《The Claim ✔️ *Editing*》23. Back To Normal


I took a seat on the last step leading to the pack house doors then pulled out my phone and dialed Titus's number. Each time the phone rung I felt my heart drop, nervous to hear his voice. He finally answered on the third ring. "Hello?" He said in a raspy voice.

"Titus."I said flatly.

The line went silent for a few seconds.

"Brinn?" He asked excitedly.

"Look, I don't what you're planning, but you need to stop." He sighed. "I just want you to come home."He said pleadingly.

I rolled my eyes. "I am home."

He growled loudly. "Stop this nonsense Brinn! I'm coming to get you right now!" He snapped.

"No! I will never forgive you if you start a war with my father!" I felt the wet tears stain my face. "You did this to yourself Titus, and now you have to live with it."

I heard him take a deep breath. "The Ally Meeting." I furrowed my brows, confused on what that had to do with anything. "I'll give you until the Ally Meeting, but after that, you are coming home with me Brinn. I will not take no for an answer." He explained.

We started the Ally Meeting a few years back after Red Moon and Grey Stone became allies. It's when the two packs come together for a day and celebrate their union. The visiting pack brings their warriors and their families. This year Red Moon was hosting it, so Grey Stone would be visiting.

"We'll see about that." I ended the call and opened up my calendar app. The fact that he thought he could order me around baffled me, especially after the decisions he has made.

The Ally Meeting was taking place two weeks from today. Great, I had exactly two weeks to get my sh*t together. Either way, I knew I was not going down without a fight.


I ran into Seth on my way to the woods. I hadn't shifted in a while and my wolf was strangely quiet. "There she is." Seth said as he approached me.

He linked his arms around mine. "Let's go for a walk." I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

We walked in silence until we approached a clearing. Seth came to a stop then sat on the forest floor. I followed his lead and sat across from him. "Your brother is something serious." This peeked my interest. "How so?"

"He knocked me on my a*s this morning." He said with a chuckle, causing me to smile.

"He's definitely underestimated. He'll make a good alpha one day." He said.

"I hope so." I bit my bottom lip nervously. Everyone had high expectations for Owen, sometimes I wondered if it was too much pressure on him.


Seth's eyes traced over my bottom lip causing me to quickly released my lip from my teeth's grasp. Seth snapped his eyes to mine, taking in a deep breath, I squirmed under his penetrating gaze. He shook his head then stared down at his lap. "You know...." He traced the nearly melted snow with his fingers. "It seems we've both got the short end of the stick when it comes towards our mates." I nodded slowly.

"Yeah..." My wolf growled in protest. Even though her mate hurt her, she still had this loyalty towards him. I couldn't understand how she could be loyal to a wolf who wasn't loyal to her, but in her mind it wasn't the wolf's fault. It was Titus's.

"I wish we could have been mates." My eyes went wide, I didn't know what to say to this confession. Yeah, things might have been simpler, but I had to trust the moon goddess knew what she was doing. Even if it didn't make sense to me at the moment.

"Seth I-" Before I could finish my sentence, Seth crashed his lips to mine. I sat there frozen in shock. My wolf sat in the back of my mind with her paws over her eyes. Growling her disapproval for this male.

He pulled away and stared at me in confusion as I stared down at my lap. "You shouldn't have done that." I said in barely a whisper.

"But you didn't stop me." He stated. I snapped my head up to meet his gaze. He had a look of sincerity. "I know but, I don't want to be like them." I said the last word like venom spilling from my mouth.

He nodded. "You're right." I cleared my throat, trying to ease the awkwardness. "We should head back."

"Okay." He stood then reached his hand out to me. I thanked him then took it.


Seth decided to head back to Grey Stone that afternoon. Although I was upset he was leaving, I knew he had his own issues to take care of and I respected that. Titus agreed to leave Seth unharmed which I was grateful for.

I walked into the pack house in search of Carter. He's the one person I haven't seen yet, which was weird because you would think he'd be rushing to see his best friend, but I guess not.

