《Shy One (Completed)》Thank you! (A/N)


Thank you so much for making it end to my short book!

Don't be sad that Mable's story is over!

Even though I'm not planning to make a sequel to her book, her story continues just a little in my other and older book, The Greatest Beta.

Although, in my opinion, The Greatest Beta is much more complicated and cringy I put more things into Black Wolves and a bit on Mable and Caleb in that book.


If you really, Really, REALLY, want me to make a seperate book on Mable's life that may or may not bring back Axel (not hinting at anything, I just haven't planned on continuing Mable's story in too much detail) please leave a comment here telling me if you are interested.

If not, please check out my other books!

Especially my newer book, Short Stories, where you can read small chapters of books I've wanted to write or just came up with the idea.

There you can get a taste of what kind of (uncreative) writer I am and leave a comment there if you want to see a book from the excerpt I made.

Thanks again for reading!

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