《(Hiccup X reader) The One You Needed》Chapter 21 ~ The Fifth Day
I hated that I had to leave Berk at all, but I had to make sure that my people were safe before the coming challenges of winter.
On the third day mom and I were up in the sky, we hadn't seen any threats and we were almost ready to come home. We'd been scouring nearly all the islands surrounding Berk for the past three days. By the end of the second day I just wanted to be back home with (Y/N). It seemed as Toothless was very eager to get home to Libelle as well.
On the third day it all happened... We were about to turn home, when we saw 3 large ships heading in Berk's direction. The ships were surrounded by a group of small islands. On board they had dragon traps and dragon killing weapons. They had jet black sails and a unfamiliar symbol splashed red across it. Hopefully, when we ran into them we were high enough to keep us away from any danger. But we knew we had to act upon it, and fast.
We quickly made a plan to stop the boats from getting too close to Berk. The plan involved me acting as bate and distracting them so mom could set their boats on fire from below.. we thought that they had dragons in their boats, that Toothless (as the Alfa) could control them and use them to our advantage... we were mistaken-
These people were cruel, and came from a far-away land, they spoke a foreign mother-tongue language and they didn't have dragons aboard, only men and weapons. As me and Toothless lowered ourselves from the sky, ready to attack, they immediately shot us down with heavy, metal nets. We crashed onto their deck and instantly got chained up, Toothless's mouth got strapped. Men pointed their spears towards our necks. Mom saw what was happening and knew she couldn't come near without backup... I saw the silhouette of Cloud-jumper above, heading off to seek help.
I was locked in a cage at the bottom of the biggest boat. Locked up by strangers... In the cages next to me were remains of dragons and people who previously got locked up here... they were murderers.
As hours upon hours passed, I couldn't tell what time of day it was... I couldn't tell if it was day or night... no windows of any kind. But it felt like .
"We'll get out of here, somehow bud... I promise. I'm not letting us die this way... I have to get home to (Y/N)."
I took the strap that shut Toothless's mouth. He sprung around the sides of the cage, pounding his weight on them to try to bust the cage open. "it's no use, bud." Toothless was not calming down. He bounced all over the cage, aggravated and scared. He was going to try and blast the cage open "NO!" I yelled in panic. Toothless's huge blast would cause the boat to sink... it was not worth the risk, knowing all the guards on this ship and the other two ships were stopping us from our freedom. It was no use... I had no weapon to try to break free; they had disarmed me. The only thing we could do was to wait for help.
"Toothless- Toothless! You need to calm down! This isn't helping in any way. My mom has gone to get help, okay?"...
I started to feel frail as time continued to pass by. No one came near our cage. I felt extremely dehydrated, as did Toothless. I could barely speak...
I thought of (Y/N) and her warm smile. I prayed that she would be okay if I couldn't get out of here. I pictured her perfect face as I knelt down against Toothless... I started feeling weaker by the minute..
We shot up into the sky and started heading South. I knew that he begun his journey West and then up North, so the last place he must be searching is South, before returning. No sign of him on any island we passed, or in the sky on the way.
Libelle was flying as fast as she could possibly go, and as we kept heading South, she became more confident that we were heading in the right direction. She sniffed the air and recognised Toothless's scent.
After about an hour or so, we saw the shadow of a four-winged dragon flying towards us!
"That's Valka! Elle, that's Valka! We found them!"
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Come quick!" She yelled in panic. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes were drowned with fear.
"What's wrong?! Where's Hiccup?!!"
"He needs our help, there's no time!"
Valka explained what happened with a shake in her voice. We both flew as fast as we could towards the ships that took Hiccup.
"How long has he been captured there??"
"Two days... Cloud-jumper and I tried to get help by searching nearby islands for days but there was no one there, I had to head back to Berk to get help."
"Two days?! What if he's not getting anything to drink! He'll die!! What if they've-" I paused to hold back my tears "How many ships were there??"
"Three... Hiccups being held in the biggest. They have weapons..." said Valka worringly
Without thinking twice, I took charge. I couldn't think of a world without Hiccup... "I'll handle the big ship and I'll find them. Can you cover me whilst I get in? ...and handle the other two ships from above?"
She nodded with certainty.. She seemed desperate for my help, it was the only plan we had to save her son.
The black sailed boats came into vision...
I flew low and targeted to land on the big boat. Valka was up high, ready to attack from above. We shared one last glance
"Be careful, (Y/N)" she said.
I nodded and stood on Libelle's back with my sword ready in my hand."Ready girl, you know what to do.... three, two, one... now!" I jumped from Libelle's back onto the deck, and Libelle lifted herself up, until she was level with the crew on the deck. She fired her purple blasts on them, and I ran as fast as I could towards the entrance to get below the deck. I could hear Cloud-jumper firing away on the other boats causing them to sink... screams of the dragon capturers being scorched alive were filling the salty air..
