《Alphas Human Mate》Chapter 10.
After me and Sean kissed, we went our separate ways and I came back to the house. When I came home Sean texted me and we have been texting for over an hour nonstop. I can't stop thinking about the kiss.
What are we? Are we automatically a couple since we are mates? I still want him to ask me out, or it's not official.
I put my phone back on my bed and put the final touches on my drawing. It was of a wolf, howling to the moon. It's one of my best works if I say so myself! ( You can see her drawing at the top. )
I close my sketchbook and get up out of my bed and put the sketchbook on my desk. I'm trying to decide if I should color it or not. I don't usually add color to my drawings, but if the drawing I made is that good, I just might. I open one of the drawers to my desk and take out my colored pencils. My colored pencils are in a black, zipped up case, along with my pencil sharpener and erasers. I need a ton of little erasers because I write and draw a lot.
I don't write poems or anything, but a guy I dated a while back did. He even gave me one, and I still have it. It's a poem with all the stuff saying " I love you " and " I'll never let you go ". But he did, and cheated on me. I still keep it because he was the first person who made me feel loved. And it was the first meaningful gift a guy has ever given to me. I can't part with it yet. Maybe I can though?
I mean I have Sean now, and I'm meant to be with him right? Xander is in the past, and Sean won't break your heart. He likes you. I'll just go ahead and keep it anyway...
I put it in a drawer along with a bunch of pictures I'd rather forget. They're more of my family photos and photos of my baby sister before she died, and me holding her.
I had a baby sister named Breelyn. She was born premature and died a few days after my mom gave birth. For a 9 year old, finding out you were gonna be a big sister, and then a few days later finding out you aren't anymore is a one of the worst feelings in the world.
She's buried back where I used to live. I miss going to her grave once a year on her birthday to put a rose on it. I always put a pink rose because it was the color she wore for her first set of clothes, and her last.
I close the drawer and walk over to my phone again noticing it buzzed. I didn't even hear it, I was caught up in my thoughts.
Omg! My first date with Sean! Oh.. what am I gonna wear?! I run to my closet and throw some shirts out of the way to see what things I could wear. I need help...
I put my phone on my desk and lay on my bed for her response. I fall on my bed and just as I land on my bed I hear my phone buzz. That was quick.
I checked the time on my phone: 3:58. I still have some time.
I laugh at her response and type my own.
I realized how horrible of a friend I am! I haven't told her about Sean yet! I got to tell her first. I erased that message before I sent it and wrote a new one.
As soon as I sent the text my phone starts uncontrollably buzzing. I check the caller ID and sure enough I mentally prepare for impact.
" Omg Jessica!! When did that happen?! " she screamed into the phone. I held it away from my ear and scrunched up my face. I don't wanna hear her actually scream. Aliens will hear her from outer space.
" Yesterdayyyy... " I feel a smile creep up my face and I start thinking about our kiss.
" And also.. there's more. " I brace for impact again.. I'm holding the phone away from my ear again.
" More?! Details. Now. "
" We kissed yesterday. " another impact... wait here's a test. Let's see if I don't even put her on speaker phone and I'll put my phone on my desk and back away, if I can still hear her screaming.
" What?! " yep I heard her loud and clear, at least she didn't yell in my ear this time.
I walk up to my desk again and put the phone up to my ear and look out the window. It's still really pretty outside.
" Yeah, I met his little brother, he's so cute. He even started flirting with me. "
" Ah, I wonder where he gets his charm from. "
" I don't see it. " I say with a straight face.
We both burst out laughing, of course I see where he gets it. I wonder what his dads like...
" Okay so what did you need help with? " she asked
" He said he's going to pick me up at my house for a date. "
" Are you two a thing now?! Did he ask you out?? " she asks excitedly.
" I think so..? I don't know. Maybe this date will clear my worries. " I say frowning.
" Do I hear a frown? No frowning. What time is he coming over? "
" At 6. " I say glancing at the clock. I need to start shopping more, I barley have any clothing. I know most teens just say they have no clothes when they have a closet full but if you saw my closet, trust me. It's different.
