《Shy One (Completed)》Chapter 12


"M-mate?" Brennon stuttered, getting up with blood dripping from his head. "Mable what is he talking about?"

My throat was filled with bile, I couldn't speak. I tried to open my mouth, but no sounds came out. I curled up more in my seat, trying to vanish from the scene like one of those fairies. I hid my head more in my arms, until I was suddenly lifted out of my chair.

An addicting smell filled my senses, but I was too afraid to budge until it felt like I was moving.

I managed to pry my head out from it's handmade cove to see a pair of glowing blue orbs and a harsh snarl that shows ever his large canines and fangs that were almost growing. We were outside and almost through the whole parking lot towards the forest edge before I knew it.

"Axel?" I squeaked, the fresh air and strong breeze refreshed my throat. "W-where are we going?" I tried to turn my head, but the breeze turned harsher, forcing me to bury myself into his chest attempting to get warm.

Light vibrations went through him, tingling my numbing face.

He's purring?

"Mate has nothing to worry about," Axel's voice was gruffer, and a bit child-like, "Mate will be safe with Axel."

I shivered from both the cold and his words, "B-but Axel, we aren't mates."

How abruptly he stopped almost sent me flying if he wasn't holding so close.

"What." His entire chest rumbled with his voice. He looked down at me, his burning eyes were flowing with passion and sorrow. "Mate is mate." He croaked, "Mate will always be mine." He leaned down, burying his face in my neck like some sad puppy, whimpering to tug on my heart strings.


"Axel," I awkwardly patted his head, "Can't you feel it?" I stroked his soft-ass hair gently, admiring its silken feel. "Our bond is fading, we aren't going to be mates."

"No!" He squeezed me like a stuffed animal, though not enough to hurt me. "Mate is mine." He was whispering that over and over again into my hair.

There was some distant shouting, making Axel start sprinting again deeper and deeper into the forest. The trees flew behind up as he ran faster, faster than I thought was possible in human form, the shouting getting farther and farther away until I couldn't hear them at all.

He didn't seem like he was slowing down at all, so all I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to him even though it feels like he won't drop me.

"Axel slow down!" I cried, burying my face more. The November air was cold, and even colder when you are going 30 miles per hour uncovered.

"Mate was scared so mate has to be with Axel." Axel jumped over some large ranive, landing smoothly on the other side.

"Then where are we going?!" I shout, something I hardly do. I tried to struggle, but Axel clung to me with so much protectiveness.

"Away from everyone else." He growled out, finally stopping at some lake. He didn't set me down though, he seemed to hold me closer as he walked at the lake edge towards a cave. "No one will bother mate anymore."

I wiggled enough for him to get the message to set me down, and as soon as his arms were no longer around me his eyes returned to normal, as well as that typical scowl.

"Axel?" I tilt my head, looking up at him with mild worry. I have a feeling this isn't going to end well for me but I might as well test it.


"Who the hell are you calling Axel? It's alpha to you." He crossed his arms, taking a big step away from me while looking at me back with those hate-filled eyes. "Where are we?" He looked around, recognition flashed in his eyes but he didn't comment.

"Oh, umm," I cowarded away, looking at the ground between us, "I'm n-not sure."

I clutched my sleeves with my hands, feeling how sweaty they were now that I was in very close proximity to my ex-mate. My heart wasn't beating that hard but it's still going so quickly. My body wasn't shaking but my legs were sure as hell trembling. In a few minutes I'm probably going to collapse.

He just sighed, sounding thoroughly annoyed with this whole situation.

All of the sudden he turned around and walked the opposite away from the cave, but just like in the movies it started pouring. Gallons upon gallons of rain came down on the both of us, but I was too frozen to react, only flinching when thundered roared across the sky.

Axel just walked around me straight to the cave and plopped on the side, growling to himself while mumbling.

"Well?" He shouted, making me jump. He was louder than the thunder. "Are you coming?" He muttered something more, but I couldn't understand him over the rain. I still trudged over, my baggy sweatshirt feeling heavier as I walked.

I sat across from him, not speaking as I curled up.

Strangely enough I wasn't that cold. In fact I felt great, not as warm than usual but still pretty comfortable. Typically I was freezing 24/7 but after taking that uncomfortably-green medicine from this morning I've been feeling a lot better.

"Are you okay?" He mumbled, probably feeling obligated to ask this as a new pack member.

"Y-yes, thank you." I mumbled, back. My fingers started tingling, not in a bad way but it was still freaky. My body felt lighter suddenly, the soaked sweatshirt not weighing me down anymore.

Axel on the other hand tossed his shirt away from him. Its wet, heavy, mass of cloth made an awkward slap sound against the cold, dry, stone.

"We'll wait till the rain stops before heading back to the pack house." He growled out, leaning against the rocks and shifted around to get comfortable - or as comfortable as you can get when you are quite literally on a bed of rocks. "Wake me up when it stops."

I just nod, looking out in the rain with some fondness.

Within seconds his breathing evened out, signaling that he was asleep.

Well that was fast.

Rain always was comforting to me.

When it rains my old pack mates would leave me alone. They didn't want to get their expensive and designer shoes and clothes ruined.

It was like the weather wanted to protect me. Every time I was really down and feeling lonely it would rain, and sometimes snow. Watching those large drops and flakes were so... comforting.

I found myself smiling at the rain, the thunder long forgotten even when it made the cave walls echo.

Even if my ex-mate was out cold I felt wide awake. I didn't want to miss a second of the powerful drops of rain.

I didn't even notice when my mate woke up and started watching me.

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