A guard was blocking my entrance to get inside. He held an axe in his hand... my burning passion to see the love of my life caused adrenaline to flow through my veins. This is it, no running away this time..
I violently swung my sword towards his chest. He blocked my sword with his silver axe and pushed me away forcefully with his non-dominant hand. I fell to the ground and hit my head on the deck, I heard the man's foot steps coming closer towards me. I squinted my eyes to try to focus my vision, my head was pounding. I blurringly saw the guard coming towards me with his weapon in the air ready to strike... I quickly grasped my sword from the floor, by my side, and sliced through the flesh on the back of his legs.
"AAAAGGHH!" The guard screamed and stood still in excruciating pain. His axe dropped to the floor. My anger only increased when I saw him in agony. I could only feel rage for what he's done to Hiccup. He fell on his knees with blood pumping out of the gashes on his legs... I stood up and impelled my sword through his back... Blood spilt everywhere and slowly seeped into the wood of the deck. I pulled out my sword and looked at what I committed. He laid there, lifeless, because of me. My sword was covered in his warm blood... I've killed him.
I felt queasy and my hands felt dirty. My mind still felt hazy from the collision I had minutes ago. I shook the guilt off my thoughts and tried to think clearly. I need to find Hiccup and Toothless...
I looked around to see if the coast was clear for me to head down to retrieve my lover.
No one was below the deck. It was dark and empty, nothing but empty cages, and the floors covered in bones... I walked across the plank boards looking into every cage, yelling-
"Hiccup, Toothless! Hiccup!! Toothless!!!" On the top of my lungs. No one could hear me from upstairs because the violence and screaming were extremely loud...
I reached the last row of cages. They have to be here somewhere... I instantly recognised Toothless in a cage on my right and in his arms... was Hiccup. Oh thank Thor! Wait Hiccup's not awake...
"No! No no no!! Wake up Hiccup! Toothless can you hear me? I'm gonna get you out!" Toothless turned his head slowly and faced me, he was weak... Hiccup's eyes were closed, his body limp in Toothless's arms.
"Toothless! Is he alive?! Tell me that he's alive!" I cried. Toothless nodded.
"Oh thank the Gods! I'm getting you out of here!"
As I started striking my sword on the lock of the cage. *BANG* a loud explosive noise came from above the deck and suddenly the ship shook violently and started tipping over on its side, I fell onto the wooden wall behind me... water started to spewing from the floor.
"NO! Shit shit!! Please Gods nooo! HICCUP! WAKE UP!! PLEASE!!" I belted, crying immensely from my core.
I couldn't reach the cage lock... my weight was shifted backwards towards the wall that was now tilting... becoming the floor to stand on. I tried jumping to reach the lock of the cage with my sword but it was too far away from me. Toothless fell onto the side of the cage, he held onto Hiccup, who was still unconscious in his arms. Tears dripped down my face. I know what I have to do to save them... what Toothless has to do-
"Toothless! Blast the lock! I can't reach it from here, you have to blast it and get yourself and Hiccup out of here as fast as you can before you drown!!"
Toothless looked worried and confused, he knew that if he was to blast the door open... the blast would hit the wall behind me, causing the boat to sink much faster, drowning me... there wasn't enough time to save me as well as Hiccup.
"DO IT TOOTHLESS!! YOU'RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!" I balled at the top of my lungs, before it was too late, the ship was sinking as we spoke...
Toothless opened his mouth and blasted the lock of the cage. His blast made the cage door fly open, the blast continued on its journey... barely missed me and hit the wall of the boat. The ocean poured in and I was immediately submerged under freezing cold water.
I couldn't see anything, everything went completely dark. I tried to swim upwards but by the time I was able to reach the upper side, the room was completely filled with water. I tried my best to bang the side of the ship above, but it was no use... my body started to shiver under the low temperatures of the ocean. I only hoped to Oden himself that Toothless was able to get Hiccup out in time... I placed my hand on my belly where our unborn child was growing, I closed my eyes... accepting my fate.
I woke up on the nearest island to where I was locked up. I opened my eyes, it was so bright my eyes were burning. I felt weak and exhausted. As my eyes adjusted to the bright day light, I saw Mom in front of me... she handed me fish and fresh water. Behind her, covered in wounds was Cloud-jumper.
"Drink up, Hiccup."
I drank every last drop and ate the raw fish..
"Mom.. how did you- did you get help? Did we win?"
"We won, son. Berk is safe." She said unhappily
"Then why aren't we celebrating?.."
She paused and looked at Toothless, who looked unwell and had his head pointed downward with sadness...
"Did get me out? What's the matter bud?"
"He got you out... But he had help..."
"Who did you find in time?"
"Son... (Y/N) came searching for you..."