" Don't worry your hero is coming! " she hung up the phone and I assumed she meant now so I cleaned my room a little bit and waited for her to come over.
My uncle pulled up in the driveway and I sighed flopping down on my bed. I just hope when Makayla comes over he isn't rude. I don't need him to cause a scene.
I hear him walk through the house until he goes into his bedroom and shuts the door. Okay then, at least he's disappearing for her arrival. Makayla doesn't live far so when she says she's coming, she'll be here in 5 minutes.
When I hear a knock I run downstairs and open the door to Makayla holding a makeup bag. Oh no... no no no...
" I'm here to make you pretty for your dateeeee. Not that you aren't already naturally gifted though. It's like you were made to be a queen or something. " If only she knew.
" Haha yeah, about that, please no makeup. I just don't like stuff on my face. " I say as we walk up the stairs.
She looks towards me with a disapproving look, " Even if it's a little, it's your first date with Sean, so I'm at least putting something on you. "
" No way, besides I wanted you here for advice with clothing not makeup. " I rolled my eyes at her and opened the door to my room.
" I like your room, nice style. " she looks around with approval.
" Thanks I guess. " I laugh and walk towards my closet.
Makayla walks over to my closet and throws some outfits and things that she think would work together and put together multiple outfits. There was a maroon dress that went up just above my knees, was sleeveless, and had a bit of a turtleneck. It's a beautiful dress, and then the second choice. It was a dress I didn't even know I had, but as soon as I see it I know why.
It was my mother's.
I take it from off of my bed and examine it, it's a black dress with a blue flower shown on the top and was long sleeved.
I pick the maroon because it's my favorite color, and I could never see myself wearing my moms dress on a date. Not tonight at least.
" I pick the maroon dress. " I point to her and hug her. It was 5:15 so I was going to get ready a little bit before Sean arrived. We head downstairs and she grabs her purse and makeup bag, that she didn't use, and says " Well text me when you get home, or if you end up staying the night at his place. " she winked at me and walked out. My mouth hung open at her statement and I felt my face grow red. Dang it.
I head upstairs and take a shower. Once I'm done, I wrap myself in a towel and look at myself in the mirror. I've felt different ever since I found out I had a mate and that they were real. I don't look any differently though. Same blue eyes, same light brown, wavy hair.
I don't have very noticeable freckles, but if you look a little close to my face, I have freckles surrounding my eyes. I also have a vein in my left eye in the exact shape of a check. My dad used to say I was " checked off ".
I look at the bruise on my arm that's still there and start freaking out... I'm surprised Sean hasn't seen it yet! I can't wear a sleeveless dress! I might just have to wear the black one. I can't let Sean see this.
I walk quickly to my room and pick up my phone and read the time: 5:30pm
Less than an hour to go! I sit in front of my mirror on my dresser and braid my hair. I'll take it out when Sean comes over, my hair looks best fresh out of the braid. It gets super curly, wavy, and amazing.
I get up from my dresser and take out my mother's black dress. I go into my jewelry box and pick out my favorite necklace. It's a Golden Rose necklace, and so happens to be my favorite flower. I lay it on the dress on my bed and go downstairs to grab a little snack before I leave in a little bit.
When my uncle gets Wendy's chili, he gives the crackers to me, or just lays them on the counter in the kitchen for me, because he knows I love them. I grab the crackers and choose to only get two. Meaning four basically. One pack comes with two crackers.
I get a cup of tea and sit on the couch and eat my deliciousness of crackers. I hear my uncle come down the stairs and hear him fall. I can't have a moment of peace? I get up off the couch and turn towards the stairs. He was thankfully already on the last step when he fell, and he's drunk again. I can already smell the alcohol.
He helps himself up in a matter of seconds giggling to himself and whispers, " Haha clumsy me. " His smiling moment was short lived when he saw I was in the room. His eyes glanced towards my crackers and walked towards me. He stands in front of me and quickly, before I could register what was happening in my brain, slapped the 3 crackers I had left out of my hands and onto the floor.
