《Mr Possessive ✅》Chapter two


I heard a loud noise coming from my side. It's annoying the hell out of me. Someone make it stop.

'Ohhhh...... it's so f***ing loud.' I smashed that thing down. Here goes the third clock this week well at least it's quiet now.

"Xavier.....Xav.... wake up. you are going to get late." My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Yeah..." I said. I hate school. Well, every kid does. Except for the nerds. I laughed at my thought.

I dragged myself to my bathroom and start getting ready.

I wore my usual black. I went down, breakfast was on the table, my dad was reading the newspaper, my young brother was eating while checking his phone and my mom was pouring juice in our glasses.

"Sit down and have your breakfast. You are going to be late. You have to take your brother to school also. Today is your first day and you will be late. And don't you dare to cause any trouble. We are tired of changing your schools. Now eat." my mom said in one breath.

" Breath mom, breath. I don't know why are you wasting your time on him when you know he will do the same thing." my brother said.

"Shut up cheese-ball. Mom, I'll be on my best behavior I promise." I lied.

"Don't make promises that you can't keep." my dad intervenes in the conversation.

"Alright, just eat everyone." mom said.

"Ready to go cheese-ball?" I asked my brother and took my bag from the chair beside me.

We get on in my car. I put the address in my navigation and follow the command.

We entered the school in 10 minutes.

I took mine and my brother's class schedule from the school office. I took him to his first class and told him that he has to manage the rest.


I started walking towards my first class when I ran into someone. She was about to fall, but I hold her from her arms but then we both missed our balance and I fell on her. I was just a few inches away from her, her eyes were closed. she looked so beautiful. I noticed her eyes were wet like she was crying before we collide, but why? Why someone so beautiful would cry? I know it's stupid but someone this beautiful should always be happy. I wipe a tear away from her face. she hasn't opened her eyes yet. She seems so fragile. Like she should have a tag of 'handle with care' on her.

She started something in me and I loved it.

This day is getting better.


Hello, lovelies.

I know it's a very short chapter. It will get longer next.

Please keep on reading it.

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