《The villainess is... Is she?》chapter 23


Kyle shook his head while patting hers after calming down from the laugh.

"You're complaining about that Crown Prince and even cursed him, it's hard to find someone complaining about him that openly and harshly. He is still a Crown Prince of this kingdom ,you know?"

Kyle look at the pouting Clair in of him and gentleness appeared in his eyes. He held her tenderly as if hugging a treasure.

"But, I'm glad that you don't like him like in the rumours, and I certainly is more happy that you said I'm more good-looking than him. Am I really that good-looking in your eyes?"

Kyle asked while landed a smooch on her forehead. Clair get embarrassed and pushed him away.

"Stop being weird, we'll go back tomorrow." Clair left the room in a flash. Kyle smiled and sat down in his chair.

Lance came in not long later and kneeled in front of him asking for forgiveness for not being able to protect them.

Kyle forgive him and handed him task to pass on to Alex and told him to prepare for tomorrow as they're going back.

In Clair's room, she is practicing magic with Sakura giving a guidance.

It was pretty easy for Clair as she can do it all at first try while Sakura is whipping with sorrow for all the other people with forest element out there as it is actually very hard to control this element, some people never even succeed, but she done it all and succeed in one try.

"Mama! Did you know, I noticed something about Papa!" Sakura spoke with a childish joyful face.

"What is it? And.. Do you really had to call him Papa? I don't mind being called Mama, but him as a Papa.. It's kinda embarrassing, we're not even married."


Clair comb her hair, trying to cover her embarrassment. Sakura only giggled.

"I realized just now that, Papa had a compatible body with Mama and it's really surprising, as it's really hard for human to find their compatible body partners in this world. Papa and Mama is lucky as both of you found each other."

"Hm, that maybe explain the attractive force I felt towards his body that my body couldn't help but react. Maybe my feelings towards him is too.."

"Mama, you're feelings towards him is called love and it's genuine. Stop blaming it on the compatible body and deny your feelings."

"Hey! Who taught you that? Plus, I-I didn't deny my feelings, okay?" Clair flicked Sakura's forehead. Sakura pouted while covering her forehead.

"Anyway, what's with this compatible body, what makes it so special?" Clair rubbed her chin, thinking while looking at Sakura.

"A compatible body is useful for cultivation and changing the physic of body, both of you can change your body to become more stronger and resistance to some black magic."

"Really? Wow, that's kinda cool. But how did finding compatible body partner do that?"

"Of course it must be through dual cultivation!" Sakura look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Dual cultivation? How?" Clair is confused, 'what kind of cultivation is that, I never heard it before?'

"Oh my Mama, what would a woman and a man with compatible body do together alone? How dense are you?" Sakura looking at her with a weird face.

At first Clair is still confuse, but after hearing Sakura's last question, a fuse sparked in her my mind and went 'Boom!'.

Her face immediately went red and she flicked Sakura's forehead before she hide herself under the blanket on her bed.


Sakura snickered before snuggled into the blanket after blew out the candle illuminating the room.

'It's so nice to sleep with Mama and inhale her smell, it's really addicting, no wonder Papa like it so much.

She hugged and snuggled Clair that is half asleep because of tiredness and cut off her connection to Clair's mana field when she heard thousand cries of complaining about her.

The next morning, Clair woke up early and after washing herself, she started to do some packing.

She didn't have much to pack in the first place as most of the things she just bought it on the way here and some of it is the one she brought fron the mansion.

Since this house is her property, she left some of her clothes and blankets that she brought and just packed a few clothes, cloaks and money.

After finished packing, she summoned back Sakura that had just woken up into her mana field, she didn't summoned her back earlier as Sakura is still sleeping and she didn't want to disturb that.

Clair went to the living room and have some morning tea while waiting for Kyle and Lance.

It is a relaxing morning and the sun shine warmly on her face. She opened a book that she hadn't finished reading and continue it.

Her figure is so enchanting and dreamy that it easily taken away the just come out Kyle.

He stood there stared silly at her while a few silly lovestruck faces can't help emerging.

'I'm so lucky to have her accepting me as her husband and had her as my wife.' He can't help but thought about it.

Clair had smelled him approaching but after a long time he still hadn't move to her so she can't help but close her book and look at him.

Seeing his silly embarrassed face make her chuckled, but the warm burst of spring from the chuckled actually make things worst, as both Kyle and Lance that is searching for them had a nosebleed.

"Hey! Kyle, are you okay? Why do you suddenly had a nose bleed? Lance, come hel- Hey! You too! Oh my god! Stop your nose bleed! Both of you!"

Clair run to Kyle and pinched lightly at his nose bridge, 'Is the weather that hot today? What's with these people in this world? Can't handle a little bit of warm?' She can't help but complained.

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