I knocked on his door then waited patiently. A few seconds later the door swung open, Carter stood there wide-eyed. "Brinn? What are you doing here?" Before I could respond her pulled me into his embrace. "I've missed you." He mumbled into my hair.

"I missed you too."

He pulled away then tugged me inside. He closed the door behind us then plopped onto the bed. "You didn't know I was here?" I asked as I sat next to him on his bed.


"No, I was asleep all day." He gave me a sheepish grin, then wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "So what brings you here?"

I trusted Carter, héll he's my best friend. But I knew if I started talking about it I would burst into tears, and I just wanted to have a good time with my best friend.

I shrugged. "Just visiting." He smiled then nodded.

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing video games and eating junk food. It was just like old times. Even though this visit was based on a bad situation, I was glad I got to visit my family and friends.

A light knock is sounded at the door. We both snapped our head in that direction as the door slowly opened, revealing Genevieve.

She smiled at both of us. "Dinner's ready."

I was the first one up. "Thanks Eve." She eyed the mark that laid upon my neck. "You've found your mate?"

I furrowed my brows. She didn't know?

I shrugged. "Uh yeah." She pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you."

I patted her awkwardly. "Thanks."

She pulled away. "Who is he?"

"Uh.." I eyed Carter, silently telling him to get ahold of his mate. I didn't want to speak about my mate anytime soon, it put a bad taste in my mouth.

Carter intervened. "Didn't you say dinner was ready?" He grabbed her by the hand and pulled her towards the door. "Yeah but I was talking to Brinnley." I cringed at the sound of my name. I wasn't a big fan of my full name and made it a point for no one to call me by it.

I followed behind them as we made our way to the dining hall. I sat in my usual seat next to my brother. He was so busy stuffing his face, he didn't even notice my arrival. I rolled my eyes and dug into my food.

I stared at my parent's intertwined hands, they looked happy.

After dinner, I headed towards my bedroom, plopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. After a couple minutes of silence, I decided to send a quick text to Seth.

A thought popped into my head. I'm probably so behind in my school work. Goddess knows when the last time I even picked up a book. I was honestly thinking about stopping the tutoring. I mean as a Luna I did have many responsibilities, there would be no time for academics.

I stood up and made my way towards my parent's room. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door slowly opened a few minutes later. My mom stared at me and smiled. She was wearing a dark red silk robe with her brown hair cascading down her back in loose curls. She was beautiful and I admired her. "Hey momma. Is daddy here?"

She opened the door wider then pointed to the far side of the room. I walked in and directed my gaze to where my mom was pointing. There sat my dad at his desk furiously.

I cleared my throat. "Daddy?" I said innocently. You have to butter them up before you drop the bomb, i've been here plenty of times to know.

He swiveled his chair in my direction, giving me his full attention. His eyes softened at the sight of me. "Yes Brinn?" My mom stood next to him.

"Okay so, since I'm a Luna now, and the work is just so demanding and stressful." I placed the back of my hand against my forehead, with a sigh.

"I was wondering if I could ease off of the school work." They both eyed me with blank expressions. Uh oh, this could go either way.

My dad crossed his arms over his chest. "You were always one for the dramatics." He stated, causing my mom chuckled lightly.

He sighed. "It's your choice Brinn, I won't tell you what to do."

I ran towards them and brought them into a group hug. Which was an awkward position, but it worked. "Thanks! You guys are the best." The both snuggled into me.

Before I pulled away my mom whispered into my ear:

"You're going to make a great Luna." I smiled sadly at the meaning. "I'll see you guys in the morning."

"Goodnight." They said in unison.

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I changed out of my clothes and into one of Titus's t-shirts. I slept better when I was around Titus, but this would have to do for now. I needed to get some rest and this was the only option.

I turned off the lamp and slid into the bed. I was drifting off to sleep when I felt the bed dip. Once again Owen slid in next to me. "Owen I'm fine." I mumbled.

"I know, but I worry." I smiled then nuzzled closer into the sheets.

"Don't kick me, or I might have to retaliate." He stated.

I rolled my eyes. "No promises." I turned on my side so my back was now facing him. After a while, I drifted off to sleep.



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