《The Claim ✔️ *Editing*》26. Reunion*
I woke up from someone roughly shaking my shoulder. I was not one who liked being woken up so as to why someone decided to fuck with me... I don't know. After rubbing my eyes I took in my surroundings, I was in my room. The only difference was the moonlight seeping into my room, opposed to the sunlight.
"You slept the day away." Owen said with a chuckle. "Not that that's out of the ordinary." I smacked his arm playfully. It was true, if given the opportunity I could sleep all day.
I noticed he was dressed in his pajamas and almost panicked. "What time is it?" I asked.
"8:30." Damn. I missed dinner.
"Titus flipped shit when you didn't show up to lunch. He took off into the woods and hasn't been back since." My eyes went wide, guilt starting to seep in. "Oh." He rested his hand over mine. "I know you don't want to hear this, but I think you should talk to him. Even if things don't go the way you want, you need this to move on with your life." Maybe he was right, but I didn't want to give Titus a chance to sneak his way back into my good graces.
"I will, just not right now." I said, coming to a compromise.
He nodded then stood. "Alright, I'm heading to bed." He placed a kiss on my forehead then left.
I pulled out my laptop and began binge-watching shows on Netflix. I had my mom bring me some popcorn and offered her to join me, but she was so exhausted from the day's events so I let her go. I would have asked Maci or Alex to join me, but they were probably exhausted as well.
I was an hour into my binge watching when I heard a loud howl off in the distance. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion then shrugged it off. That was until my wolf pushed out one of her own in the back of my mind. "Uhh..."
His wolf was calling out to mine in an attempt to lure me in. I rolled my eyes then continued watching my shows.
The howls didn't stop after that, they went on for three hours straight. I even tried putting headphones in my ears but that didn't stop my wolf from trying to claw her way out. "What the hell man?" I groaned as my head began to hurt from my wolf's persistence. It was becoming unbearable.
My mom and dad walked into my room looking completely sleep deprived. I snatched my earbuds out of my ears and stared at them in concern. "Okay Brinn, You need to make him stop before I do." My dad gave me a firm look, this was not up for discussion.
I sighed then nodded my head. "I'll take care of it, you guys go get some sleep." They both sighed in relief then left my room in a better mood.
I slid on my white vans then headed out of my room and down the stairs. A couple of Greystone pack members were congregated by the kitchen drinking hot chocolate. Two males and three females. They all stopped their conversation and greeted me. "Luna" they said in unison.
"I'm sorry about this, I'm taking care of it now. You guys can head back to bed." They all gave me a grateful smile.
I continued on my way. Walking out of the pack house I wrapped my arms around my chest. It was more of a comforting gesture. I padded my way through the snow, the snow falling lightly against my cheek tonight in tiny white specks.
It didn't take me long to find Titus, he had left a scent trail for me specifically and I couldn't miss his low howls of the night.
His grey wolf stood with his chest puffed out when I approached the small clearing. I sighed then slowly walked towards him.
I stopped when I was stood directly in front of him. "You kept the whole pack house up." I scolded. He tilted his head to the side, silently telling me he could care less.
I sunk to my knees. I ran my fingers through his grey fur. He let out a soft purr. "This isn't your fault, it's your stupid male's fault." I couldn't blame the wolf for his male being an aśshole.
He nuzzled his nose into my neck, causing me to let out a soft giggle. "That tickles." He ran his tongue over my mark.
After wrapping my arms around his neck he wolf let out a loud whine. "I missed you too." He laid down on his belly. Gesturing for me to climb on. I stared at him, debating on if I really wanted to go. But of course, he made the decision for me. He clamped onto my sweater and tugged.
I rolled my eyes then climbed on his back. Wrapping my arms securely around his neck. He stood then took off through the woods. The cool air breeze onto my face.
He stopped when we reached a small cabin styled house. It was one of the guesthouses, we only used for occasions like this. I climbed off and walked towards the door. I opened the door and walked in, with Titus following close behind. The house was already saturated with his scent. My wolf purred in satisfaction.
I sat at the kitchen table in silence as I waited for him to join me. The only sounds heard were the sound of the drops of water from the facet hitting the sink. It was like something out of a horror film and it made me even more uncomfortable.
Debating my decision to even come, I stood ready to leave when Titus finally walked in dressed in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. My breath caught as our eyes met.
"Brinn I-" I held my hand up, stopping him mid-sentence. "You manipulated me into getting here, fine. But I'm going to do all the talking and you're going to listen." These were my terms, he either accepted them or I walked.
