《Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations》Chapter 26
"Ethan, you're such a cheat, I just saw you move the piece."
We were playing Ludo with Ethan's grandmother, and since he was losing badly he had resorted to cheating.
"You didn't have to snitch on me, you've already won," he grumbled.
"You're such a sore loser," I laughed.
His grandma had gone to the bathroom, so he had decided to take advantage of her absence by moving his piece.
He crossed his arms like a 3-year-old. "You don't know what she's like when she beats me, she really rubs it in," Ethan whined. This just made me laugh harder.
As I did, I noticed Ethan was staring at me with a funny look in his eyes. The corner of his mouth was curved up as though he couldn't help but smile. Coming down from my laughing fit, a question popped to mind.
"Ethan, can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah sure, go ahead," he said with a nonchalant shrug, as he leaned back on his chair.
"You know that girl you mentioned you had a crush, why do you like her?" I asked curiously. I tried to keep my voice nice, and calm, not wanting my jealousy to seep through my words.
Because fuck was I jealous. Getting Ethan Blythe to like you was quite an accomplishment as he's awfully fucking picky. I've never seen the boy ask out a single girl. Not once!
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion for a couple of seconds as though he didn't quite get what I was on about. Soon, his eyes lit up with recollection, and an amused smirk crawled its way on to his face.
"Well, I like that girl for many reasons," he smiled. "I guess a big one's because she's funny, and how she always seems to have some comeback up her sleeve. She's sassy and smart, and fun. And well, just beautiful," he finished with a goofy grin.
Jesus fucking Christ, how whipped could one guy get?
"Oh, and one more," he added. "She's sexy as -fuck, and her body is just, uh," he groaned as he bit his lip.
My stomach turned in rage. "Okay, okay, I get it, Ethan. You've made your fucking point," I snapped rather sharply. I didn't even care that I had potentially outed myself. Hearing your crush go on a tangent about another girls' body, was just far too fucking awful to listen to.
Wait a second...I should totally help try and hook them up. It would be the perfect slap in the face, to help me get over him. How did I not think of this before?
"Ethan, no offense, but why don't you grow some balls and ask this girl out?" I snapped boldly.
Looking alarmed by the question, he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "It's a little more complicated than that Mia. I have to wait a little longer until I'm good enough for her," he shrugged.
"Sounds like you're just making excuses to me," I scoffed.
"Okay, I'm not going to lie, asking her out scares the shit out of me." he laughs. "But, I'm serious though about not being ready for her. I want to be perfect when we're finally together, I don't want to have anger issues, I don't want to still be in therapy, I want to be fixed," he stammered out.
"She deserves a guy who's as perfect as she is. And one day I'll be that guy, just not today," he finished softly. His eyes were dripping with such an intensity, that I could scarcely look away. It was beautiful how much he cared for her.
Giving him a comforting smile, I took his hand. "Ethan, you're way too hard on yourself. There's nothing wrong with you, and you're not broken, okay?" I explained softly. "So, you lose your temper sometimes, so what? I do too, no-ones perfect Ethan, even her."
He shook his head. "No, you're wrong, she might not seem perfect to some, but she'll always seem perfect to me Mia, always," he stated confidently.
I was silenced by his words, and I looked away as I tried to think of the right thing to say. "B-but what happens if she meets someone else? I asked. "By the time your 'perfect', she might be gone."
Ethan started to chuckle as though I just told a joke. "You honestly think I haven't thought about that?" he laughed. "It might be a little unorthodox and kinda wrong, but I kind of keep an eye on her. I make sure nothing gets too far," he smirked.
"Holy crap, so you fuck around with her relationships," I laughed. "You're a terrible person, you know, that right?" I said, shaking my head at him in amusement.
He snorted. "Yeah, I know. Never said I wasn't a dick," he shrugged.
"You know, I think I figured out who she is," I taunted smugly.
His whole face went ghostly white, and a look of sheer panic swept over his face. He leaped from his chair.
"No, no, no, no. What? How?" he stammered out, as he ran a hand frantically through his hair. "Oh, for fucks sake! Did Lucas tell you? I'm going to kill him," he cried as he started to pace around like a mad-man.
Why the hell was he so stressed for?.
"Calm down, you idiot. I'm not going to tell her," I laughed.
