《(Hiccup X reader) The One You Needed》Chapter 14 ~ Finding Her



After Astrid left... I waited for the right time to go towards (Y/N)'s house and to tell her how I felt. I reminisced of how I stopped that kiss... I wanted to confess everything.

Astrid selflessly understood the love that I have for (Y/N) and for that I'm eternally grateful. She had always been someone that I could trust and who understands my every emotion.

I wanted to run towards (Y/N) immediately but I knew that she was reuniting with her family. I couldn't decide wether to leave her be for a couple hours or wait until morning to see her. I just wanted to be with her.

After a while I couldn't wait any longer... I had to confess my feelings. I went down towards her house and knocked on the door. I have to see her.

"Chief! H-how may I help you?" Erik opened the door and was shocked of my visit.

"I'm looking for (Y/N), is she here?" I said whilst trying to look for her in the house through the crack of the door.

"Um... no- no she's not here I'm afraid, Hiccup. She left a couple hours ago."

NO! Gods no!

I bit my tongue to hide my stress, my hands turned into fists-

"Did she say anything before she left??" I tried saying calmly.

"No, she didn't... we thought she went out to see everyone again for a bit, but she still hasn't come back."

I turned my heels and started walking towards the village in search for (Y/N), when I was stopped by Erik-

"Chief!... if you find her could you please tell her to come back here? She... well... please tell her that we forgive her. She'll know what it means. Mum needs to see her, Hiccup, she can't go through that loss again." He grabbed my arm. I could tell he was desperate for my help.


"Don't worry Erik, tell your mother I'll find her and bring her home by morning."

"Thank you, Chief. We tried finding her in the village but she was no where to be seen... Maybe she's taken off to the skies-" he looked anxious

"I'm going to find her. Thank you for your help, Erik."

I nodded and rushed along to the crowd of Vikings who were still celebrating life in the middle of the village during the early hours. All of them drunk and enjoying each others company.

As I was swiftly gliding through the drunken Danes, I saw mom... she stopped me in my track

"Hiccup, were have you been tonight? I haven't seen m-much of you. I have to sayyy, you're missing a night to remember! And where did you find that beaauuutiful dragon? She's been with Toothless all night! They- they mate for lif- life you know.. Nightfuries" She mumbled. She smelt of alcohol, and was as happy as could be... dancing to folk music beneath the stars with her friends and Snotlout being her amusing yet laughable entertainment for the night.

"Yes mom, I know, I've been busy tonight... you know, from the trip and everything... Do you happen to know where the 'beautiful dragon' is at this moment?" I tried saying slowly in order for her hazed mind to understand the question.

"Sorry, I haven't.. I haven't seen it in a while, Hiccup. Come onnn- Come dance with me!" She grabbed my forearm and dragged me towards the music.

"I can't mom, not right now. I have to find her-"

"Find who, son? Who's lost- oh the dragon?"

"Yes! She has to be here somewhere-"

"Dance with me later then, after- after you find her!"

"Okay, mom, if you're not passed out by then..." I chuckled under my breath and guided her towards the crowd to help keep her balanced.


She turned around and kept on dancing with my people. Snotlout was trying his best to woo her... utterly disturbing.

I ran towards the dragons ahead. She must be here somewhere.

There was so sign of (Y/N)...

I started panicking... what if she left?? Her brother told me to tell her that they forgive her... that means that she doesn't know that she is forgiven... or maybe she found out about Astrid!

My actions were becoming static and I didn't know where to go... I couldn't bare the thought of loosing her again! I was hyperventilating and my mind going faster than I could cope. I have to find her.

"Toothless! Here bud! TOOTHLESS!!" I called my dragon.

He came towards me through the crowd of dragons...

"There you are, bud! Come on, we need to go look for-" I suddenly saw Libelle appearing from behind Toothless.

"Libelle! Y- You're still here! Then, where is (Y/N)?" I asked staring at the empty saddle on Elle's back.

The two dragons looked at each other... Elle instantly gestured towards the village.

"I've already been to the village Elle, I didn't see her there."

She gave a dissatisfied look. She then gestured again, higher, just above the village... towards my house...

"Are you sure that's where she went?"

She growled, insulted by me questioning her knowledge of her own rider.

"Thank you!" I placed my hand to hover above the bridge of her nose.. she closed her eyes and pressed against my palm. For the first time, trust and respect was visible between us.

"Rrrawr" she gestured once again, for me to rush towards (Y/N) quickly...

I ran as fast as I could, without any hesitation, towards my house on top of Berk.

I wanted to see her badly. I was so scared that I'd lost her forever for the second time. I tried to construct what I was going to say to her in my head, but all that I could think about was her... her face, her smile, her laugh...

I swung the front door open... and there she was. Siting perfectly in front of a freshly lit fire. Her pretty eyes were filled with joy when she saw me appearing through the door. She turned around and our eyes met.

The biggest smile ever grew across my face...


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