He sighed them walked over to the chair across from mine. We both sat down, my sweaty hand rested on top of the table as his eyes studied my face. "I don't understand why you did what you did, and I never will. But I think you owed me the common courtesy of letting me know what happened between you two." He nodded in agreement but stayed silent.
"You could've just been honest with me...about all of it. I probably would've been angry, but things wouldn't have gotten as bad as they did." He ran his hand over his face and nodded. "I know...I-I messed up, I take full blame for that. It wasn't fair to you or anyone else involved."
"Okay." Nodding, I dropped my gaze to my lap. Titus's hands reached out to mine, causing my gaze to meet his. "Can you forgive me?"
Closing my eyes I sighed. My mind had already been made once I opened my eyes to meet his. "I can but, I think we should take things slow." His eyes lit up with excitement.
Before he could get too excited I stood, causing the chair to scrape against the wood floor. He stood after me and walked to my side. "I should get home." I stated. He nodded understandingly and was about to walk me towards the door when he stopped. "What?" I asked, eyeing him curiously.
He picked me up and sat me on the counter, stilling when he reached my stomach. "Stay still."
I did as he said, as he ran his nose along my stomach, causing me to squirm. He wrapped his hands around my hips to hold me still but continued sniffing my stomach. Suddenly he stopped, and up at me his eyes glowing yellow. "Brinn, did you know you were pregnant?"
All of the color drained from my face. "P-pregnant?"
He nodded, a smile was now plastered on his face. A male can always tell when his female is bearing his pups. It usually takes up to 2-3 weeks to tell, which means...
"We didn't use a condom. How could I be so stupid?"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You're not stupid Brinn, everything will be okay." He said calmly.
I ran my hand over my face. "I'm only 17! I can't raise a pup! We can't raise a pup!" I exclaimed.
"My mother had me at seventeen. It's not an uncommon thing. We're not f*cking humans Brinnley!"
I rested my chin on the palm of my hands. "I just don't want pups."
He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his nose in my neck. "I know, but you knew that wasn't possible. We need an heir." He was right, I knew my fate, I just hadn't accepted it yet. Maybe this was a good thing, everything would work out fine. I just needed to quit worrying so much. It couldn't be good for me or the pup.
"We'll talk more about it in the morning okay?" I nodded then eased off the counter.
We stood outside of the pack house facing each other. He grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Please don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I nodded then retreated into the pack house.
I laid in my bed that night just staring at the ceiling. I found myself placing a protective hand over my belly. It all seemed unreal to me, there was actually a life growing inside of me. I didn't know what this baby was to bring, but I knew for sure I was scared out of my mind.
I fluttered my eyes opened, slowly trying to adjust to the harsh sunlight seeping in through the window. I sat up and threw my legs over my bed, my eyes locked on my stomach. Werewolf pregnancies usually last about 3-4 months, so my stomach could start growing any day now.
I guess that kind of explained why I no longer craved nutella. I had found it quite weird but just brushed it off as my mind was elsewhere.
The sound of my phone vibrating drew me out of my thoughts. I reached over and grabbed it off of my nightstand then unlocked it.
I threw my phone on my bed then walked over to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I quickly took a shower then wrapped a towel around me and walked to the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. Once I was done I walked through my room to get to my closet. I changed into a black underwear and bra set then changed into a sweater and a pair of dark washed jeans.
Titus sat on the edge of my bed when I left my closet. His eyes met mine as a smile made its way onto his face. "Hey."
"Hi." I sat next to him on my bed then grabbed my tray of food and began eating. We ate in silence while we watched the reality tv show that played on my tv. He occasionally glancing at me or my stomach.
I sighed and pushed my tray to the side. "Lily won't be a problem, right? Because I really don't want to punch a b*tch in the throat." He shook his head. "No, and if she is I'll handle it. I don't want you worrying about her, especially in your condition." His eyes cast downward to my stomach before he placed a hand on it.
"Titus, what are we going to do?" I asked, pushing his hand away. "Everything will work out, I know it doesn't seem like it now, but I'll be there every step of the way." I nodded then stood to my feet.
I slid on my brown moccasins then faced him. "We should go now." He stood then joined me.
We walked out of the pack house in silence, both distracted by our own thoughts. I was worried about how our families would feel about the pup. Héll, I still don't even know how I feel about it. Of course I would love my pup regardless of the circumstances, but I was just confused.
Titus grabbed my hand in his. I stared at our newly linked hands then up at him. He smiled down at me then looked ahead. The pack's door opened before we could even reach for it. Owen ran out holding a small snow globe above his head. Penelope ran after him. Her dark brown hair flowed down her back in loose ringlet curls. Her brown eyes filled with anger.
