《(Hiccup X reader) The One You Needed》Chapter 19 ~ The Third Day



As I opened my eyes in the morning, I felt... weird. An uneasy atmosphere surrounded me. I missed Hiccup. He had been gone for two whole days, it was now the third day since he left with Valka. Libelle kept wandering off into the woods where she and Toothless would hang about during the night, which didn't help. I don't think she understood that he wasn't going to be there... I didn't stop her wandering off, she would go for hours to the woods, during sunrise and again when it got darker... when she arrived back, her movements were slow and she appeared a little sorrowful.

I took her on flights above Berk to make her feel better... it would also make me feel better about missing Hiccup.

Today was a long day.. I tried to be social to make time pass by quicker. I mostly hung out with Fishlegs while he taught me all about the different classes of dragons they all discovered on from the time they lived on the Edge. It was fun hanging out with him and hearing more of their stories, no doubt... but I didn't feel that well because I had to eat an unappetising lunch in the great hall earlier that involved eel. I eel... We all had to eat the remains of food that was left, before eating the fresh fish that had already been caught and kept, ready to be feasted on during winter. No one was happy about it, but it's a yearly must.

"W w w and these ones- I made these back at the Edge-"

As Fishlegs was showing me the dragon cards that he made, and explaining the titan classes, I started feeling worse. Without warning, my stomach heaved, causing me to throw up on some of his valuable cards... the sight of me vomiting caused him to throw up on even more of the cards.

"Ugh- oh my Gods! I- I'm so sorry Fishlegs, lunch was terrible, I despise eel-"

"It's okay (Y/N), I can't stand eel either. I wish I could just eat rocks like Meatlug." He said with a shaking voice, suppressing his emotions whilst glaring at the ruined cards covered in mush. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.


I looked at him unimpressed, wiping the mess off my chin with my sleeve.

"What I meant, was that it would be easier to be able to eat rocks than have to eat eel before every winter to empty the stocks." He continued.

"Yeah, that's true" I replied "Sorry about your cards, they were so detailed, you must've spent hours-"

"It's okay, (Y/N), seriously don't worry about it. I have copies!... of most. Just in case something like this happens"

"Oh good! Are you sure there's nothing I can do?"

"No it's fine, honestly I have copies for most of them. Plus, I have to make a card for a Lightfury soon, won't be a problem re-sketching other cards at the same time" he smiled sweetly.

"I- I think I might just go home, thank you for today. Sorry again." I rubbed the back of my neck with embarrassment.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). Any time, feel better!"

"You too!" I waved goodbye as I headed back home towards the empty house...


After supper at home, where I ate my own food, thankfully... I was feeling much better so I decided to go on a flight with Libelle. I tried taking her up to one of the small islands up West, not far from Berk, where we would've seen a beautiful orange sunset, but Elle was reluctant to go. She didn't want to leave Berk for some reason.

I patted her head and said "He'll be back soon girl, I promise, they'll both probably be back tonight or tomorrow morning... come on we can still go see the sunset, the island is not far at all."

"Rrrawrrr.." she cooed a sad growl. I empathised with her.

"I miss them too girl." I tried flying her towards the island, but she still wouldn't budge. She won't leave Berk out of her sight, incase Toothless returns, I thought. She flapped her wings repeatedly in the same spot for several minutes.

"Okay Elle, I won't force you girl." I started steering her back home.

"Grawwrr" she growled once more in dissatisfaction and she suddenly changed direction away from home into the woods...


"Elle, what are you doing?? We're going home." She flew towards the trees "Elle, talk to me girl, where are you taking me??" I tried steering her away from the woods, but she fought against my force.

She landed deep into the green woods of Berk. The pink sky peeped through the branches and birds were still chirping before sunset struck. A cold breeze whispered through the leaves. Libelle started walking in one direction purposefully... I had no reason not to follow her. We walked past many trees and up to the rocky side of the hills. This is where Elle used to hide more than 5 years ago... before- the place where dad... I was completely confused is to why she brought me here.

"Elle, why are we here?" My eyes started tearing... I hadn't been here since the day he was killed. My blood started boiling with overwhelming sadness and frustration, and my legs started to become shaky. The past event that took place here was dominating my thoughts. Elle could sense my nervousness and anxiety building. She came towards me, rubbed her head on my leg and purred.

"I'm okay girl... but I don't get why you would bring me here?" She grabbed my trousers with her teeth and dragged me towards a crevice in between the rocks... she gestured her head to make me look down...

"No way..." my heart skipped a beat.

I looked down and saw three beautiful eggs in the crescent of the rocks. They were black and shiny, like rich leather, folding beneath the colours of the sunset sky. They were placed perfectly next to each other and had piles of dried up grass and leaves around them, to keep them warm.

"Elle! You- you're... this is why you've been gone everyday!"

Libelle looked up at me, scanning me for a reaction. Happy tears were filling my eyes.

"This is why you didn't want to leave Berk earlier! No wonder you've been missing Toothless so much! Oh, Elle you're going to be a mother!!" I wrapped my arms around Elle tightly, tears pouring down my cheeks. She nuzzled her head into my shoulder and purred.

Libelle went over to the eggs and examined them, checking if they were okay and she breathed her warm breath on them. I sat by her side, watching her take care of her future babies. I can't believe my best friend is going to be a mother!

We stayed there, next to the eggs, for hours. They didn't hatch or anything, but Libelle watched them with closeness. I had no idea how long they'd been there or when they were due to hatch, but I did know that I was beyond excited to see the little dragons. Ugh I can't wait to meet them! As the sunset, we both laid down, the eggs still beside us. Elle had her tail wrapped around me like old times and we both looked up at the sky. I kind of hoped to see Hiccup and his mother returning, but we didn't see any dragons returning to Berk.

"Time to head home now girl, it's getting cold.." Elle looked at me and I could tell she agreed. She brushed her head against the eggs and used her mouth to cover them in the grass to keep them warm during the night. I helped her to insulate heat around them, ensuring their warmth and safety. She took one last look at her three precious eggs, hesitating to leave her nest before she let me mount her to head home.

We flew back to the house and settled down for the night. Elle slept near the fire and I was trying to fall asleep in bed, I rolled over and reached my arm out, thinking I would touch Hiccups' chest... but of course my hand came in contact with nothing. I really hope Hiccup arrives back home tomorrow.. I thought to myself. I convinced myself that I was being pathetic - stop missing him so much after three days, it's nothing... I chanted to myself as I forced myself to sleep.


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