scary as Aunt Sophie when she wanted to be. And she was really annoyed that I wasn't telling her what was going on. But probably more annoyed that I was now taking her things to use them on a girl who she didn't know, nor did she approve of right now. I knew if I explained she'd be happy to lend me the brush, but I didn't explain because I was afraid I'd have to give details.
"I just need a brush." I said to her.
"You have your own comb." Ari said.
"This is.... a more extreme case...." I said hesitantly.
"Vidal! I tell you everything, and you're supposed be able to tell me everything as well! So why are you being like this?" Ari growled. "I'm just worried about you. I don't want you messing with the wrong people and getting hurt."
"I'll tell you, Ari. I'll tell you everything. Can't you wait for me to be ready?" I asked her.
"You have a woman in the house, Vidal, and you bought her an entire wardrobe... you want me to believe that you're not doing weird things? You weren't at a family dinner and you know that means a lot to everyone. This isn't like you." She said.
"What do you think I'm doing?" I asked her.
"I don't know, Vidal... but whatever it is it's not normal. Theo told me you were with a girl the night of the dinner.... and now you bought an entire closet of clothing and you're not telling me what's happening." She said, getting genuinely upset. "And before the dinner you told Micah you might as well just settle with a gold digger."
"It's not anything weird. She just needed clothes." I said gently. "And she's not a gold digger."
"Who is she?!" Arabella asked me.
"A girl." I said, not knowing exactly how to describe the relationship.
"Vidal!" Arabella growled, getting frustrated with me.
"It's complicated. She needs my attention and my care and for me to be alone with her right now... just... I'll tell you everything, Ari. I will... just let me get back to her." I said.
"Are you having sex?" Ari asked me.
"Why would you think that?" I frowned.
"Because she just took a long shower... I heard the shower running and now you need my detangling brush for her hair and you're acting all weird... you were with her the night of the dinner and wouldn't tell us what you were doing... why is she in your room?" Arabella asked. "You could've taken her to your apartment.... Did you want someone to get involved or something?"
"Relax, Ari. Your oldest cousin is still a virgin, I promise you." I laughed. "And I couldn't take her to my apartment because it's disgusting."
"You better be!" She yelled, throwing a shoe at me angrily. "Take the brush you idiot, but I'm telling people what I saw and heard when they ask. You're not acting normal and maybe they can help."
"My God... you get really scary when you're mad, you know that?" I asked her, rushing off to get back to my Kiwi and her pretty hair.
Ari could tell the others what they saw. It would escalate the situation, but at least she'd let me off the hook now.
As soon as I arrived, my heart broke at the sight of Kiara still sitting in that same kneeling position with her head bowed down. She was sniffling and I just couldn't bare it.
"Kiwi... I'm back." I said gently, locking the door after myself.
She didn't even make a move. She completely ignored me. I walked over and sat down beside her.
"Hey, Kiwi. Turn around for me." I said, watching her shuffle and plop down facing me. She maintained her position and her head was still bowed down.
"Look at me." I said gently, rubbing her cheek with my hands.
She still didn't do what I said.
"Look up at me." I urged her, lifting her head up with my forefinger tucked under her chin. Her eyes were full of tears and her cheeks were wet.
I silently pulled her out of her position and hugged her to my chest. Shushing her as she sobbed. I truly didn't understand why she was crying, but holding her seemed to be making it better.
After she felt a little better, I turned her around myself and again, she put herself in that same submissive position. I hated it. I needed to untrain her, because I didn't want this. I just told her she didn't have to sit like that and that I wanted her to stop, but she didn't listen. I went on brushing her soft hair and being as gentle as I possibly could.
I eventually got all the knots out, being very gentle the entire time. I threw all the dead hair in the trash and then I brushed out her beautiful blonde hair for a little bit longer.
"Let's blow dry it so you don't get a cold." I said to her.
She let me pick her up and take her into the bathroom. I set her down on the counter and I blow dried her hair. I wasn't the best at it, but I'd get better with time. Eventually, her hair was dry, combed out and smelling absolutely lovely.
"So pretty." I said to her, tucking a strand of long blonde hair behind her ear.
I smiled down at her, and she looked up at me with wide eyes. She stared for a little while, examining my face. Eventually she realized what she was doing and that's when things went wrong. Her face turned bright red and her eyes began to water.
"No, don't cry. It's ok. Are you embarrassed?" I asked her.
She nodded, tears spilling over her cheeks.
"There's no need to be. It's ok." I said to her.
I could see her quickly become overwhelmed by everything.
"It's ok. Cry. Let it out." I said to her, pulling her closer to me.
I really didn't expect her to give in, but before I knew it, she was having a full on meltdown and I didn't expect that. I gently ran my fingers through her soft hair, trying to calm her, but she started to hyperventilate.
"Hey, hey. It's ok." I said to her, pushing her twitching hand towards her face.
I knew now what the doctor meant about sucking on her thumb. It would soothe her, calm her down and I knew she had the urge to do it.
"Sh... it's ok." I said, silently begging her to just suck on her thumb and end this panic attack or whatever it was.
She finally accepted it and put her thumb in her mouth. She looked uncomfortable for a little while as she sucked on it, but then I pulled her into my chest and she hid in my shirt. She eventually calmed down completely and fell asleep. I pulled her thumb gently out of her mouth and carried her back to the bed.
It was confusing to take care of someone whose scars were so deep. I could never understand how much pain she was constantly in. I never would know how hard it was to live with her past because I'm not her. But I would be there for her no matter what. Whatever she needed, I was willing to give her and I would wait patiently for her to heal.
I eventually fell asleep with my arms wrapped around her. My girl was home and she was completely safe now. I would never jump into a relationship with her, we needed to first establish a friendship. I knew one thing for sure though. My week had gone from perfectly normal, to absolutely bizarre. But with this beautiful girl by my side, I welcomed it.
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Hot Dabi Pics
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