My whole insides sunk.. my blood ran cold and my fragile heart shrivelled. It can't be. This can't be happening...
"Where is she?" I asked with hope. Mom didn't reply... she could barely look at me
"No. No, mom tell me she's okay.. TELL ME SHE'S OKAY MOM!!" I instantly broke down, my heart ached for (Y/N).
"I'm so sorry Hiccup. We tried to find them but it was too late- She saved you.. Hiccup.." she bent down to her knees to be close to me.
"No... this can't be happening, she has to be down there! No NO! She's not dead. Tell me she's not fucking dead!! TOOTHLESS! Take me down there."
Toothless had his head down in shame. So did my mother.
"Answer me mom! Tell me she's not dead! How could you let this happen!?" I fell on the floor, weeping. My heart broke to a million pieces. I had her! I had her back... why?? How?? How did this happen?
"We have to go find her!" I looked down from the island I was resting and saw the icy water below, where remains of the ships were floating. No sign of my love or her dragon.
"You let her save me?!! Mom... I don't want to live without her! I don't want to fucking live without her anymore!! I lost her once, I'm not loosing her again! Come on Toothless!" I mounted Toothless... he didn't move. He looked exhausted and heartbroken. I had never seen him look so unhappy in my life. There was no hope in his eyes.
"Hiccup- son-" my mother tried to speak...
"Bud... Libelle is down there as well.. we should at least try to- I- this can't be happening..." I had never experienced such pain before. I collapsed onto my knees and screamed in agony on the damp ground. My mother couldn't bare the sight of me, she tried holding back her tears...
"I love her!! She can't be gone..."
I planted my face into my arms and prayed to each God to protect (Y/N) at all costs. I wasn't ready to give up this time. I walked over to Toothless, fighting my urge to break down completely...
"I'm so sorry, son." Her lips quivered with sorrow.
"Toothless... we're going out there to find them. They would do the same for us"
He glanced at me... his prowess unhopeful. Despite his pessimism, he nodded, agreeing that we should at least try...
"Hiccup... Be careful. Please, come back home tonight..." Mom wept... I had never seen such fear in her eyes before. She was terrified that I wouldn't come back home without (Y/N) in my arms.
I mounted Toothless, ready and determined to find (Y/N). "I promise, I'll be home tonight." I gave her reassurance to ease her mind.
We flew off and dove low, hovering above the remains of the ships in the water. Toothless was sniffing around trying to catch their scent.
"You got anything bud? Please tell me you do..." he had no reply... I laid on his back and cried. I could hear Toothless squealing in grief below me.
We searched until the sun slept. Toothless and I were fatigued arriving home into the empty house... her stuff- all her stuff was still here... the fire, still burning. Her clothes folded neatly next to our bed. Her plate of food that she didn't finish eating, before she went to retrieve me... Why did I leave?? Why on Earth did I think we would could survive apart.
How many times do we have to prove that we're happy together and unhappy when we were separated? It only took five days of us being apart for disaster to fall. Tears dripped down my face and I lost control of my entire body. The pain of her being gone was too much. I had everything I had ever wanted!! Now... I have nothing.
I heard a knock at the door... Mom walked in,
"Hiccup? Did you find th-" she saw that I was alone and held back her words. "Oh Hiccup... I'm so sorry." She walked up to me and hugged me tightly. I could hear her crying onto my shoulder. My arms stayed down, I didn't even have enough energy to hug her back. I was exhausted from... everything, and I had no more tears left to cry.
"Mom... can I be alone, please. I- I just want to be alone right now-"
"Of- of course, son.. I just- Sorry Hiccup." She placed her hand on my face and looked into my eyes. Tears poured down her cheeks. And with those words, she left, she took one more solemn look at me. Before she closed the door behind herself I said..
"Please, don't tell anyone that she's- I should be the one to tell her family first. I'm the reason-"
"No Hiccup." She interrupted "This is not your fault. But of course, I'll tell no one... I'll see you in the morning, son. Try to get some rest now..."
I couldn't sleep.. I felt like I could never sleep again. Every time I closed my eyes I saw her. The comfort and happiness she brought me was stripped away. I couldn't go near my bead... knowing she had slept there, and that she wasn't there to sleep next to me now... I sat down by the table and grabbed a full bottle of ale and gulped it all down as fast as I could. I tried numbing my grief. It only made it worse, the only thing I could think about was her. How her hair flowed carelessly in the wind, how she smiled with her beautiful eyes, how she laughed... her graceful laugh, the soft sound of her voice, the way that she was so passionate about everything that mattered. I missed every single part of her. I missed all the little things she does... How she bites the top of her pencil and scrunches up her nose slightly when she thinks of the next sentence to write in her journal. How she licks her lips after she takes sips from her drinks. How she strokes her leg on mine before she falls asleep each night... I reached over and opened another bottle of ale...
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