《The villainess is... Is she?》chapter 17


Kyle smiled and closed his eyes, the unique and special scent that coming from the girl in front of him make him addicted and making him wanting more.

"I've only showed my blue fire element to people that are special to me. You are special to me." He said.

He tighten his hug and slowly lower his head, wanting to kiss her head but before he did Clair looked up and shoved him away at his face.

Kyle that was surprised was dumbfounded and step back by the sudden action. Clair looking at him blankly then slowly point at a bush near the forest.

"Then how about Lance? He saw it just now, is he special too?" she asked plainly while the 'bush' jolted a bit.

In the bush, Lance face was pale, 'H-how did she noticed me? I've covered my track and presence! How! Did my skills degraded that much?!' Lance having a mental breakdown.

Kyle is the same but his face is still normal, it's just a bit stiff and awkward.

"Er, actually, Lance is my personal guard, he is an assassin and excellent in covering his presence, how did you noticed him, since when?"

Clair nodded slightly with an understanding look, she rubbed her nose a little before answered absent-mindedly.

"Actually, I noticed him since the start, it's just that his scent smells familiar so I didn't care. Come to think of it, my nose is a bit sensitive to scent, I can detact people's scent that are about 50 steps from me."

"What does he smells like?"

"Hm, let me think, I guess, he smells like clothes that were stored too long in the closet?"

"Pfft-" Kyle laughed while the bush that was pointed was surrounded with gloomy and sorrowful aura.


"Then what do I smells like?" Kyle looked at Clair that is rubbing her chin as if thinking.

Clair suddenly looked up and stared right into Kyle's eyes. Kyle was taken aback and he feels like his soul was slowly sucked into those glimmering pupils.

"You actually have this nice scent that I really like. It was really nice and relaxing. " 'Well he actually smells like sakura, my favourite flower, but like hell I'm going todig my own grave by tellinh him that, sakura does not even exist here.' she thought.

Clair slowly approached him and take a sniff of his body. Her head was on his shoulder and her cheek almost brushed on his.

Little did she know, her warm breath fell on his ear which make him go red and hot. He subsconciously covered the tent in between his thigh while another hand hug her at her head.

"Stop seducing me Clair, I'm afraid that I might lose control and eat you." Kyle whispered in her ears. His voice was hoarse and seductive which make her embarrassed.

"I didn't!" Clair shouted then push him away and immediately ran into the house. Outside, Kyle is panting heavily while covering the tent.

"Guard her, I'm going to take care of this." Kyle said then instantly disappeared into the forest, this time he won't soaked in the cold water as it was too unbearable.

Inside, Clair was lying flat on her stomach on her bed while her face is covered with her pillow.

'Oh my god! I didn't seduce him okay, I don't even know how ! Sophy is the one that know how to seduce people, not me! What did I do?'

Suddenly she remembered his scent, yes that scent that make her feel relaxed and intoxicated. Sometimes when she inhaled too much, she started feel dizzy and hot.


She looked at the ceiling of her bedroom and started to hallucinated his face which make her face go red, but her eyes is still on those alluring eyes and smile, that pointy nose and gorgeous face.

She sighed slightly when she thought that she must be crazy to fall in love with someone she does not really know.

She then sat up straight and started recalling Kyle's instruction just now. She closed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, her pupils is gold in colour and a pink flower emerged on her palm.

She threw the flower on the ground and a little girl wearing a pink dress emerged. She blinked her eyes and when she saw Clair she got excited and immediately pounced on her.

"Hey, why do you guys like to pounced on me?" Clair chuckled as the little girl snuggled in her embrace.

"Master! I've waited for so long for you to call me out!" the little girl started to teared up crocodile tears , her cheek and nose was red and she look like an adorable bun.

"Huh? What do you mean waited for so long?" Clair stared at the girl confusedly but her hands didn't stop carresing her back , comforting her.

"We've waited you since you were in your past life, you are the descendant of the forest fairy , when you were killed last time, we exhorted so much strength to brought you here as her body is compatible as your soul."

Clair was shocked as fragment of suspicions, understanding, memories and everything come in one piece and she finally understand.

She is actually the descendant of forest fairy, that is why she was protected in the mansion and everyone protected her, but her selfish and stubborn action led to so much trouble.

She suddenly felt guilty to her family and relatives in her past life. If only she did not insisted on moving out...

"Master! Because we exhorted too much strength, a lot of us lost the ability to talk and I'm one of the few that was saved as we expected you would choose your favourite flower as companion."

"Now, I can explain to you and teach you how to activated and control your power, because if you did not, this power will lose control and your body will explode because it can't contain with it."

Clair just nodded absent-mindedly as she still can't believe that she is a descendant of the forest fairy.

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