Penelope was the same age as Owen. Her family was very quiet and mostly kept to themselves. Penelope was the complete opposite. They have been best friends since they were four. Watching them together reminded me of Carter and me.
"Owen, give it back!" Penelope shouted.
He shook his head. "Sorry Nelly, you better apologize of this snow globe meets the ground." She rolled her eyes and groaned. "By the way, why do you collect these anyway?" He brought the snow globe down and examined it. Penelope took that as her chance, snatching the snow globe out of his hands then took off towards the woods. Owen's eyes went wide. He ran after her then tackled her to the ground with a thud.
"Owen, not too rough!" I shouted. Titus chuckled, causing me to slap his arm. "That's not funny, he could have hurt her." I turned my attention back to the pair. Owen was helping Penelope up. When she was back on her feet she punched Owen in the shoulder. It took everything in me to hold back a laugh. "You broke my snow globe!" She crossed her arms then turned on her heel, walking towards us.
"I'm sorry Nelly." She walked right past us and into the pack house.
I glared daggers at Owen. He rubbed his hair then sighed. "Females..." He muttered.
Titus grabbed my attention. "I have to head to the training grounds. Mind link me if you need anything okay?" I nodded.
He pulled me into a hug. Owen cleared his throat, causing us to pull away. Titus smirked then walked away. He patted Owen's shoulder as he walked past him. I took a seat on the steps as I watched him walk away.
When he was out of sight, Owen sat beside me. "So you two are back together?"
I shrugged. "I guess so."
He shook his head. "You shouldn't have forgiven him so easily."
I stared out at the snow-covered forest. "I shouldn't, but I did."
He chuckled lightly, "You're so stubborn."
I snapped my head towards him. "You're one to talk."
"Go apologize to Penelope, then get to training."
His eyes widened. "You barking orders now?"
"Yes, I am a Luna after all."
He rolled his eyes then stood. "You'll always be my sister before anything." He placed a kiss on my cheek then turned on his heel.
I headed inside a few minutes after Owen. I greeted my mom and a few other females when I entered the kitchen.
I grabbed a plate and began helping her wash the dishes. "How'd you sleep?" She eyed me suspiciously.
I scratched the back of my head and sighed. "Fine."
"Good to hear." She said with a smirk.
I placed one of the dishes on the counter then turned to face her. "Don't make this awkward momma." She held her hands up in defense, "I'm just messing with you Brinn. Now get back to work."
I rolled my eyes then continued my task. We continued working in silence until I had gathered enough courage to ask her a question. "Does daddy know?"
She stilled, "Know what?"
I sighed, "That I've forgiven Titus."
She pursed her lips into a thin line then nodded. "No one is upset with your decision. He's your mate, it was expected." I rolled my eyes. "Great." She grabbed my hand in hers. "You make your own decisions in life. We'll always be there for you." I smiled then pulled her into a hug. "Thanks momma."
She rubbed the back of my head. "Anytime baby."
I was walking down the first-floor hallway holding a stack of plates. My mom insisted I helped set the tables in the dining hall. I agreed but gave her the side eye while doing so.
It was going to take hours to finish setting the tables. Okay maybe not hours, but it would take a while. A few of the she-wolves had already started setting the tables when I walked in. I smiled from ear to ear.
Less work for me.
Eleanor, one of the older she-wolfs, greeted me with a welcoming smile. "Luna." She bowed followed by the rest of the she-wolves, showing me their respect.
"Hello Eleanor." I wasn't good at remembering names, but I was going to make it my mission to remember everyone's name in my pack. It felt good calling Grey Stone my pack. It filled my wolf with a sense of pride.
"Let me take these plates off of you Luna." She grabbed the plates and handed them to one of the other she-wolfs. I wiped away imaginary sweat dramatically. "Thanks Eleanor, that was a workout." She chuckled lightly.
She stared down for a few seconds too long then met my gaze. "You and the alpha are expecting?" My eyes went wide.
"H-how did you..."
She shook her head then smiled. "The moon spoke to me."
"You're an oracle?" It was then that I noticed the power radiating off of her. She smiled with pride. "Yes Luna."
"Wow I didn't know." I always thought oracles were supposed to be creepy and bat shít crazy. Eleanor was the complete opposite. Not every pack has an oracle. You were considered very lucky if you even came across one.
"Your pup is going to be very strong and wise." She stated.
I felt my eyes water slightly. My wolf puffed up her chest with pride. "Thank you Eleanor." I pulled her into a tight hug.
"Of course."
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