《TRS #1 : Princezone》Chapter 15 - Hope


I saw Logan and Amanda walk together into Amanda's room and sadness was written in their eyes. Amanda told me that tomorrow Logan will leave London to go back to Denmark. I knew this time would come sooner or later.

Of course, Logan's father will pull him back to Denmark because he knew that Logan is getting too attach to Amanda.

It was obvious to me that Amanda loves Logan. It was not a friendship kind of love, it was romantically love. She loves Logan and you can see it in her eyes that's why she doesn't want to let Logan go.

It was heartbreaking for me to see Amanda this sad. She never wanted something that bad in her life except for wanting Logan to stay. She knew that she will never have Logan because it's a rule for him to marry another noble family's daughter.

"I wish we can do something for Amanda." My son, Victor, said.

"There's nothing we can do, Victor. We can't do anything to keep Logan here." I said and I got up from my seat. I walked out from the house to look at the night sky. I stood there for awhile and I heard someone open the door. I turned to see Logan walking out from the house. He saw me and smiled.

"Mr. Estelle, I want to.. say goodbye." Logan walked to me and stood in front of me. I nodded and I patted his shoulder.

"I.. Please take care of Amanda, I know I won't be able to be there for her anymore." He said and I know I can see his sincere heart through his eyes.

"You are the only boy that I trust my granddaughter with, Logan. I know you're going back to Denmark for good and I know my life in this earth won't be that long so.. can you promise me 2 things?" I asked and he nodded.


"Of course." He said.

"I trust you to protect her even though I know you will be in a different country, but I hope you can promise me that you will protect her."

"Yes, I promise I will. I will protect her, Mr. Estelle."

"Another thing is.. If one day, Amanda decided to follow her dreams, I hope you can understand her. You know that she got her father's ambition." I patted his shoulder and he looked at me confuse.

"I will.. I promise." Logan said and I walked him out from our house.

"Mr. Estelle, I won't let you down about Amanda. You know that she's under my watch even though I'm far away." Logan added and I nodded.

"I'll send Amanda to Denmark every month to see you, I know she will love that." I said and Logan's eyes widen.


"Yes, I know she'll appreciate it." I smiled and Logan suddenly hugged me. I patted his back slowly and he released the hug.

"Thankyou so much, Mr. Estelle. That would make me very happy and I promise that she'll stay with me in the palace everytime she visits me." Logan said as he took my hand shaking it.

"I know you'll take good care of her. Goodbye Logan, I know you'll be a great King one day."

"Thankyou, Mr. Estelle." He said and he got into the car. I saw his car slowlt drifting away and my heart hurt for Amanda. I can't imagine how Amanda feel because tomorrow Logan will go for good.

I walked inside the house and I saw Victor looking at his bank book. He sighed and when he realized I'm walking into the living room, he quickly put it away. I walked into Amanda's room and I saw her sleeping in her graduation gown.


I walked to her and sat beside her. I can see that she has dried tears on her cheeks. My heart broke to see her like this especially when I know that she's in love with her bestfriend.

"I'm sorry that I can't do anything to make him stay, Amanda." I whispered and I closed my eyes. I found myself feeling her heartbreak and I can't help but tearing up for her. I know I just came back to her life a year ago but I love my granddaughter so much.

I got up and walked out from her room. I sat on the sofa at the living room in silence. Victor was painting and we both didn't say a word knowing that this day feels like a funeral.

"Victor, do you mind if I send.. Amanda to America?" I asked and Victor turned to me.


"She needs a new environment." I said and Victor shook her head.

"We can't leave her alone." Victor said and I sighed.

"I just wish that he turns out as an ordinary boy instead of a prince." I said in a small tone.

"There's nothing we can do, father. We can't make him stay and we can't send Amanda there." Victor said and he's right. We don't have any other choice than accepting.

"I can send her to Denmark every month."

"Sometimes I forgot that you're a billionare." Victor said chuckling.

"You don't need to worry about it."

Victor is happy with his life as a painter and Amanda is happy to be with Logan. I guess I have to live longer to make them 2 stay happy as long as I can. I know my cancer is healing fast but you'll never know.

I regreted not to come to their life early.

Now I have to work harder to get more title so maybe Amanda will be able to pass the standard to be Logan's future wife. Even though I'm a billionare but I'm still far from the York family and the 7 Gold Lifes.

God.. please heal me and give me longer time to live. I want to make my son and my granddaughter happy.

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