《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 30- Hungover Kisses


Adriana P.O.V.

I woke up to my brain pounding against my skull painfully. I pressed a hand to my forehead and hissed,


I slowly sat up and saw I was in my room. How the hell did I get here?

I pulled out my phone and clicked it open, hissing in pain at the bright stinging light on my soar eyes. I scrolled through my history and sighed in relief. At least I hadn't made any drunk calls.

My head pounded as I tried to recall what happened last night. I must have been pretty drunk to not remember how I even got home. Panic swelled in my chest when I realized I had no scrap of memory from last night. I took a deep breath and massaged my temples.

"Alrighty Adriana we just need to calm down. Take some Aspirin for your hang over."

I nodded, agreeing with myself. I was so smart sometimes.

I reached over to pull open the drawer in my nightstand when I saw something sprawled across the back of my left hand.

"Dear God please tell me I didn't get a tattoo!"

Worried, my hand flew to my face and I inspected it.

'Tell them I love them'

Suddenly the events of yesterday all flew back in a rush. Me going to my parents house, me drinking my parents champagne, Jake coming to pick me up...


I screamed and fell out of my bed, hitting my tailbone on the hard floor, making me yelp. Jake was Mr. Muscles?! I talked about how much I loved Jake TO Jake?!

I groaned and rolled around the floor in despair. My life was over. It was officially over. Maybe if I flew to Canada and worked at a fishery in disguise as a lost Icelandic fisherman would I survive. Maybe. Jake and all his crazy money will probably be able to find me. Shit.

I heaved a huge sigh and face-palmed myself. How stupid was one allowed to be? I was a stupid drunk to think Mr. Muscles was not Jake.

Then I frowned. Why would Jake not correct me when I thought he was someone else?

My head started to pound so I hauled myself to my feet to grab an Aspirin from my nightstand drawer when the floor lurch along with my stomach. I barely made it to my gigantic bathroom before I emptied the contents of my stomach.


I glared at my reflection as I brushed my teeth afterwards. My brown hair was frizzy and unruly, my eyes had huge dark bags under them and I reeked of alcohol. Classic hangover.

I shuffled back into my room and collapsed on my bed, staring at my hand. Me and Jake had agreed to tell the person we loved that we loved them. What was I supposed to do? Should I tell him or should I just forget about it? Forgetting about it seems to be the best course of action.

Feeling relieved at hitting a solution, I dragged myself off the bed and got dressed in my baggy scooby doo pajama pants, my Cookie My onster slippers with a giant black t-shirt that hit my knees. Perfect hangover outfit.

I peeked out of my bedroom and saw that the hallway was empty thank goodness. I made the long journey to the kitchen and picked up a strawberry smoothie a nice chef made me.

I walked slowly back to my room, sipping in my smoothie. I walked past a room and what I saw made me pause and smile. Mrs. Collins was sleeping on the shoulder of Mr. Collins dressed up as Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. He was smiling down at her, stroking her hair. Honestly, it surprised me that they had a relationship like that, with Mrs. Collins being the intimidating dominant woman she was.

I kept walking, not wanting to disturb them but seeing them encouraged me. I needed to tell Jake I loved him. I need to take a chance and it might not work but if it did, I might just be the happiest woman in the world. All I needed to do was to take a chance.


I stood awkwardly outside of Jake's room. How was I supposed to do this? We were not even that close would me confessing my love to him be odd? My hands quivered slightly at my side as I looked possible rejection in the face.

I took a deep breath and reached to knock on the door but I couldn't make myself actually knock. I knew this was a bad idea. Then an image of Madison yelling at me pooped up.


I frowned at Mental-Image Madison.

"If I'm a bitch I don't have balls, Mads."


She rolled her eyes and bitch slapped me.

"Just do it flat ass."

I stared at the ominous door and Mental-Image Madison had given me some courage oddly enough. I moved to knock on the door when it flew open.

Instantly panic washed over me. Oh my God I need to bale! Abort mission!

Jake stood in the doorframe and I tried not to ogle him in his black jeans and tight white muscle shirt. His crisp dark hair was messy like he had just gotten out of bed. I itched to run my fingers through it but I held my shaking hands at my side. Fear made me stiff as a tree.

We just stared at each other waiting for each other to say something or move. The longer I stared into his bright blue eyes the deeper I felt my blush grow. This was such a bad idea.

Looks like he wasn't going to say anything. I moved the raise my left hand to show him the back of my hand when he mimicked me and showed me similar sprawled hand-writing.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Good-bye social life. Good-bye self esteem. Good-bye Jake.

I opened my mouth to whisper those life-changing words 'I love you.' when suddenly I was cut off.

I stiffened and my eyes popped open to see Jake's face inches from mine as he kissed me.

Wow... Just wow. As cheesy as it might sound it felt like my lips were tingling and fireworks shot off wherever he touched me. Was this what it was like when you kissed someone you love?

His soft lips coaxed me to respond, slowly and sensually moving across mine. My mind started to go blank as I hesitantly kissed him back. I wound my arms around his neck to support myself as I felt my knees get weak. He pulled me against himself and kissed me harder, which I tried my best to keep up with. My inexperience in kissing was really showing at the moment.

He smirked into our kiss and slowly pulled away. He rested his forehead on mine as we stared into our eyes, both slightly breathless. I blushed and easily whispered,

"I love you."

Jake froze and stared at me in surprise.

"Love...? Since when?"

I blushed and darted my eyes down,

"Since ninth grade."

He looked confused which was utterly adorable.

"But what about the guy you loved? Who was that?"

I rolled my eyes,

"That was you, dumbass."

He placed his hands on my hips and we slowly rocked back and forth.

"But why me, Ri? I'm a screw up, I'm a player, I hurt people, I've done illegal things, I have a bad relationship between my parents and I have the worst reputation. But you, your sweet, innocent, beautiful, perfect..."

He trailed off, looking distressed. My heart broke at the look on his face. He looked so handsome when he smiled, the scowl did him no justice. I pulled him down to me, which was impressive because he was a whole foot taller than me. I whispered against his lips,

"I love everything about you. Something I don't understand made me love you. I thank that something because it has led me to someone like you. And I am happy for that everyday."

I kissed him softly then pulled away, blushing. Wow I initiated a kiss. Madison would be proud. He whispered to me,

"What about Max and Norman? Don't you like them?"

I giggled at his insecurity. I poked his cheek,

"First of all, I hate Norman and Zero is my friend. Second, you being all jealous is super cute."

A slight blush bloomed on his cheeks and he pouted,

"I'm not jealous."

I laughed and stood on my tip toes to pat him on the top of his head.

"Sure you aren't, Jakey."

He pouted and smacked my hand away. I smiled then a sudden question popped into my head,

"What about Tirana?"

His face twisted into disgust and anger. He growled out,

"I was never engaged to that bitch. My mom organized a marriage between us since we have known each other forever."

I frowned and raised an eyebrow. Jake sighed and pushed open his door with his foot. He waved me inside and I walked in, wondering about him and Tirana. Then I heard Jake chortling and chuckling behind me.

I turned around and saw him with his hand over his mouth and trying not to laugh. I frowned and he motioned at my body,

"Diggin' the outfit babe."

Oh dear God I was still wearing my Cookie Monster slippers!


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