《I'm the Bad Boy's Sweetheart (Completed!)》Chapter 9- To Save a Bookworm


Jake P.O.V.

I handed my car keys to my butler, who bowed his head and vanished silently. I walked purposefully towards my front door and another butler pulled it open for me.

"Welcome, Master Jake."

"Can I get you anything, Master Jake?"

"Mrs. Abellalina will see you now, Master Jake."

A group of butlers and maids all chorused at me as the large glass doors were opened. I stalked forward towards my mother's room, ignoring them. They were used to this so they just bowed their heads and stepped back. As I walked down the long creme white hallway I head small feet padding behind me. I stopped walking and heard a soft muffled giggle behind me. Suddenly, little arms wrapped around my neck and little legs wrapped around my waist.

"Hi, Big Brother."

I laughed and shook her off my back. I crouched in front of her and smiled.

"Hey Rosalyn."

She grinned at me. She was missing her two large front teeth and her brown hair, colored like mine, was up in pigtails with hot pink hair ties.

She was wearing a loose pink dress that brushed her knees. Her brown eyes sparkled at me as she threw her arms around me.

"I can count to ten now! Mrs. Teacher taught me!"

I smiled warmly at her,

"Show me."

Roselyn counted on her fingers then looked at me proudly. I kissed the top of her head and ruffled her hair as I stood up. I frowned seriously at her and said,

"I need to go talk to Mommy ok? Go to your room and I will be there soon, kay?"

Roselyn nodded and scampered off to her room. I sighed and turned back to the ominous wooden door at the end of the hallway. I walked up to it and the door was opened by a maid.

"Ah, Jake you're back."

She was sitting at her desk in a crisp woman's suit. Why the woman doesn't wear comfy clothes at home I have no idea. Her brown hair was in a perfect bun and her bright blue eyes were narrowed at me. Her thin lips were stretched into a thin line. Mother folded her hands together in front of her on her desk.


"Have a seat Jake."

I begrudgingly obeyed and sat down, putting my feet up on her desk. I grinned at the disgusted look on her face as she pushed them off using the end of her pencil. After throwing in the pencil away, she turned to me,

"I told you to be in my office promptly at 4 o'clock sharp. It is 4:05."

I shrugged,

"I had something to do."

Mother raised an eyebrow before sighing,

"It will not happen again. Now, back to business."

She straightened a pile of papers on her desk even though I could see nothing wrong with them.

"Your father received an interesting call two weeks ago from an old friend."

I rolled my eyes, wondering what this has to do with me. My father received calls from old friends all the time begging him for money. He just happened to marry one of the richest women in the United States.

Mother frowned at me when I rolled my eyes. She snapped,

"This was different. This friend was calling to ask us to take in his daughter till she turned eighteen, a legal adult. Its a big responsibility."

I was actually surprised though I made my face remain passive and uninterested. Mother sighed deeply and for a second she wasn't the uptight strict mother I had deeply feared as a child, she was a tired older woman who was deeply stressed.

"This young woman is in your class. Her name is Adriana Layman I believe."

I froze in my chair. Not Bookworm? The Bookworm? The Bookworm I just saw?


I realized I had just said that out loud and Mother had echoed me in confusion. I felt myself blush slightly as I cleared my throat and motioned for her to continue. She still looked confused but continued,

"She is moving in with us tomorrow. I would like you to go retrieve her from her apartment. Here is the address."

She placed a piece of paper with fine cursive writing on it. I really wanted to tell her I didn't need it but I found myself picking it up. I clarified,


"You want me to go tomorrow?"

Mother rolled her eyes and said coldly,

"Yes I already told you that. Improve your hearing and comprehending. Now you may go."

She waved me away and turned back to her computer, the sound of typing filling the stiff silent room. I sighed, rose to my feet and left, closing the door silently behind me.


I let out a huge breath I didn't know I had been holding. I rubbed my shoulders, feeling tense. What I needed was a good workout. I walked to my room and my maid Alyssa asked politely,

"What can I get you, Master Jake?"

"Gym clothes."

Alyssa bowed her head and dashed off. She soon returned with a white muscle shirt that showed off my muscles, loose athletic grey shorts that brushed my knees, and stylish black Nikes with bright blue swoops. I nodded in approval and she left the room so I could change. Once I was changed I jogged down to my personal gym. I flipped on the switch and the lights shown down on the equipment. The walls were lined with seamless mirrors. I grabbed a pair of red boxing gloves and went over to my red punching bag. I held a picture of Isaac's smirking face. I tapped it on the plastic surface and grinned. I set up my feet and focused on Isaac's ugly face. I threw my fist forward. I released all my stress on the punching bag and Isaac. My muscles were on fire when I was finished and I had a fine sweat over my face and arms. I sighed and stretched before I grabbed a towel and left the gym.


"Georgie is home!"

I inwardly groaned. Father saw me walking up the stairs and grinned at me broadly.

"My Jakey!!"

He ran up to me and hugged me. I snarled and shoved him off me. Why my sophisticated rich mother married a useless poor idiot I will never know. Father just laughed and threw an arm around my shoulder. He poked my chest and teased,

"You excited for Adriana to come live with us?"

I grumbled and shook my head, glaring at him. Father jumped in surprise and when I opened my mouth to snarl at him a timid voice pipped up from above the staircase.

"Big Brother?"

Me and Father's heads both snapped towards her so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. Father squealed,

"Little Rosie!"

Roselyn screamed and ran to escape from one of Father's crushing hugs. Father turned to me, looking hurt. I fought the urge to laugh at him as I jogged upstairs into my room.


I threw my towel at Alyssa, who skillfully caught it. I snapped at a butler standing by the door and he rushed over to me. He dipped his head respectfully and asked,

"What can I get you, Master Jake?"

"Bring in my personal chef to make me a beef Wellington with mashed potatoes and peas and white wine, I don't care what kind."

"Right away, sir."

The butler rushed off and Alyssa asked quietly,

"Anything I can get for you, sir?"

I shook my head and dismissed her. The butler brought up my dinner later and I stared at it thoughtfully. I wonder how Bookworm would take to all of this? Was this fair that I had as much food as I wanted with a single order and she had to work four jobs to barely put food on the table? It wasn't but now I can help her, even if it's just feeding her and giving her a home. It was only for sixths months but I intended for them to be very memorable and wonderful months.


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