Ethan stopped pacing and turned to me. "Wait a second... who do you think it is?" He asked cautiously.
"Duh, that blonde-haired girl you were talking to at Lucas' party," I said.
Ethan let out a shaky sigh of relief and flopped down on to his chair with a relieved smile. "Oh, thank god. You really scared the shit out of me," he said in between heavy breaths.
"I'm a little bit confused.," I said slowly.
He snorted. "That's for sure. I definitely don't have a crush on her, she's my fucking aunt," he said, as he pulled a face of disgust.
"How on earth? She looks like she's 18 or something," I exclaimed.
"Yeah, she's my Mum's extremely younger sister, my grandad remarried someone way younger, so hence the big age gap," he shrugged.
"Oh," I said simply. Well, I guess I was wrong then...
Soon his grandma entered the room again, forcing me to drop the subject.
A few hours later, I was leaned back against the headboard of the bed as I waited for Ethan to return. We'd been chatting up in the guestroom, but a few minutes ago Ethan had been called down, to help his grandma fix her TV. Consequentially, leaving me alone.
Hearing the door creak, I looked up in surprise.
And guess which shitty little bastard walked in? You guessed it, Connor.
"What are you doing here?" I spat rudely. No way in hell was I over the fact that he tried to grope me up in the parking lot. Conner marched his way deeper into the room.
"Let's not get feisty, I just wanted to chat," he chuckled as he relaxed into the armchair by the bed. I eyed his every movement with utter distaste.
"I'm curious Mia. How well do you think you know Ethan?" he posed.
"Well enough," I snapped.
"Are you sure? Because I know for a fact, he keeps things from you." he smiled.
"And I'm supposed to believe you why?" I scoffed, as I raised a single brow.
"Well, for one thing, don't you wonder where he goes on Wednesday afternoon's," he taunted, with the tilt of his head.
"I already know he's gets counseled; you idiot and I don't give two shits. Now, will you kindly fuck off," I snapped as I pointed at the door.
"But don't you wonder why he has a short fuse?" Connor drawled.
I smiled innocently. "I don't know, probably from too many years hanging out with you."
Before he could say anything else, Ethan walked into the room. He froze as soon as his eyes landed on Connor before his mouth twisted into a scowl.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Ethan spat.
"Not much, just making conversation with your pretty little girlfriend," Connor said as he winked at me.
He rose from the chair and slowly sauntered his way to the door, where Ethan still stood. He paused once he reached Ethan and smiled.
"And boy, was it a good chat."
That was all he had to say before Ethan lost it. Grabbing a scruff full of his shirt, he slammed Connor up against the wall.
"I thought I told you to leave her the fuck alone," Ethan yelled.
"But I didn't, so hit me then. What are you waiting for, you coward? Hit me!" Connor sneered.
A pained look passed through Ethan's eyes. Slowly releasing Connor's shirt, he took a step back. "You know what, you're not even worth it," Ethan scoffed. "Just get out!"
"You're truly pathetic Ethan, you truly are," Connor laughed as he left the room.
Silence filled the air before Ethan glanced over at me with a look of worry etched on to his face.
"He didn't harass you or anything, did he?" he asked softly.
"Nah, not at all. He was just chatting his usual shit," I said dismissively. "Just forget about it and come sit," I said, patting the spot on the beside me.
With a sigh, he walked over to me and flopped down on to his back beside me. Propping his head on his elbow, he stared at me for a while, as though lost in thought.
"You did the right thing, you know," I smiled.
"Well, only this time. But I guess, it's a start," Ethan said, returning my smile.
After a couple of moments of silence, I spoke up. "You know, your grandma is kinda crazy," I laughed.
He cracked a smile. "Yeah, I know. She can be a little bit forward at the best of times."
"A little bit?" I scoffed. "The woman wants me pregnant by the end of the year," I laughed.
"I'm not sure your Dad would be all too happy about that," he sang in amusement.
I snorted. "Yeah, he probably wouldn't be thrilled if he found out we shared a bed either."
Ethan didn't seem to find this funny at all. His smile instantly dropped from his face, and he eyed me warily. "You won't tell him, right?" He rambled out quickly.
