《Shy One (Completed)》Chapter 25 (New Edition)


"So I put it here?" I was holding onto Caleb's things at the moment. A huge dark oak trunk that a year ago I wouldn't be able to carry something at this size, but for some reason this giant trunk allegedly weighed nearly 500 lbs.

I was just going to take a his word for it.

And the heavy metallic smell was almost giving me a headache.

It's been a few weeks since I moved here to the island and Caleb has been having me tag along with him on his 'job trips' and honestly I've never seen the world so much before, and never have been more sea sick in my life.

Black wolves aren't suppose to get sick, but the mixture of the ocean smell and the constant smell of rotting flesh that seemed to follow every black wolf-owned vehicle and it was really bothering me.

But every time I puked and was a complete mess, Caleb was there to hold my hair back and to fill me up with so many tonics and mystery potions that at this point I can't tell which is water and which is a potion that had toad's tongue in it.

I have met the witch who mixes my medicine.

I have seen things that I cannot even comprehend that I consumed blindly.

Caleb seemed unfazed by the types of ingredients that I watched the witch toss into her cauldron, but watching a originally clear liquid turn neon green was probably one of the most disturbing things I've witnessed.

But I never argued with the results and I've never felt stronger.

Being able to lift things like this ridiculous trunk was such an improvement compared to my previous inability to even do a push-up.


"Mable, you're wandering again," Caleb called out my name as I walked past the table that he instructed me to toss the trunk on. He held a playful smile on his face, his red eye had a slight gleam of amusement, but his black eye was dead, or so dark that I couldn't detect anything from it.

"Sorry," I put the trunk down, next to the even larger one that he brought it.

We were currently in a rather dark basement deep in the island under some hut that really looked hand-dug. It was impressive how badly this basement was developed, and the pillars were so crooked that I thought if I bumped one of them the whole room would come down on us.

"You can leave now," Caleb pulled out a reddish key that looked straight out of a fantasy book and proceeded to stick it in the trunk he brought in. "Go back to your room and rest."

I nodded and proceeded to leave without question. I already knew he did shady stuff, and I've only seen a small sliver of what he can do.

The blood.

The screams.

The nightmares.

I basically bolted up the crooked dirt stairs. The stairs are almost stone like from the packing done by heavy footsteps. Years of shady business I guess.

I ran right through the territory, straight towards Caleb's house, but I found my legs bounding right past his home and soon I found myself at the tip of a cliff, staring out into the endless ocean.

It felt so empty out there, and so small over here.

**Mable come back to the house, it's not safe to wander on your own.** Caleb's voice echoed into my head and I found myself walking back, the ocean breeze pushing my hair slightly into my face.


It smelled so fresh out there.

**Coming,** I replied, sighing aloud as I re-adjusted my hair and tucked it behind my ears. My hair felt so much thicker and healthier, even glistened in the sun from time to time like Caleb's. Though I suspect it will never get to that midnight black like the other's.

"Mable," Caleb was standing in the front door, holding it open for me as I walked pasted him, "Get some rest, the trip must have been very hard on you."

I nodded in agreement, swallowing slightly as I remembered the bile that was continuously present as we traveled.

"I'll get you when it's time for dinner," Caleb walked me to my room, making sure I actually went into the bleak room instead of running around the whole house.

"Okay," I wave him off as he tried to close the door, though struggle for a moment when the doorknob came off.

But as soon as my back hit the mattress, a rather dusty mattress that immediately caused my to sneeze, I found the fatigue hit me like a truck.

I kept my eyes closed as I tried to fight off some memories, trying to forget the smells and sounds that will probably haunt me every time I let my mind wander.

Perhaps I should get used to this, this life that is full of black wolves and mystical creatures that either try to kill me or try to use me. At least Caleb is there to lead me where I should be safe.

Perhaps one day I will get to do something on my own.

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