My deliciousness...
I frowned and asked, " Hey, why did you do that? "
" Don't question me, I saw what was on your bed. Where are you planning to go tonight? " he crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me with the ' Your not going anywhere ' look.
" I was planning on going on a date uncle Kenny... " I said truthfully looking down at the floor where my crackers now lay broken into little pieces of deliciousness. Please don't slap me..
I look up to see a smile on his face, but then a look of disgust finds its way on his face, " No one could love you, your a worthless piece of shit. "
My mouth hung open at his words, never in my life has someone told me that and it hurts, especially coming from a family member.
" What has gotten into you?! " I snap yelling at him with tears in my eyes. I've had enough.
" Excuse me? " in his eyes I saw rage, but I wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon.
" You've beaten me, made me feel bad, and cussed your heart out at me. I've had enough! You don't even know what's going on in my life anymore cause your caught up in drinking now! Drinking has changed you for the worst. "
He pulls me by my hair and throws me to the floor. I grimace as the feeling from him pulling my hair is still there. I don't have anytime to try and get away as he kicks me in my stomach two times, " Thats what you get for talking back. " he smiles evilly walking into the kitchen. I hold my stomach as I groan in pain, I think he broke one of my ribs. I watch in horror as he opens the drawer and I see the flash of silver. He runs towards me and I try scooting away as fast as I can trying to get up, but I don't get anywhere as he's already in front of me. He plunges the knife into the floor, just barley missing my face, but he got a tiny bit of my ear. I put my hand over my ear and try to stand up as he tried to take the knife out of the wooden floor.
I get up as best as I can and run over to the phone on the wall, as it is the closest one to me. I remember Sean's number so I dial it and hear it ring as I glance worriedly looking towards my uncle who is still trying to get the knife out of the floor. I hear the other end pick up and hear Sean's voice, " Hello? "
" Sean! Please come get me, now! Help me please my uncles trying to kill me... " I plead hoping he isn't in the middle of something important.
" I'm on my way. " he growls into the phone and I hang up.
I try to run to the door but my uncle finally had gotten the knife unstuck and pushed me against the wall, he held the knife in his hands as he saw the blood coming out of my ear.
" I would've cut your neck but you wouldn't hold still, but now I got you so it's okay. "
I whimper as he holds my arms into place, " Oh so the little bastards name is Sean, what a great name for a player. He wouldn't want you. "
" S-Stop please. " I stutter pleading to him, " Your my uncle, why are you doing this?! "
" You look too much like my daughter, all I see is anger when I look at you. There can't be another her. And she's gone. " he looked hurt and for a second I felt bad, but once he brought the knife to my arm I felt the coldness of the silver I started crying even more.
" Now, lets have some fun shall we? " he smiled but then frowned. He pulled the knife away from my arm and looked towards the window.
" Oh look, someone's here to save the day. Well, too bad he's going to come back to you, lying on the ground in a pool of your own blood. "
He brought the silver up to my neck and I felt the silver as it made contact. I screamed as he drew blood. The door flew to the floor and my uncle stopped cutting open my neck. The knife dropped to the floor as a figure blurred to my vision lunged towards my uncle. And with a snap of his neck, he was dead. I held my neck to stop the blood and suddenly felt faint thinking about it. I saw Sean and I smiled weakly as I fell to the floor.
" No no no, Jessica, stay with me please. " He pleaded as he wrapped his arms around me. Even though I was hurting in a bunch of places, and after that whole scene, I felt safe in his arms.
" It's done, your safe now baby. Don't close your eyes. " he put his arms under me and starts carrying me outside. He runs into the forrest and I see black dots clouding my vision.
And then I saw darkness.
Heyyyooo! I worked really hard on this chapter, so I hope you liked it. It's longer then all of the others too! I don't have an updating schedule so don't expect a due date. You'll hopefully never have to wait more than a week for a new update though. I hope your day as been great, mine has been more on the good side but it had a lot of rough patches too. Have a great rest of your Friday, and have a great weekend!
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