"Of course, I'm fucking not! You're annoying Ethan, but I don't want you to die," I laughed as I rolled my eyes.
He let out a huge sigh of relief. My eyes then drifted over to his bicep, and before I knew it words were flying out of my mouth. "How the hell are you so ripped?" I abruptly asked. A Cheshire-sized grin worked its way on to his face, causing me to instantly regret my words.
"Did my imagination just run away from me or did Mia Collins, just give me a compliment?" he teased.
"And this is exactly why you don't get them," I snapped. "Just hurry up and answer the question." I didn't even need to look, to know my face was turning a bright scarlet.
"Er...I suppose because of Soccer practice, but I guess boxing keeps me a little in shape too," he shrugged.
"Wait, what? You're into boxing? I didn't know that!" I exclaimed in surprise.
"I'm surprised you didn't either, Mrs stalker," he teased.
"Let it go, Ethan, it was one time!"
You tail a boy's car once, and he never lets you hear the end of it...
"Well, are you any good?" I probed.
He smirked. "In bed?"
"No, you idiot, I meant at boxing!"
He scoffed. "Well, of course, I am, I'm the best," he remarked arrogantly
Mid-way through rolling my eyes at him, a brilliant idea came to mind. Without any warning, I threw myself on top of him, causing him to completely collapse onto his back in shock. Grabbing both of his hands, I pinning them above his head. I looked down at him triumphantly with the widest grin on my face.
Take that dickhead.
The expression on his face was beyond amusing. His mouth was parted open in shock, and his eyes looked dazed and disoriented.
"Still think you're the best?" I taunted.
His eyes sparkled in amusement. "This is wrestling Chubs, not boxing," he laughed.
Well, this is awkward...
I was just about to get off him, but then I felt the world swirl around me. Before I knew what was happening, I was on flat on my back with Ethan's arrogant face above me. The jerk had flipped me.
"But it's fine, I'm still better at wrestling than you anyway," he winked.
Raging with shame, I started to flail pathetically underneath him in an attempt to free my hands which he had pinned above my head.
It's fine. I can do this. I can totally flip him back over.
After an embarrassing ten seconds of me trying to get him off, and him not budging, I laid back in defeat.
"Well, that was a bit sad, wasn't it?" he laughed. "Wait a second...," he paused. "Please tell me that wasn't your best attempt to flip me," he said, looking down at me in concern.
"Pft...no," I lied.
He just stared down at me blankly. "Okay, okay, maybe it was...," I trailed off in embarrassment.
He frowned. "What would you do if I were attacking you for real, Mia?"
"Realise I'm screwed and cry," I joked.
"This isn't funny, Mia," he snapped. "If a guy was really attacking you, a smart option would be to knee them in their groin. It will buy you a few seconds to run," he explained in a serious tone.
Huh, not a bad idea.
Almost immediately after he said that I decided to give it a shot. As he was busy rambling on about something else, I jerked my knee up sharply and kneed him in the balls.
"Holy, fuck!" He yelled, as he quickly released my wrists and flopped down on to the bed beside me. Groaning, he crawled into the fetal position and clutched his crotch in pain.
Wow, he clearly knew what he was talking about. That was effective!
It was an hour later, and we were driving home. Ethan was murmuring profanities to himself as he glared out the window.
He was giving me the silent treatment.
Apparently, he hadn't meant for me to demonstrate when he said I should kick my attacker in the groan. He was being such a baby about it, and still had an ice pack nestled to his groin. There was no way it still hurt after so long! It was slightly awkward having to explain to his grandma what had happened. She was a bit confused about why I would want to injure 'the source of my future children.'
I let out an exasperated sigh before breaking the silence. "Look, Ethan, I'm sorry, okay, I didn't realize it was going to hurt that badly."
"You don't sound all that sorry to me," he remarked. He tried to maintain a scowl on his face, but his face soon softened.
"At least I know you have some form of defense in an emergency," he sighed. "But you're still not that good, so I'm gonna teach you self-defense," he snapped with finality in his tone.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I mumbled dismissively.
"I'm not joking Mia, there are terrible people out there who are capable of awful things," he said as his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
"Why are you getting so worked up about it?" I asked in confusion.
He paused before answering. "I just don't want to see you hurt, okay," he said with a distant look in his eyes.
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